Characteristics of Turman Pigeons

Among the birds that are popular with modern breeders, one of the most prominent places is Turman pigeons – birds that are primarily known for their impressive flying characteristics. Able to perform incredibly complex aerial stunts, these acrobat birds are deservedly appreciated both in Russia and far beyond its borders. Another, primarily the foreign name of these pigeons, is scooters, and in the CIS they are often called somersaults.

Голуби Турманы

Turman Pigeons

It is also noteworthy that today the number of Turman breeds is in the tens, and their spectacular photos are huge many are represented on the World Wide Web.

Key Features

Like e mentioned above, the main advantage of Turmanov pigeons – this is the beauty of their flight. Of particular interest is the fact that representatives of some breeds can climb a truly huge height for pigeons: up to 500-600 m, and sometimes even more. At the same time, breeders pay special attention to another moment: the flight style of Turmanov pigeons, focusing on its complexity and originality.

Representatives of various breeds of these birds began to be bred for a long time: in the 17th century, by crossing on the basis of chased and high-flying pigeons . It is worth recognizing that the efforts of the experts turned out to be entirely justified, because they managed to get a lot of breeds, representatives of which are able to arrange real flight shows.If you list the most significant features of Turman pigeons, their list will look like this:

  • rather modest appearance, which in some cases can be called nondescript;
  • compact dimensions of the case;
  • a small head that can be decorated with a forelock (depending on the breed);
  • medium or short beak length;
  • high forehead and elongated neck;
  • large eyes with a dark color;
  • light, almost white eyelids;
  • powerful pectoral muscles;
  • long wings;
  • wide tail having about 13 steering feathers.
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Regarding the body weight of the pigeons under consideration, it should be noted that it is relatively large: about 800 g. Another characteristic feature of the Turmans is the wide arrangement of their small paws, which can be clearly seen on photo of these feathered aerobatics.

The price of the pigeons presented in this material is also noteworthy. In general, it cannot be called democratic, which is primarily due to the prestige of the Turmans, stably high for many decades in a row.

Russian Ribbon Turmans

Now that the reader already has a general idea of ​​the Turmans, it’s time to introduce him to the most famous breeds of these birds, which in the first place should include the Russian ribbon.Officially, the Russian Mists have existed for more than a century, being registered in the distant 1901th year. If you pay attention to the origin of these birds, then they owe their appearance to the best representatives of the local red pigeons and battle breeds of the Middle East. As for the name of the considered Turmans, they received it for the white ribbon on the tail, which is their main distinguishing feature.

A list of other notable features of the Ribbon Turmans is as follows:

  • medium-sized case ;
  • miniature head;
  • wide and steep forehead;
  • tuft, present in many individuals (but not all, which can be seen in many photos);
  • dark eyes with light eyelids;
  • short and thick beak;
  • protruding chest;
  • long wings, dox dyaschie to the ground;
  • a little raised and feathered tail
See also  High-flying Nikolaev pigeons

Of particular note worthy representatives of the coloring band rocks, remarkable organic combination of red and white shades.. But such Turmans do not fly very high, focusing on somersaults over the head and rotational movements. It also makes sense to add that many pigeon breeders seek to keep ribbon Turmans as decorative birds, and therefore a considerable number of these pigeons have lost their flying qualities.

Oryol and Tula Turmans

Another, no less remarkable breed of birds considered in this material is Oryol Turman. Like tape, Oryol pigeons were bred in Russia, and the first mention of them dates back to the sources of the XVIII century. It is also noteworthy that the Oryol Turmans are usually called crested for a characteristic forelock, playing the role of a very spectacular decoration. If we list other features of these birds, the main ones are presented below:

  • white in which all parts of the body of the Oryol Thurman are painted, without exception;
  • a very short beak, which is practically inconspicuous (this trait is the result of crossing with seagulls);
  • the head is small;
  • a prominent protruding forehead;
  • dark eyes;
  • eyelids with a beautiful bluish tint;
  • graceful body;
  • long neck.

It is also worth noting that the Turman pigeons belonging to the Oryol breed , are excellent parents. The same quality is characteristic of representatives of another known in Russia, Tula, Turman variety, which, having hardly changed since its launch 200 years ago, has the following key characteristics:

  • dark red plumage;
  • the presence of white marks adorning the tips of the wings and tail;
  • lilac or greenish shimmer of feathers.
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Tula pigeons prefer flying at medium altitude, effectively revealing wings and spreading their tail while performing “aerobatics”. As for the comparison of these flyers with the Oryol Thurmans, they possess somewhat more advanced abilities in the field of performing somersaults.

Thurman. What Thurman should look like.
Baku Pigeons and Turmans
Stately pigeons and turmans Valera

Kursk, Bryansk and Odessa Turmans

Talking about the birds represented in this material, it is impossible not to mention those that relate to Kursk breed, capable of “boasting” a consistently high level of popularity. Each individual belonging to this variety of pigeons is a very successful result of crossing 3 other breeds known in Russia: the beard, the Nikolaev tucherez and the ribbon Turman mentioned above. Of particular interest is the fact that Kursk scooters were bred in their natural habitat with minimal involvement of breeders.

The flights of the Turman dove, belonging to the Kursk breed, are particularly graceful. These birds are born airborne acrobats, which, above all, explains their fully deserved fame. The main distinguishing features of chicken pigeons include the following:

  • large body, painted black;
  • broad chest;
  • strong muscles;
  • large wings, the color of which, in contrast to the hull, is white;
  • a wide tail, having about 15 steering feathers.

Another breed of skaters, enjoying undeservedly lesser popularity in contrast to the previous – Bryansk Thurman. Such a pigeon gains high altitude in circles, and during the flight he can perform from 3 to 5 somersaults.The appearance of this pigeon is also notable: first of all, this bird can boast a variety of color variations: from white and pockmarked to dark red and black. Perhaps this is why photos of such birds are often found on a variety of thematic sites and forums.

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And, finally, completing the material presented to the reader’s attention, mention should be made of Odessa Turmans – pigeons, whose photos began to be printed in ornithological catalogs, starting with the middle of the century before last. The following features are characteristic of these birds:

  • medium cone-shaped body;
  • flattened head;
  • proud posture;
  • long and strong wings;
  • bare legs with white claws;
  • velvety plumage, effectively cast with nacre.

In flight, Odessa skaters are able to spend a very long time, demonstrating a lot of impressive tricks. The main thing for them is the regularity of training, without which Odessa pigeons gradually lose their excellent flying qualities.

Each species of Turmans is unique in its own way, Kursk, Oryol, Tula representatives – any of the listed species of acrobat birds deserves attention.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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