Description of the breed Uzbek pigeons

Uzbek pigeons are famous for their pedigree and flying abilities, which made them in demand both in Uzbekistan and abroad. The Uzbek war pigeons, or pigeons of Uzbekistan, are distinguished by their beauty and grace.

  1. Uzbek war pigeon
  2. Variegated and colored flying pigeons
  3. Care and maintenance
  4. Useful tips

Узбекские бойные голуби

Uzbek war pigeons

This type of bird did not get its name because of the addiction to fights.The main reason is a special flying style: they flip and flap their wings as if they were blowing air, creating an unusual sound – a fight. today the pigeons are a fairly large group of birds, which includes a large number of breeds.

Pigeons bred in Uzbekistan are famous for their attractive appearance: the standard assumes the presence of an amazing crest, beautiful plumage pattern, a variety of species of tails and beaks.

Uzbek pigeons attract attention and unusual appearance.When choosing an individual, you should pay attention to its appearance and state of health. Basically, farmers prefer to take the female and the male right away, so that they are suitable for breeding. It is best to buy winged only from trusted breeders or through acquaintances, where there will be confidence in the quality and naturalness of the breed. Purebred Uzbek pigeons are always highly regarded.

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Uzbek war pigeon

About 100 years ago, an old-breed pigeon with good flying qualities was brought out. Breeders tried to combine decorative and flying qualities in one form, and they succeeded.

Uzbek war pigeons can be divided into several types:

  • flight;
  • exhibition .

Depending on the color, decorative breeds have different plumage. In flying war pigeons, the plumage can be divided into 3 main subspecies: variegated, colored, and waist. Mostly they acquire a motley color of pigeons.

The most popular breeds are Molokans, Gulbadams. Uzbeks Gulbadam enjoy special respect among breeders. These are stately and very beautiful birds.

There are also decorative short-billed breeds of Uzbekistan – these are the Traps. The appearance of such birds is simply mesmerizing.

The differences between the breeds lie solely in the colors of the plumage. If an exhibition is planned, then individuals are specially prepared so as to highlight the beautiful plumage and show virtues. Photos allow you to compare the appearance and coloring of all varieties.

Variegated and colored flying pigeons

This subspecies of pigeons is characterized by a variegated colorful plumage, on which a heterogeneous pattern stands out. The most famous representatives of the motley are:

  • Avlak – a dove, with a predominant white plumage and multi-colored wings.
  • Chelkar – representatives with feathers on their paws.
  • Guldabam is a dove whose color is dominated by white, but a bright scarlet beard stands out.
  • Hakkya are proud owners white feathers on the tail.
  • Sochi – motley birds with the main white color.
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The main feature of the colored war pigeons is their one-color color. The most common colors:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • black;
  • brown .

The unusual color is not the only distinguishing feature of the Uzbek war pigeons. In addition, they are divided into groups, depending on the presence or absence of the forelock and its location.

  • Cloakless – pigeons that do not have a forelock.
  • Nose-flare – representatives who the forelock is placed above the beak.
  • The forelocks – with the forelock only on the back of the head.
  • Two-forelocks are happy owners of the forelock above the beak and on the back of the head.

The presence of a forelock is considered a kind of sign of an old-breed pigeon, so such representatives of birds are especially popular with breeders and incredibly valuable. The two-toed one looks beautiful at exhibitions and in the photo.

The farmer chooses the color of plumage based on personal preferences: at competitions or at an exhibition, a certain color of feathers does not play any role. The winner is the individual who best shows her flight performance. Often, poultry farmers choose the plumage of birds, which emphasizes the appearance of birds in flight.

Care and maintenance

Keeping and breeding thoroughbreds is not an inexpensive task. Representatives of unusual breeds are found in experienced breeders with sufficient material capabilities for their maintenance. And if the pigeon is also a representative of the exhibition breed, it requires special care. All breeders adhere to a specific set of rules in order to provide birds with the highest quality care.

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The basic rules are as follows:

  • Proper, high-quality, balanced nutrition is the key to the health of the pigeon.
  • Regular and timely vaccination.
  • Immediately after the acquisition, the pigeon is under observation. It is recommended to temporarily place the birds in a separate house so that in case of a sick condition you can immediately quarantine and ensure proper care, without risking to infect others.
  • Stable temperature and moderate humidity.
  • Soft flooring in the house, as its absence can injure birds. As a rule, the floor is covered with wooden sawdust and regularly changed.
  • In order to increase immunity, antibiotics are mixed with birds in the feed.
  • Birds must have free access to the street.

A well-cared pigeon will have good health, and the reproductive ability that every self-respecting breeder takes care of is much higher. The income depends on it.

To train flying individuals it is necessary in a game manner.

To begin with, conduct small short trainings for flying over short distances. Short-billed Uzbek pigeons are well trained.

Useful tips

When growing and keeping this breed, special attention should be paid to the premises where the birds will live, as well as to high-quality diet The poultry house needs to be built spacious, since the winged ones do not tolerate small rooms and enclosed spaces.

When transporting over long distances, individuals should be accustomed to a long move in advance and planted in a cage for a while every day.

The Uzbek fighting short-billed pigeon should live in a house consisting of several tiers: the birds are quietly located on different and do not interfere with each other.

Each individual should have a couple. training flights of birds should not be together, if this rule is neglected they fly away. Each individual is trained separately, then training and competitions are productive.

If you follow simple tips for caring, keeping and training pigeons, you can raise healthy flying birds.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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