The correct treatment of ornithosis in pigeons

Pigeon ornithosis is a common disease. The disease damages the main vital systems (respiratory and motor), and also causes an increase in the liver and spleen. More than 150 species of birds are subject to its negative effects, the most common of which is the blue pigeon that lives on all continents.

  1. Characteristic
  2. Symptoms
  3. Treatment <
  4. Helpful hints

Орнитоз у голубей

Ornithosis in pigeons

The peddlers are intracellular parasites – chlamydia. The infection can harm not only animals, but also provoke chlamydia in humans. Ornithosis in pigeons needs to be treated at the first signs of the disease. Symptoms and treatment of the disease ornithosis in pigeons is easy to identify if you regularly monitor for eating birds.


When chlamydia enters the pigeon’s habitat, the virus enters the body through the respiratory system and affects the cells. When released, chlamydia continue to live in feces for a week and infect the rest.In this case, the diseased pigeon must be moved to a separate enclosure for maintenance. Chlamydia is dangerous for humans: the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. In order to protect yourself from the virus, you should use various protection methods:

  • isolation of infected pigeons;
  • disinfection of the premises in which the birds are located;
  • masks close contact;
  • carrying out preventive actions.
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Sick pigeons have a good chance of recovery.Prevention should be carried out in advance to reduce disease rates. Chlamydia is very resistant to temperature changes and does not make it possible to notice symptoms at the initial stage, which leads to a massive disease of birds. For prevention and disinfection use:

  • formalin;
  • phenol;
  • chloramine;
  • lime;
  • carbolic acid.

You also need to remember about regular house cleaning and hygiene in general.


Ornithosis in pigeons manifested by various symptoms. This mainly depends on the state of the bird and the stability of the immune system. The incubation period ranges from 6 to 17 days. The first lesions of ornithosis can be seen by the behavior of the pigeon. Ornithoses in pigeons can provoke a change in mood and passivity, as a result of which a refusal of food is observed. Such symptoms of ornithosis in pigeons are characteristic in the initial stages. Treating an individual is very important when the first signs of the disease appear.

There are 2 types of ornithosis:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

In the acute form, the respiratory systems are damaged, and in the atypical, acute violation of all systems occurs without lung damage.

The eyes are the first to suffer from chlamydia infections. The pigeon does not respond well to light; rings around its eyes are pulled out. The eyeball is filled with viscous mucus and crusty. Further, the mucus becomes purulent, and the area around the eyes goes bald.

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Over the course of several days, the pigeon’s weight decreases markedly and his appetite is lost, the pet becomes inactive and lethargic. Chlamydia strongly affects the lungs, causing a heavy wet cough and loud, distinct breathing. The following symptoms of ornithosis are loose stools, immobilization and, as a result, paralysis caused by damage to the motor system.


Ornithosis in pigeons should be promptly diagnosed and treated with antibiotics. Treatment in the last stages is a complex process that requires constant supervision and quality care. The first action is to enter quarantine and disinfect the house. It is necessary to completely wash the cells with special cleaning agents and change the flooring, if any. In the early stages, treatment is not difficult or difficult if the disease is correctly identified. Ornithosis is divided into 2 stages of exposure to the body:

  • antibiotic treatment;
  • vitamin recovery.

The antibiotic is added to bird feed and carry out feeding 7 times a day. Proportions are determined based on the weight of the chicken.

An antibiotic should be prescribed only by a veterinarian taking into account the condition and weight of the bird. The dosage for each individual may be different, even if they have revealed one disease. After antibiotic treatment, pigeons need urgent vitamin recovery with various drugs.Treatment is required to be carried out as soon as possible, since the cost of one or several birds differs significantly from the cost of the whole livestock.

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Useful tips

In order not to bring the birdworm to a chronic or acute stage, it is recommended to follow all the rules for the care and maintenance of birds, as well as conduct regular preventive measures. It is necessary to keep the birds clean, timely disinfection of the entire room, carefully clean pigeon droppings. It is recommended to clean the house and feeders with the use of special disinfectants.It is also necessary to control the supply of fresh food and water.

If the water is contaminated, you should change it to a new one, since through dirty water pigeons can catch infections and various viruses. Regular vaccination of birds should be carried out in a timely manner. Every 6-12 months, it is necessary to show the birds to the veterinarian for an examination. If you follow the simple rules for keeping pigeons, the chances of the livestock getting sick with ornithosis are reduced.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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