The most common breeds of turkeys

To breed turkeys at home is much more profitable than all the rest of its own bird. This is due primarily to the fact that a turkey can gain up to 10-12 kg of weight. And if we talk about turkey broiler breeds, then they gain up to 20-23 kg. In addition, turkeys carry large eggs that are suitable for human consumption. The weight of one egg almost reaches 100g. Consider which breeds of turkeys are the most popular today.

Canadian breed turkeys, which are also called broiler broad-breasted, - these are weight-gaining champions. The color is usually black with white stripes in the tail area. There are white representatives. But the white Canadian turkey in the photo is more common than in real life.

Meat productivity and egg production

Canadian turkeys are giants. Males gain up to 30 kg of weight. The mass of an adult turkey is 16-17 kg. Only turkey breed can boast of such characteristics. But Canadian turkeys, unlike a highbridge convector, stop weight gain at the age of 3 months. Today, a precocious breed does not exist. The meat is appreciated for its excellent palatability. At 9 months, the females begin to rush. The egg production period is 5-6 months. During this period, Females give 70-90 eggs, almost all of which are fertilized.

Content Features

Because turkeys gain weight very quickly, they need to provide good nutrition. It is also worth noting that Canadian turkeys are unstable to various diseases.Therefore, you need to hang up a table of preventive measures, and clearly follow it. We give preparations to chicks from the first days of life. In particular, we start with vitamin C. Canadian turkeys are thermophilic. Therefore, they are not suitable for breeding in regions with a short summer. Another feature is that there is a big difference between the Weight of males and females. This complicates the breeding process, since mating is not always successful. Specialists recommend artificial insemination.

Moscow bronze turkeys

Moscow bronze turkeys are the result of the work of domestic breeders. They are common in Russia and Ukraine.

Meat productivity and egg production

Moscow breed turkeys gain 12 kg of weight. The average weight of turkeys is 6.5 kg. Four-month-old turkeys weigh 4 kg. The Uzbek pale yellow breed, which is easy to maintain, has the same indicators. A feature of the breed is the early maturation of females. They begin to rush at the age of 7 months. Egg production is 90 eggs per year. Over 90% of the eggs are fertilized, but hatchability is 65%. Viable offspring are born. No more than 10% of the chicks die during rearing.

Content Features

These turkeys are unpretentious in content. They do not need huge areas for walking. You will not find Moscow bronze on turkey farms, in view of the average indicators of meat and egg productivity.But they are of interest to breeders who use them to breed new crosses. at home, you can also use the Moscow turkey to improve other breeds.

Features of the choice

Before you go to buy eggs or chicks, we study the breeds of turkeys with a description and attached photo. When looking at photos of breeds of turkeys, pay attention to the size of the chest. The larger it is, the greater will be the yield of meat after slaughter. When cutting carcasses, the sternum does not contain waste. Therefore, among all the new breeds of turkeys, the lion's share is broad-breasted birds.

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You should not buy chicks on the market. If there is a turkey farm nearby, then go there to buy. There you can not only see the catalog of turkey breeds with a description and photo, but also consult a specialist. He will tell you how to choose a breed of turkeys depending on the climatic characteristics of a particular region, your capabilities and needs.

Do not try to get the best varieties. Many of them require vast territories for grazing. Limit yourself to those breeds that do not need a large area for walking, and which are not demanding in care.After all, sometimes it’s more advisable not to buy hammers, but ordinary mopeds, which, for example, are better for the village. Also with turkeys. the content of giant breeds is justified when it comes to breeding birds on an industrial scale .


We examined those breeds of turkeys that are most popularity. But do not forget that breeders are constantly working on breeding new breeds. And, if you decide to start breeding Turkeys at home, then in addition to the most popular options, consider the new items that appear on the market every year. As for the advisability of raising turkeys, keeping them at home is a little more complicated and expensive than keeping chickens, and the characteristics of large birds are much better.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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