Efficacy of Furazolidone for Turkey

The nightmare of every breeder is the death of an individual or a whole herd. Farmers have an irresistible desire to preserve the health of their living creatures. And the beauty of feathers and the health of the animal itself – implies not only proper, rational nutrition and nutrition, but also a competent selection of medicinal substances.Unfortunately, farmers cannot listen to the body of a turkey, but can constantly improve their knowledge in the field of treatment and prevention of turkey diseases and rationally approach the recommendations of veterinarians. Only the experienced doctor has the right to peremptorily and competently prescribe medicinal substances, such as Furazolidone for turkey poultry, and ignorance of the basics of veterinary medicine does not relieve the farmer of the responsibility for the health of his charges.

  1. A universal rescuer for diseases of a turkey
  2. Dosage and prescription
  3. How to take
  4. Negative factors use of antibacterial treatment

Эффективность Фуразолидона для индюшат

Furazolidone effectiveness for turkey poultry

A universal rescuer for diseases of a turkey

A turkey is a subspecies of a detachment of large chicken individuals, therefore it is subject to the same diseases as its relatives. There are also such diseases, for example, pullorosis, from which turkeys die in large numbers, and other representatives of the bird family can easily tolerate.In order to prevent diseases, it is important:

  • to carefully comply with the requirements established by veterinarians, sanitary rules for feeding and ensuring the vital functions of turkeys;
  • to settle chicks and adult turkeys (potential carriers of any infection ) in the allotted time;
  • neglecting the permissible number of turkey heads in a limited space entails irreversible consequences;
  • adhere to recommendations on temperature and humidity in the room according to the age and breed of turkeys;
  • required but try to include in your diet diets rich in protein and fiber, vitamins, minerals and minerals;
  • take timely measures to prevent diseases (vaccinations, etc.).
See also  Rules for slaughtering turkeys at home

Fighting an outbreak is harder than preventing it. The evolution in the world of treatment is noticeable not only for people, but also for our smaller relatives. It is important for farmers and poultry to own antibiotics for turkeys with a preventive and curative mission. Furazolidone is used for detection in “wards”:

  • hepatitis of all types;
  • coccidiosis ;
  • enteritis;
  • salmonella of all types;
  • balantidiosis, colibacteriosis, dysbiosis, dysentery (bacillary type);
  • diarrhea of ​​infectious origin;
  • giardiasis, cystitis, paratyphoid;
  • infected wounds and burns.

Furazolidone for turkeys is a medicine that belongs to the group of bacterial antibiotics and has an antimicrobial effect on bacteria of the gram-negative and gram-positive groups, trichomonads and coccidia. A positive aspect of this tool is the fact that pathogens very slowly produce antibodies to the drug, and the medicine itself is less toxic compared to other drugs in this group. The ability to destroy bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is observed.

Dosage and prescription of the drug

The drug has the form of round tablets or powder, yellow in color with a weak bitter taste, odorless. The amount of active substance is (furazolidone) 0.05 g. Everything else is excipients: potato starch, lactose, sucrose, calcium stearate, tween-80. Medicinal properties are lost upon boiling. The powder is almost impossible to dissolve in water, and worse with alcohol. It belongs to group B antibiotics and is stored in a dark container in a dry place.

Лекарство следует смешать с едой

Medicine should be mixed with food

What will be the dosage? The most common instruction for using the tablets is – the daily dose is mixed with food, and is divided into 3 feedings and fed every 5 hours (for adults).It is recommended to give turkeys twice a day, lasting a week, you will first have to dilute the tablet with water or food. In the presence of residual symptoms (poor appetite, diarrhea), the course is repeated after 10 days. To prevent turkeys born less than 10 days ago, give 2 mg of the drug 1 time per day each day.

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How to take it correctly

Depending on the disease, it changes and application scheme. So during salmonellosis, turkeys begin to give 3-4 mg per kilogram of live weight of an adult. The number of receptions 3 for 5 days. For chicks, the dose is calculated taking into account the number of livestock, so once a day, 0.1-0.4 mg for a period of 10 days, the medicine is mixed into food. In the case of an acute disease of turkeys with typhoid, the drug is diluted in 0.04-0.06% concentration to dry food at the rate of 7-11 mg per week. For the prevention of pullorosis in chicks and adults, Furazolidone is prescribed at 0.4-0.6 mg for about a week.

It is advisable to include probiotics, multivitamins and glucose in the regimen during antibiotic treatment. These “helpers” intestinal microflora contribute to increased immunity and prevent dysbiosis.As far as possible, they correct the harm caused by the use of the antibiotic, normalize the level of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in their digestive tract and intestines, improve digestive processes, and also activate metabolic processes, stimulate the growth of hormones and enzymes, and this will affect the body’s defense system extremely positively.

Negative factors for the use of antibacterial treatment

Negative factors appear with prolonged use and in a large dosage of the drug. Therefore, in order to avoid neurosononephritis, polyneuritis, toxic liver dystrophy, diarrhea , dysbiosis, decreased appetite and glucose indicators, as well as an allergic reaction in an animal, strictly follow the recommendations for the treatment regimen (what and how much to give). In the spring, when the turkeys are weakened, and also during pregnancy, furazolidone is not prescribed.

See also  The use of Trichopolum for turkey poults

How to grow healthy and strong turkeys.
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will help

During treatment with furazolidone, the poultry breeder should omnit the time output from the birds’ preparation. Processing turkeys for meat is permitted no earlier than 4 days after the last treatment. Turkey meat , which farmers were forced to kill before the deadline, is used as feed for fur animals or in the production of meat and bone meal.

To date, turkey farms are becoming increasingly popular. But at the same time, any farmer who grows turkey will say that to grow a large, fleshy and healthy individual, you need to make a lot of effort and energy.Due to the mutation of pathogenic bacteria, turkeys are susceptible to strains and variations of viruses and diseases that pose a danger, both to an individual individual and to the entire livestock. In order not to lose a valuable product and in vain not to waste energy, materials and finances, each house is simply obliged to have an assortment of different medicines in the medicine cabinet, in particular Furazolidone, to provide immediate assistance to the animal.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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