Radish, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Radish is an annual or biennial herb,
species of the genus Radish of the Cabbage family. Radish root vegetable
depending on the variety, it can have a round, oval
or an oblong shape. Skin color – from ordinary
black and gray to white, pink, green, purple. Black and green radishes are more tender, green ones are even sweetish.
Both root vegetables and young foliage are eaten.
radish, adding it to various salads and soups. Roots
radishes are consumed raw, boiled and fried,
added to salads, snacks, okroshka, borscht, soups, various
meat and vegetable dishes.

It is believed that the birthplace of the radish is Egypt, where from
her seeds were made with vegetable oil, a very common
in those times. From Egypt, the radish came to Ancient Greece,
and from there to Europe. She was brought to our country
from Asia and quickly became popular. Radish used
mainly in the preparation of churi and helped to survive
hungry times.

The ancient Greeks and Romans highly respected the radish. As narrated
legend, when Apollo was asked about the merits of the plant,
he replied that it was worth as much gold as
weighs itself.

Useful properties of radish

Raw white radish contains (in 100 g):

Calories 14 Kcal

Radish roots are rich in minerals, contain
on average 13% dry matter, about 2% protein, 8,4% carbohydrates,
vitamins C, B1, B2,
organic acids, essential oils and glucosides.

Radish contains carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins, essential
oils. Roots contain up to 90% water, sugar,
fiber, sulfur-containing substances that determine it
phytoncidal and bactericidal properties, acids, sodium, potassium salts,
calcium, magnesium,
phosphorus, iron,
amino acids, etc. Radish, due to its composition,
very useful in winter and early spring to replenish
lack of vitamins and mineral salts in the body.
Radish has powerful antimicrobial properties.

In folk medicine, grated radish is used to treat
radiculitis. Raw grated radish and its juice are recommended
as a means of stimulating appetite, contributing to the best
emptying the gallbladder, as well as expelling excess
body fluids. Radish with its specific
properties are largely due to bitter glucosides
and aromatic essential oils, which also contribute to
dissolution of stones with urolithiasis.

Even Greek doctors treated eye diseases with radish
and digestive organs, and the famous Roman historian Pliny
and the Greek scientist Galen recommended it as a remedy
against hemoptysis, kidney disease and for arousal
appetite. In the middle of the century, radish with honey was considered the best medicine for many diseases.

These garden crops were used as food for treatment
in Ancient Egypt, Hellas, Rome, and from seeds they received
butter. Radish and turnips close to it are mentioned by “father
botanists ”Theophrastus Medage. Since antiquity
unanimously note that radish increases appetite and improves
digestion. Doctors of antiquity and the Middle Ages used
radish for diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines,
as an appetite-enhancing agent for hair strengthening.

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Radish increases bile production, stimulates function
digestive glands, improves intestinal motility,
has anti-sclerotic properties. These properties
allow you to use radish to increase your appetite,
with intestinal atony, constipation, cholecystitis and gallstone

Nowadays, radish juice with the addition of honey is successfully
get rid of cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract,
treat bronchitis and whooping cough. For rheumatism and gout with a mixture
radish juice, table salt and vodka relieve joint
pain when applying compresses. This is a wonderful remedy
with edema, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, anemia.
Radish juice has an antiseptic effect. List
the merits of this truly golden vegetable can be
continued. And provide its medicinal properties such
substances such as vitamin C, an essential oil containing
sulfur, rafanol and rafanin, butyl mustard oil and many

Radish juice is used for proper functioning
intestines, to strengthen hair, radish is beneficial
affects the digestive system. Radish is used
in order to prevent atherosclerosis, edema, bilious
and urolithiasis.

Radish came to the territory of our country from peoples
Asia and became one of the favorite vegetables of our ancestors.
The national dish, tyuryu, was prepared from it. … received
a number of good plant varieties. Radish was written about in herbalists
as a good remedy for cough, whooping cough, kidney stones
and the bladder. It was recommended to use it when
hemoptysis, neuralgia, anemia, flatulence, gout,
as a wound healing, lactogenic and antihelminthic

See also  Chokeberry (Aronia), Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Dangerous properties of radish

The use of radish is contraindicated in case of stomach diseases,
kidneys, pancreas, with a number of diseases of the cardiovascular
system and small intestine.

Eat pure radish, without other components,
especially not recommended: it is very harsh and caustic
taste, which leads to overreaction in our
the body, can adversely affect the activity
heart and digestive system. Radish blends well
with carrots and apples.

How to make the most delicious vitamin radish salad.

See also the properties of other vegetables:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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