Vulture breed description

Vulture is a turkey native to America. She belongs to the family of vultures and lives in the steppes. This bird can be found on islands that are located near the Caribbean Sea. Most often, their nest can be seen above the road, near some reservoir or field.

  1. Appearance of the turkey neck
  2. Prevalence of the breed
  3. What do turkey vultures eat
  4. Life of turkeys of the vulture species
  5. Reproduction of turkeys of the vulture breed
  6. Conclusion <

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Turkey breed Vulture

Vulture turkey is quite large, like a wild bird. They are easy adapt to any climate, but still prefer warm regions.

Appearance of the turkey-neck

The turkey neck has a small head, which is almost bald, it is not covered with feathers.

The skin is reddish and is densely covered with wrinkles and folds. All feathers on the body are black, except for the ends of the wings, they they have a light gray color.This species of bird has a very long and narrow tail. The paws are powerful, the skin is rough, very dense, dark gray in color.

Appearance of the female and male coincide, they differ only in body length. This bird differs from other breeds in the color of its feathers. The size of the turkey is 81 centimeters, and its wingspan is 170 centimeters. The weight of the neck can be 2 kilograms.

The prevalence of the breed

A turkey vulture is a bird of prey that is most often found in America or Canada. She prefers a southern climate more than a northern one, but even there she can easily live. Some individuals easily adapt in another part of the globe. More recently, this type has begun to spread on islands near the Caribbean.

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Turkey prefers open spaces. Therefore, most often it can be found in fields, meadows, coastlines or near roads. In North America there are many such birds, so if you want to find them, then this will not be difficult. Many tourists like to go to see this unusual turkey.

What turkey vultures eat

A turkey vulture can eat pasture, but prefers raw meat. In this case, the breed rarely attacks some living creatures. Because of this, they are also called nature orderlies, because they eat the meat of recently dead animals. The breed finds its prey very easily. Even far away from the favorite treat, the bird learns its smell.

This type always returns to the place where the food was found. He does this in order to remove traces of the feast. Vulture turkey absorbs so much food that it can then be half a month without food. But this is only if they have no children. For humans, this bird is absolutely not dangerous.

Vultures are very resistant to toxins, but they do not eat old carcasses.Therefore, the bird tries to find the dead animal as soon as possible. This species is very persistent and constantly in flight, so as to eat faster on an undecayed corpse. When they find what they were looking for, they begin to drive away other birds and animals from their prey. And more often than not, it is easy for the neck to do it.

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Life of turkeys of the vulture type

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Large and strong feathers

The turkey neck does not sleep alone, most often at night they can be found in small groups. Birds are located on a variety of trees. At the time of sleep, they are silent, but sometimes they can make sounds such as grunts or hissing. In winter, they try to leave the cold regions and go south, but there are those that remain in their former place. Indeed, in winter it is easier to find prey.

During the flight, a turkey vulture practices a guy using a warm air stream. There is no such flow of air in the ocean. Therefore, the breed tries to fly only over land. Even when they want to go to another country, birds go around the seas, rivers and oceans.

This turkey is also called a virtuoso, because it’s so fly like few people can. They can fly for a very long time, while not lowering their wings. In flight, the type swings very interestingly from one side to the other. Vulture turkey very rarely flaps its wings, because it keeps at the expense of air.

It’s very difficult for them to flap their wings, but they fly easily and naturally. A turkey neck can be in flight for 6 hours. At the same time, never flapping its wings.

Breeding turkey vultures

In contrast to similar birds, the turkey vulture tries to avoid the city. Birds that live in North America build their nests in crevices and on ledges. Most often they are located on pastures and forests. The breed considers these places safer for the birth of their offspring.

They also use places such as:

  • nests of other birds;
  • burrows;
  • abandoned buildings;
  • caves.

This type of vulture is the only one of its kind that remains with its soulmate forever. Also, every year they return to the place where the previous offspring were bred. After returning home, a small demonstration in the form of a mating flight is carried out. One turkey flies after another, and their movements are the same at that moment.

The eggs of such birds have a soft cream-colored shell with small brown spots. A female can lay one to three eggs at a time. Both female and male hatch them, this period is five weeks. After the chicks were born, mom and dad feed them together. Over time, the regularity of feeding becomes less.

Feeding the chicks is carried out by the method of lowering the parents’ food directly into the mouth.This continues until the offspring is 60 or 80 days old. A few weeks after the kids have flown, they begin to sleep near the nest. But as soon as the young growth explores the area, he leaves the territory on which the nest is located. In a year, adult manes can give birth and grow only one brood.

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Vulture Turkey
Vulture, Vulture-turkey. Amazing wild Oregon.
Vulture Turkey


A turkey neck is predatory and a very smart bird.She can be rehabilitated in a new place in a short period. Over the past few years, the turkey has spread throughout America so much that today it can be found in any part of the continent. Despite the fact that this breed is a predator, it does not kill other animals. This species prefers if there are already dead creatures.

The bird of this breed is very smart and monogamous. She will never leave her soulmate and children. Parents prepare the chicks before releasing them into adulthood, and they, in turn, learn everything very quickly. After the kids learn to look for food and become familiar with the surroundings, they can leave the nest. These birds easily adapt to life without parents.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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