Profitable or not to breed turkeys as a business

Breeding turkeys as a business today is in great demand. Many farmers have heard that there is a business related to the divorce of turkeys, and this type of earnings is becoming increasingly popular. The popularity of the business is based on easy poultry care, does not require large expenses, and there is also a great demand for dietary meat.But in order to understand whether such a business is beneficial or not, you need to carefully calculate everything. Breeding turkeys as a business must be able to properly organize. In addition, the better your knowledge, the healthier your wards will be, and the productivity and profitability of your lesson will also depend on it.

  1. Business Planning
  2. How to choose a business?
  3. Livestock acquisition
  4. Methods of growing turkeys
  5. Features of breeding turkeys
  6. Prevention of possible diseases of turkeys
  7. Requirements for the house
  8. Business plan

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Benefits from breeding turkeys

Turkeys as a business require careful selection of breeds for breeding . Not all species of birds are suitable, for example, for meat. You also need to determine the purpose of the business, maybe you will grow individuals and sell them to breeders, then you need to choose the most beautiful and undemanding breeds. Some novice breeders acquire universal breeds that quickly gain weight and can boast of their unpretentiousness.Before you buy a livestock, you should carefully familiarize yourself with all the characteristics, see photos and videos.

Business Planning

A business in turkeys begins with an idea of ​​what the result is you need and in what ways you decide to go in order to achieve your goals. To begin with, decide what for you growing turkeys as a business and with what product do you want to earn? It can be meat, hatching eggs , young animals or adults. The choice of the inventory and the actual breed of the bird depends on this choice.

After the type of marketing and the breed of bird are determined, it is necessary to understand in what form you will contain your birds, and in what quantity , also study in more detail all the nuances of caring for turkeys.

To properly plan your business, you need to know about the prices at the current moment and about how your costs can increase say in a year. It is necessary to draw up a cost plan, calculate profitability, organize construction work and equip premises for turkeys. The last stage in creating a business is the disinfection of the future habitat of birds, the purchase and settlement of turkeys. The final thing you definitely need to do is register your business with the appropriate authorities.

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How to choose a business line?

Turkey business and its plan at home, as well as the choice of direction, first of all starts with the features of a certain type of turkeys (this is hard to guess for new farmers). Find out all the information about the type of turkeys you want to breed, get acquainted with the information about which diseases they are prone to, what is the optimal scale of the territory for their safe living, what climate is necessary for them.

After the information is received and studied, the type of cultivation is determined. You can choose a combined type of business, when half of the individuals are grown for meat , the other half for sale. You can also grow universal breeds and sell what is currently required by the buyer. When you firmly consolidate your position in the market for the sale of turkey products, you can raise the price and put forward your conditions.

Livestock acquisition

For the future business and earnings, the farmer can to buy eggs for an incubator, young individuals or adult laying hens. It is best to buy chicks that are 30 days old, at this age, the birds are hardy, strong and easily adapt to their new conditions, eat regular food. If you decide to buy eggs, then you need an incubator and time, since the chicks will not hatch right away, take care of special nutrition for newborn turkey poults.

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It is worth noting that some eggs can be without a chick, there is also a chance of giving birth to sick turkey poults. By acquiring young individuals, you immediately see their condition, which will clearly save your time and money. The best period to buy is February. Pay special attention to the parents of the chicks, learn about vaccinations, and see how the turkey looks. For better bird survival, it is recommended to buy young stock of different litters.

How to choose a breed?

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It is easier to deal with light breeds of turkeys

If you are new to this business, it is best to buy light or medium breeds of turkeys. As for heavy crosses, they require other care and consume a lot of food. Birds weighing less than 12 kg are easier to manage, and their survival rates are much higher.

There are several types of turkeys that are considered the best for beginners

  • North Caucasian bronze. An excellent view of turkeys for pasture, their weight is 7-12 kg, 80 eggs hatch.
  • Bronze broad-chested . A turkey for growing in cells, its weight is 9-11 kg, and egg production reaches 120 pieces.
  • In addition to these two breeds, there are also: Hybrid converter , Universal, Big 6 , white broad-chested , but it is better to start them after experience with turkeys, at least for 2 years.

Methods for growing turkeys


For this type of cultivation, special tiered cells are placed in the room. This type of cultivation is optimal for light and medium types of turkeys at home. The house must have ventilation, good lighting and heating. In properly equipped conditions in the cells, individuals grow at an active pace. Also, in this way, young stock is well grown for breeding sale and the place is wisely used.

See also  Features of incubation of turkey eggs

Often, turkeys are artificially fertilized in order to obtain hatching eggs. It is not recommended for a long time to keep one livestock of turkeys in cages, as the birds become more unstable to diseases, and their appearance desires better. caged birds are well suited for quick slaughter or for sale at a young age.


This type of domesticated turkey breeding is most suitable for farmers living in the southern regions if to raise birds extensively in cold areas, difficulties can arise. Whether it is beneficial or not will ultimately depend on the particular breed. This type of cultivation requires a poultry house and the adjacent pasture territory, which must be protected from rain and heat.

birds that have reached 2 months of age begin to be released for walking almost constantly, and this continues until the slaughter .Turkeys feed on grass and insects themselves, which is excellent and positively reflected in the costs of the farmer. An extensive method of raising birds is well displayed on their immunity, such birds are less susceptible to disease, and the percentage of marriage is reduced to a minimum. But, it is worth noting that this type of cultivation is suitable for those farmers who are willing to receive income only in seasonal time. Under these conditions, You can grow any breed of turkeys.


Outdoor type of growing turkeys is recommended for all types of turkeys, and especially for heavyweights. In this case, it’s not even worth considering whether it is profitable or not, since the outdoor method of maintenance requires the least cost. In order to raise birds with the outdoor keeping method, it is necessary to prepare a large room with light, good ventilation and heating. The floor should be located 30 cm above the ground, it should be insulated and covered with hay and sawdust of soft wood. In the floor You can close up cracks or install nets so that all the droppings, dirt and moisture do not linger on the surface of the floor.

See also  Breeding turkey in an incubator

It is not necessary to leave young animals on the bare floor, as small individuals can be trampled by older ones and there is also a chance that turkeys will choke on sawdust scattered across the floor. During outdoor cultivation, turkeys must be divided by breed, by age. Use high partitions, in case the Turkeys do not fly away.Such birds have wings and they can fly over a small fence or fence. Remember that birds need enough space, so make sure that there are no more than 3-5 turkeys per square meter, depending on their size.

Experienced turkey breeders recommend raising turkeys several times ways, this will maximize farm efficiency and profit for the business.

Features for turkey breeding

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Think carefully about the conditions of detention

Whether a turkey farm is beneficial to you, depends on how carefully you take care of the living conditions of the turkeys. If you properly care for, vaccinate young individuals and follow certain feeding rules , then the likelihood that the birds will get sick decreases, and the taste of meat in such turkeys is much better. The room is best done immediately with the possibility of heating. In regions with cold winters, turkeys can freeze in unheated rooms. When breeding with different breeds, it is necessary to take into account the possible consequences, especially if you are just a beginner breeder, it is recommended to start with breeding one breed.

In order for the chicks to grow up healthy and strong, it is necessary to pay due attention to the following factors>

  • Temperature and air.
  • Food.
  • Habitat size, population density.
  • Genetic purity.
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Prevention of possible diseases of turkeys

Some breeds of turkeys are predisposed to various diseases, you need to find out about them before buying turkeys. Learn about disease symptoms and all treatments . In the initial stages of treatment, most diseases can be easily cured at no particular cost to you and damage to the bird. Even if the turkeys are not worried, then you should show them to the veterinarian once every 6-12 months. From birth, do not save and give the necessary vaccinations. If various turkey diseases occur, they should be transferred to a separate pen until the disease is completely cured.

Infectious turkey diseases

Infectious and parasitic diseases are dangerous for all turkeys, are transmitted quickly and lead to a negative result.

  • Tuberculosis
  • Worms
  • Smallpox
  • Histomoniasis <
  • Mycoplasmosis

Non-communicable diseases include

  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Goiter

Such diseases most often occur due to improper food birds, or according to principle in which genetic predisposition. This kind of disease is not dangerous for other birds.

Requirements for the house

Proper conditions are needed to grow a healthy and strong herd, and one of them is warm.In the house where turkeys will be raised on the first day, there should be 36-37 degrees Celsius, then the temperature is reduced to 27 degrees. To heat the aviary, use burners (3-5 kW) and install them at a height of 70-90 cm. There must be several feeders and drinkers in the aviary, for example, if 50 birds live, then they need to put 2 feeders and 2-3 drinkers.

Growing turkeys in the first weeks You can naturally or with the help of an incubator, but after that, the birds must be translated into general living conditions. After 4-6 weeks from birth, birds need 20-22 degrees of heat in the room. On 1 m2 you can settle 5 birds, no more. No need to settle young individuals with mature ones. The presence of drinking bowls and feeders (20 birds 2-3 pieces).

Business plan

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It is important to create your own business plan

Developing your own business plan is a must and important thing. Costs and revenues are contributed to this plan, so you can calculate the profitability of your own business.

To breed turkeys you need to consider the following factors

  • Buying birds (or eggs).
  • Acquisition of an area for breeding birds.
  • Construction of a house.
  • Arrangement of space for birds.
  • Food costs.

Due to the fact that you have a plan, calculations of the return on business are carried out, and assumptions about the sales market are indicated. Approximate expense, income and profitability of a turkey breeding business. The smallest amount that you can spend for this business, taking into account that you have a premises, is 40 thousand rubles.

This amount includes

  • Cost of equipment 3 000 6 000 rubles.
  • Purchase of 4 adult turkeys and 1 turkey -10 000 12 000 rubles.
  • Diet before the age of 20 days, approximately 4 000 rubles.
  • Food for 6 months for 30-40 adult birds 15,000 rubles.
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If you decide to buy eggs, then you need to count 40 rubles per 1 egg, the cost of young individuals is 300,500 rubles. Selling eggs will bring you 3,000 5,000 rubles, depending on the number of eggs (they leave a few eggs for growing). 1 kg of meat 200 400 rubles, depending on the breed and terrain. The second annual litter is suitable for sale, slaughter occurs when reaching 6 months of age. young growth Can be sold from 3 weeks of age.

Possible costs

  • Veterinarians.
  • Drivers.
  • Care Assistants turkeys.
  • Purchase of feed.
  • Utility bills.
  • Salaries for your staff.
  • Shipping costs.

The average monthly cost is 70,000 rubles per 100 individuals.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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