How to distinguish a dove from a dove


There are a sufficient number of reasons for the breeder to become aware of the sex of his pigeons. With knowledge in this area, you can accurately keep a flock count and have a clear idea of โ€‹โ€‹the reproductive abilities of pets. At present, a lot of methods are known that can be used to cope with this task. Thanks to them, any owner of such birds will be able to learn how to distinguish a dove from a dove.

Definition by external features

Practice shows that you can distinguish a pigeon from a dove simply by analyzing the appearance of these birds. This method is easy and has a minimal probability of error. If key differences between males and female pigeons are highlighted, their list will look like this:

  • Provided that the individuals do not suffer from any genetic pathologies, the dimensions of the male are somewhat large. However, do not forget that in the case of representatives of ornamental breeds this principle does not work (most often everything is exactly the opposite: females are larger than males).
  • As a rule, a dove has a more elegant neck and head smaller than that of a dove, sizes. In addition, the boyโ€™s eyes in most cases are less expressive than the girlโ€™s, and their bulge is much weaker.
  • Female representatives have a narrower base of the beak, as well as its smaller thickness.Also, the doves have more developed waxwings than doves.
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Talking about how to distinguish a dove from a dove, it is necessary to mention the color of the plumage of these remarkable birds. Experienced breeders note that the feathers are significantly lighter among males, and this is relevant for the vast majority of pigeon breeds.

In addition, such a method of determining the pigeon gender as analyzing the location of the pelvic bones located under the chest is also noteworthy. . In males, they practically close, while the distance between them in females is comparable to the length of the phalanx of the human finger. True, the technique described above is irrelevant for too young pigeons who have not yet begun to lay eggs, and therefore have a narrow basin. Also, this method does not allow you to accurately determine the sex of pigeons that have been ill with rickets (due to calcium deficiency in such individuals, the pelvis is wide regardless of gender).

Behavioral differences

Among all the methods that allow to determine the sex of a pigeon, the analysis of the interaction of these birds with the environment is far from the last. Carefully observing the behavior of birds considered in this material, we can draw conclusions about their gender with a fairly high level of accuracy. As for the main points, accounting of which is desirable in such situations, their list is as follows:

  • A pair of male pigeons is extremely rarely calm.In most cases, males caught in the same cage behave aggressively: they fight to determine the dominant individual. For two females that fall into the common space, this behavior is not characteristic, and therefore they most often get along with each other.
  • Many breeders believe that to determine the sex of pigeons, you just need to pull these birds by the nose. It is believed that males react to such an irritant more aggressively than females. Moreover, this technique does not take into account the individual characteristics of each individual, and therefore may require additional confirmation.
  • With the onset of the mating season, males are highly active, while the doves behave much calmer. At such a time, the male can be identified by the open tail, a swollen goiter and a vertically elongated body position. Of course, the behavior of pigeons during courtship of females can also differ: for example, be relatively sluggish, which is determined by the specific nature of the birds and the characteristics of the situation.

Some breeders of males and females of the species in question distinguished in relation to the person. If you carefully take such a pet with one hand for two wings, and the other to stroke the breast, tightened paws will indicate male affiliation.

Folk methods

When enumerating the methods by which you can distinguish between pigeons and doves, it is impossible not to mention those that are known to many generations of owners of these birds . As an option, you can listen to the sounds made by birds, allowing you to draw the following conclusions:

  • males coo cooler and louder in comparison with females (this is primarily due to the desire of gentlemen to attract attention, as well as a desire to scare potential competitors);
  • the doveโ€™s voice is distinguished by a noticeably deeper, laryngeal timbre, because of which its coo is often called โ€œburr.โ€
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The above method cannot be considered accurate due to the subjectivity of human reproduction . Iyatiya

Another method is also included in the category of popular and used by many owners of pigeons is to use a metal pendulum: copper, brass or bronze.It is worth noting that it does not differ in complexity, providing for the step-by-step execution of the following actions:

  • first you need to tie an ordinary thread to a small piece of any of the previously listed metals;
  • in one hand you need take the bird, and in the other – the made pendulum, placing it over the back of the feathered pet;
  • if there is a circular rotation of the plumb line, then the breeder is in front of the breeder, and the situation when the pendulum swings along the line of the spine indicates bird ownership to the male sex.

Tacos method, many experts have questioned, as distinguished from the dove dove with it, not to be mistaken in this case, it is not always possible. Nevertheless, the described method continues to enjoy considerable popularity, especially among beginning breeders.

dove gender definition (for Leonid)
Germany how to distinguish a dove from a dove with 99% accuracy
Method for determining the sex of pigeons
How to distinguish a dove from a dove

How to deal with babies

Regarding the determination of the gender of pigeon chicks it is reasonable to note that such a task is much more complicated than in the case of adults, which is explained by the fact that babies who have recently been born do not yet have the vast majority of the distinctive characteristics listed in this material: structural features of the pelvis, beak width, specifics of behavior, etc. However, on the basis of some signs, it seems possible to find out the sex of pigeon chicks.The main thing here is to be guided by the following points:

  • as a rule, the head of small males is slightly larger than that of females;
  • most often the males are slightly larger;
  • depending on the breed, there may be some other differences, for example, a large length of fluff.
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In particular, the last point is very relevant for growing texans, whose females can boast much longer fluff than males belonging to this remarkable breed.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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