The use of Lozeval for pigeons

There are many pitfalls in poultry breeding. In order to grow a healthy livestock that can be safely used for food, you need to carefully monitor the health of your pets. Poultry, in particular pigeons, often suffer from infectious diseases. If one bird falls ill, this is fraught with the death of the entire livestock. Lozewal for pigeons quickly activates the body’s defense mechanisms and eliminates infection in a sick bird.

Лозеваль для голубей

Lozewale for pigeons


Lozewal is an antibiotic drug for pigeons. It is produced in liquid form, the consistency resembles an oil solution. The color of the drug is light yellow. The medicine is packaged in 10 ml glass bottles. For large poultry farms, it is produced in cans up to 10 liters.

The active ingredients in the composition are morpholonium, ammonium dichloride, polyethylene glycol-9, thiosemicarbazone, dimethyl sulfoxide. The production of the drug occurs mostly in Russia. At the pharmacy market are drugs from several companies. Most often, the drug company Biostim is found.

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What is intended

The drug Lozewal, when a diseased individual enters the body, is able to affect most known pathogenic microorganisms. Immunomodulating and fungicidal effects make it possible to use a lozewal for birds infected with candidiasis and aspergillosis bacteria. The instruction for use recommends treatment with a medication for:

  • salmonellosis;
  • enterovirus;
  • smallpox virus;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • mycoplasmosis and candidiasis;
  • pasteureliosis and aspergillosis.

Progress after consumption of the drug is observed in birds with paratyphoid, which leads to atrophy of the upper and lower extremities. It is also mixed in compound feed for chickens in case of danger of infection by plague, enteritis, adenovirus. After prophylaxis, the bird organism becomes less susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms.

Use of the drug prevents 95-100% infection with mycoplasmosis, staphylococcus and streptococcus. Lozeval is often used to treat wounds after castration and cosmetic surgery to prevent secondary infections.

Room treatment

In the first days after hatching, most chicks are susceptible to viruses. This fact is associated with an immature immunity. In addition to the introduction of complementary foods with a high content of calcium and various vitamins, room treatment is indicated with the aim of prevention.

A veterinary drug is given to prevent and treat all kinds of viral ailments in many animals and birds. The dose is selected in accordance with the age, number and size of animals or birds. If the water hardness exceeds 10 mEq / l, it is necessary to increase the dose by 10%. In a poultry farm, the dosage is adjusted by a veterinarian.

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To prevent infectious diseases, chickens are treated in the room where the chicks will be, in accordance with the incubation time on the 6th, 12th and 21st days. After the appearance of the chicks in the light, the spray of the drug continues to be carried out in a day. Lozewal is included in the diet with a drink. In order to prevent diseases, the duration of administration is from 5 to 7 days.

Specificity of use and dosage

The instructions for use for geese chicks are as follows: 2.5 ml of Lozeval is diluted 0 5 l of pure water. Dosage is calculated based on weight: 10 mg of substance per day is shown per 1 kg of body weight. To prevent turkey ailments per 10 kg of weight, the use of 1 ml of the substance is indicated. It is mixed with feed or dripped in water in a ratio of 1: 2 to 1: 5. The poultry house processing system is the same as for chicken.

Instructions for use during streptococcus infection in other chicks also have their own characteristics. In the first few days after the onset of signs of illness, spray the room, then mix 1-2 ml per 10 kg of body weight into the feed.To prevent 1 liter of water, pour 2 ml of the drug. For ailments provoked by other pathogens, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 1 ml per 10 kg of bird mass.

Instructions for use for pigeons due to the fact that these birds are most exposed to viral diseases. Often this is Newcastle disease, which is quickly eliminated by Lozoval. To treat an ailment, 5-6 drops of the drug are added to the daily water norm of one bird. The course of therapy is a week.

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After three days from the end of the course of therapy, the second course begins. Lozewal is indicated for use in any bird with dysbiosis. For every kilogram of body weight, it is necessary to give 0.2-0.27 ml of a substance diluted in water. With viral conjunctivitis, the medicine is dripped into the eye sockets for 3-5 days. In addition, they use dexamethasone for washing.

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Use for incubator birds and dermatoses

If the pet is in the incubator, the first day after laying eggs, use disinfecting procedures with aerosol for several minutes. The medication is given with drink. The next day, the dosage and methods remain the same . Until 21 days, the medication system does not change.

In the presence of skin inflammation or damage to the vine smear the damaged areas with a shaft. Lubricate the wounds at least 2 times a day. Apply the medicine until the wounds and inflammations on the skin completely disappear.

Use in animal husbandry and beekeeping

The medicine is widely used for treating rabbits and dogs. When rabbits are infected with pasteurellosis, colibacteriosis or salmonella, the instructions for use are as follows:

  • per day, 2 ml per 10 kg of weight is added to feed for 1 rabbit;
  • shows a substance intake twice a day for a whole week;
  • it is better to drip the medicine in a drink, sweat Much like sick rabbits, they reluctantly eat, but consume a lot of fluids.
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For dogs, Lozeval is widely used for parvovirus and plague. Instructions for use for animals must be clearly observed.The dosage is calculated based on body weight: 2 ml for every 10 kg. Therapeutic course – 5 days. Exactly half the daily dose for the plague should be given orally 1: 1 with sodium chloride or glucose solution. With entreritis, a medicine with sunflower oil is diluted. The remainder of the dose must be entered using an enema. After 72 hours, the condition of the dog improves. At the end of therapy, the dogs are completely healthy.

In beekeeping, they use a medication to treat and prevent diseases in bees. Preventive measures are carried out after the main departure, after the first capture of honey and before closing the hives for the winter. Processing is carried out three times with an interval of 3 days. Apply the drug only at a temperature of at least 18 ° C. When it is not very warm outside, the drug is bred with sugar syrup and added to the diet of bees.

Using the drug can give an impetus to the immune system of the bees. In insects, efficiency increases, and the mortality rate also decreases. The amount of honey increases significantly after processing. An important feature is that the drug substance does not accumulate in honey, it is completely harmless.

How it works

The complex composition provides long-term and effective protection against infectious diseases. The tool has a detrimental effect on pathogens and has an immunomodulating effect.Lozewal is very popular among poultry farmers and livestock breeders due to its expanded spectrum of action.

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The effect occurs at the cellular level, while the production of immunoglobulins is activated and phagocytic activity improves. Even when applied to the dermis, Lozewal penetrates freely. Being in the cells of the body, the substance inhibits the division of pathogenic cells and prevents the spread of viruses, microplasma organisms, fungi. It is not deposited in the cells, but is quickly excreted from the body through the digestive system.

Side effects

If the instructions for use are followed, then even with long-term treatment there are no side effects. In case of an overdose, loose stools and muscle weakness are noted. Cases of allergic reactions in the form of hyperemia and itching are occasionally identified. The drug has no contraindications.

Lozewal belongs to the group of low toxic drugs. Active substances do not accumulate in tissues and organs, but are quickly excreted from the body. Due to this, a high therapeutic effect is achieved.

Cost and storage conditions

Lozeval can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy without a prescription. The price of a medicine depends on the form of release and varies from 20 to 2000 rubles. The substance can be used at low temperatures up to -10 ° C, however, if it is stored for a long time in a cold place, the drug acquires viscosity.This feature should be taken into account when feeding the bird with medicine during the winter period.

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If the thickened medicine is slightly warmed up, it will quickly return to its original state. The medicine does not lose its therapeutic properties even in conditions of 50 degrees heat. Shelf life – 3 years from the date of release, after opening the drug retains its healing properties for 2 years. Store the medicine at a temperature of 3 to 35 ° C in a dry, well-ventilated area. It is undesirable for direct sunlight to fall on the vessel with the medication.

Conclusions and generalization of information

Lozeval is very often used in pigeon breeding. Pigeons are most exposed to various infectious diseases, so the medication is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The effect is achieved due to the complex composition. The medicine is perfectly removed from the body after a day and is not deposited in the liver cells.

Often several courses of therapy are required. The second course begins 3 days after the end of the first. The advantage of this drug is that it can be used for any kind of poultry and animals. In any household, this drug should be. Entering the body, the medication immediately activates and acts at the cellular level, destroying pathogens and preventing them from spreading.

The drug has an antibiotic in its composition.Although it belongs to the group of low-toxic drugs, poultry meat can be eaten only 2-3 days after the end of the course. Lozewal is indicated for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of animals, birds and bees. If you don’t know where to put the drug that is ending, you can spray it anywhere in the household for preventive purposes.

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  • viral pneumonia;
  • purulent endometritis;
  • dermatitis, mastitis;
  • for necrobacteriosis, conjunctivitis, candidiasis, pasteurellosis, aspergillosis;
  • herpeviruses, microviruses.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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