Rudd, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

One of the species of freshwater fish of the Carp family, the order of carps.
It is considered the most common lake fish, as it is found
everywhere, in addition to the oldest and most overwhelmed lakes.

The rudd inhabits many Central Asian and European water bodies:
she lives in lakes and rivers that flow into the Caspian, Black,
Azov, North, Baltic and Aral seas. This fish was introduced
to Morocco, Tunisia, Madagascar, Spain, Ireland, New Zealand
and Canada. However, in the last two states, the attitude to rudd is
somewhat hostile: here it is considered as a harmful species, displacing
local species of aquatic inhabitants.

The rudd is considered an inhabitant of the thickets, since it chooses
places with stagnant water, as a rule, shallow overgrown bays. Less often
this species is found in flowing rivers and in open water: rudd
does not approve of stormy and fast streams, because with its forms on the unrestrained
the current is not particularly frolic. At night, the rudd is inactive,
and on sunny calm days it rises in flocks to the surface
water. In winter, rudd heaps in deep places where
until spring. It feeds, as a rule, on insect larvae, worms and
algae, and large rudd do not neglect small fish.

The rudd is considered the most beautiful fish in water bodies. Every fisherman
first he will admire her shining scales and only then lay this
fish with scarlet fins in your cage. Her body is quite tall
slightly compressed on the sides, covered with dense, firmly seated scales,
which glows with a golden sheen. The back of the rudd has
brownish-green, its belly is silvery-white, and
all fins are bright red or crimson. Outwardly, this fish is very
similar to roach,
but differs from the relative by a red speck at the top and an orange tint
eye. Her head is not large, her mouth “looks” up. Body weight can
fluctuate from 0,3 to 2 kilograms, and growth – from 15 to 50 centimeters.

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How to choose

To make a rudd dish tasty, you need it correctly
to choose. First of all, look at the eyes of the fish. They are
should be prominent, light and bright. The presence of turbidity in them is
the first sign of spoilage.

If the fish is fresh, then when you press on the carcass, the meat will be enough
elastic, and its surface will quickly recover.

If the rudd smells unpleasant, there are stains on its surface,
mucus, damage are signs of spoilage and acquire such fish
it is impossible.

How to store

You can store rudd in the same way as other types of fish. To last longer
to keep fish fresh, there are several ways:

  • Stun with a wooden mallet on the head. After that her
    should be placed in a basket, not in a thick layer and stored in a ventilated
    a place in the shade, covering the top with a wet rag.
  • To preserve fish for a short time – no more than a day – it is necessary
    rinse, let the water drain, lay on ice in the glacier and cover with a rag.
  • For longer storage – up to 2 days – the fish costs
    put in a basket or loose box (for draining water) and sprinkle
    finely crushed ice (40-50% of the weight of the rudd). Laying is done
    like this: ice is poured onto the bottom of the basket with a layer of 10 centimeters, on top they put
    fish in 2-3 rows, depending on its size, then again a layer of ice
    and 3 rows of fish and, finally, ice up to 20 cm thick.
  • To preserve the rudd for up to 7 days, ice-salt
    mixtures. Then the temperature of the fish can be brought to -8 ° C, depending
    from the ratio of ice and salt, which can reach 2-10%. Wherein
    the way you can store fish depending on the temperature and its quality
    from 7 to 15 days.
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You can also freeze the rudd to keep it fresh.
The easiest way to freeze fish during ice fishing is when outside.
-15 ° C – at this temperature, it freezes quickly. For this fish
placed on cleaned ice in one layer. When the fish is frozen, its
put in a dense box. For this, sawdust is poured into it,
cover them with a cloth, then put the fish, cover with any cloth and
covered with sawdust. You need to store such a box with fish in a cold room.
At other times of the year, it is better to freeze fish in the freezer.
– there it retains its original qualities.

Remember that the fish must be in perfect condition before freezing.
condition – the processing of carcasses must be carried out carefully, avoiding
mechanical damage.

You can store fresh fish in the refrigerator at temperatures from 0
up to +3 ° C, but without viscera.

First, it is gutted and cleaned. Then they wash, wipe with a napkin to
pick up moisture. In the refrigerator, the fish is placed in a bowl covered with food
foil or in a container with a lid.

If you are going to store the fish for 2 days, you can sprinkle it with salt.
or use lemon
juice, from which the meat is slightly marinated, becoming more tender.

The maximum shelf life of rudd in the refrigerator is 2 days.

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In cooking

The culinary qualities of the rudd are not as good as their looks.
The meat has a very specific taste that you like
far from all. But if you approach the preparation of this fish with knowledge
business, the result can be more than impressive, and the surrounding
they will not suspect what kind of fish they are relishing.

The rudd is fried, baked, stewed in milk, salted, smoked,
dried and stuffed. Spices, marinades, sauces help to improve its taste.
and greens. True, when preparing fish soup to rudd, it is advised to add
other types of fish, as due to the low fat content of the ear from
it turns out to be not very rich.

But the main dish of rudd meat is considered to be cutlets, which
are especially tender and melt in the mouth if you follow the recipe.
The fish is washed, peeled, the pulp is separated and passed through a meat grinder
with the addition of bread, bacon, onion, garlic.
An egg, salt and pepper are added to this mass. Then they form from it
cutlets, roll them in flour and fry. Of fins and bones
boil broth, pouring it into fried cutlets, folded into a saucepan,
and simmered over low heat. With this method of cooking cutlets
turn out juicy and tender.

If you remove the skin from the rudd before cooking the cutlets, then
it can be stuffed with cooked mass for cutlets, put
on a baking sheet lined with foil, grease the carcasses with mayonnaise or sour cream,
wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 35-50 minutes. at
temperature 180-200 deg.

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Fried rudd is no less tasty, especially if it is good
rinse it before cooking in a strong saline solution (this
will improve the smell and taste). In addition, rudd is considered a delicious dish,
stewed in milk
and in the store this fish can be purchased in salted form, which is
an excellent snack for beer.

This fish goes well with vegetables, olives, eggs, mushrooms.
Vegetable stew acquires excellent taste when added to it
fish meat.

Potato is usually served as a side dish with rudd dishes.
mashed potatoes or boiled green peas.

Many do not like rudd because of its bony and specific
taste, but knowing some secrets, you can easily cope with these

  • To preserve the taste and health benefits of frozen fish,
    you need to defrost it in the refrigerator. Use a microwave
    stove or hot water is not advised.
  • To get rid of the characteristic taste, the rudd can be soaked
    in milk or rinse with saline.
  • Before frying fish, it is recommended to make cuts on the sides so that
    the small bones are well done and soft.

Caloric value

Rudd is not a high-calorie fish at all, while the fat content
very low. Therefore, in boiled,
baked or as part of a vegetable stew, it can be great
option for dietary meals.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 18,3 3 – 1,2 70 100

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Useful properties of rudd

Composition and presence of nutrients

The meat of the rudd is low-fat, but it is quite rich in a range of various
vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins. This inhabitant of rivers and lakes
contains vitamin PP, which is indispensable for protein metabolism and is needed
to release energy from carbohydrates and fats. He is also good
affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems, maintains normal
the condition of the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity and intestines, under it
the action improves the work of the stomach and pancreas.

Of the minerals in rudd in terms of quantity, the leader is
fluoride, which plays a major role in caries prevention
and problems with tooth enamel, potassium, which regulates acid-base
and water balance and ensuring good physical activity and
normal heart function, as well as phosphorus, which is necessary for metabolic
processes. In addition, the meat of rudd contains chlorine, which
is needed for digestion and helps cells and tissues to get rid of
slags, and sodium, which is involved in the transport of amino acids.
Fish contains smaller amounts of magnesium, calcium, chromium, nickel,
iron and molybdenum.

Useful and healing properties

The benefits of rudd are vitamins, minerals and acids,
contained in it, moreover, it is not very oily. The composition of the fish
includes an easily digestible protein, which is important for the functioning of all internal organs.

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Rudd helps to establish protein metabolism and provides the body
energy. The use of fish has a positive effect on the work of the nervous
system, heart and blood vessels. It helps to improve the appearance of the mucosa
and skin. In addition, the work of the digestive tract returns to normal.

Eat rudd for bone health and prevention
occurrence of dental problems. Thanks to potassium, excess
liquid, pressure and acid-base balance are normalized. Also
thanks to the rudd, you can improve the functioning of the digestive
systems and clean the cells from toxins.

Dangerous properties of rudd

You can not use rudd only with individual intolerance.
But it is also very important to choose, store and prepare the fish correctly,
to protect yourself from parasites that may be contained in
fish, as well as food poisoning caused by stale or incorrect
cooked product.

Caught a rudd and don’t know what to make from it? Try the delicious soup made by Serge Markovic.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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