Using Amprolium for Turkeys

When growing poultry, farmers often encounter infectious diseases. A proven remedy for treating turkey flocks against common coccidiosis is the turkey amprolium.

  1. Pharmacology and composition
  2. Indications and effectiveness
  3. Recommended doses
  4. Water supply
  5. Feed with food
  6. Cases of contraindications and overdose

Использование ампролиума для индюков

Using the amprolium for turkeys

Pharmacology and composition

Amprolium for turkeys refers to a water-soluble powder, the color of which can be in acceptable shades of white and light yellow. The active ingredient is hydrochloride, which makes up 13. Among the other components that lead to the amprolium, there is the lactose component.

The drug is packaged in different volumes from 50 grams to 5 kilograms in paper bags with a plastic cover. Packages from a double layer of polyethylene can act as filling material. Plastic containers can also be a form of packaging.

Amprolum for turkeys is a medication with anticoccidial action, which is active against certain types of coccidiosis pathogens. The active substance hydrochloride in its chemical composition is closest to the vitamin B1 of thiamine, which supports the viability of coccidiosis bacteria.Its effect boils down to the penetration of bacteria into the cellular component, occupying the binding sites and causes a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which is the reason for the death of coccidiosis bacteria. almost no toxic effect on their organisms, it belongs to the low-toxic group of drugs. Amprolium is widely used to treat other domestic animals, such as chickens, chickens and rabbits .

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The main effect of the active component of the amprolium for turkeys is directed to the intestinal mucous membranes and up to 97% of this substance is excreted organism of birds in a natural way with litter. Due to its compatibility with vitamin complexes and feed additives, turkey amprolium is widely used in agriculture.

Indications and effectiveness

Among the main diseases of poultry in which veterinary The doctor recommends using an amprolium:

  • pathogens with coccidiological etiology and some types of eimeria parasitizing in the intestine,
  • parasitic worms of the cestode class,
  • diseases caused by trematodes,
  • entomoses caused by insects.

The effectiveness of using an amprolium for turkeys depends on several factors that affect the success of curing poultry, including:

  • the effectiveness of the active substance is influenced by thermal humidity regime and indicators in the room where the turkey generation is kept,
  • turkey conditions are associated with the effect of the drug on the body, including the quality of bedding material and the feed ration.

Equally important with the effectiveness of the active in amprolium hydrochloride also has types of infectious pathogens, the presence of associated (intercurrent) diseases that complicate the course of the underlying disease, the sensitivity of parasitic pathogens to the active substance of the drug.

Recommended doses

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Means for prevention and treatment

Amprolium for turkeys, chickens, chickens and rabbits can be used both for treatment and for the purpose of prevention. The dosage and method of its use depend on the purpose of the drug.

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Serving with water

The use of amprolium with water for turkey poults is possible for two purposes:

  • for the purpose of prevention, the medicinal product is used from the age of turkey poults from three days throughout the entire development period until they reach the age of three four months, while the daily normalized dose is not more than 0.3-0.35 kilograms of powder dissolved in 500-600 liters of drinking water, or pure hydrochloride active substance in volume 200-220 milligrams per liter of liquid,
  • for medicinal purposes for young animals of the same age amp Olium is recommended to be given at a dosage of 0.4 kilograms of substance per 500 liters of fluid per day, or 230-240 milligrams per liter, the treatment period is 1 calendar week.

When treating turkey poults and chickens with an amprolium using it as an additive to drinking water, the solution with the drug should be the main drink for the bird, without using clean water.

Serving with food

Using the drug Amprolium 25 as an additive to the feed ration is also possible in one of two possible directions:

  • the daily dose for prevention is not more than 0.3 – 0.4 kilograms of the drug per 1 ton of feed, or at the rate of 120-130 milligrams per 1 kg,
  • daily dose for the treatment of turkey poults – up to 0.8 – 1.0 kilogram of the drug per 1 ton of food or up to 240 milligrams per kg, while the treatment period is from 7 to 10 days with the subsequent transition to preventive doses.
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For adult birds, up to turkey amprolium is equal to 0.1 percent of the total diet. :

  • young growth of 16 weeks of age,
  • the laying period of laying hens, since the active substance leaves the birds and the body of the egg,
  • simultaneous the use of other anticoccidiotic drugs.

The prepared feed mixture with amrolium retains its active effect for seven days.

When using an amprolium for poultry, its slaughter is not allowed earlier than five days after the cessation of the drug turkeys. This time is enough for the remains of the active substance to leave the birds. In the event of forced slaughter of poultry during the treatment with the amprolium before the safe deadline, their meat is used for feeding other animals or for the industrial production of flour.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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