Oregano, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits


Oregano is a herbaceous annual plant found
in the Mediterranean and European countries. Having a very exotic name,
oregano, for a long time known to us under both of oregano .
This shrub has several branched stems, covered with grayish-green
oval leaves, and small white, sometimes pink, flowers.

It is used as a spice that improves the taste of all kinds of
dishes and allows them to keep them fresh for much longer. For example,
kvass or beer, to which oregano is added, have a wonderful aroma
and do not sour for a long time. Oregano is also used
to cure many diseases in traditional medicine.

Oregano in translation means “mountain decoration”, this plant was known
in Greece and Ancient Egypt. Having tasted the aroma and taste of wild
oregano, people began to actively cultivate it and now oregano is
grown in Western Asia, America, France, etc. The main
supplier of this spice is Turkey. There are
more than twenty species of oregano growing in Europe .

Oregano is a beautifully flowering, unpretentious plant. It
grows well in open sunny areas, and
only needs watering during the dry period. The plant is frost-resistant, but
it is advisable to cover it in severe winters.

How to choose

If possible, prefer choosing a fresh plant
over a dry one, as this significantly affects its taste
and aroma. When you come to the store, do not rush to take the factory packaging of the
seasoning, but rather look for green oregano. Fresh grass should have a
pungent and tart aroma, bright green juicy leaves without yellowing
and dark spots, firm stems.

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How to store

After purchasing fresh oregano, wrap it in a
damp towel or napkin and place it in the refrigerator. In order
to keep the oregano longer, you need to freeze the leaves in ice
cubes or airtight bags. It is advisable to freeze whole
leaves, and cut them before cooking.

If you have not found fresh oregano and purchased a dry spice, then
you should also take care of proper storage. Pour
dry oregano into a glass dish and place in a cool place.
Thus, the herb will retain its properties and aroma for six months.

Reflection in culture

Despite its wide distribution throughout the world,
Europe, or rather its southern part , is the homeland of oregano . There is also written
evidence of this – Dioscoridos, a famous scientist from Greece,
wrote a series of books on medicinal plants, in which he also mentioned
oregano. This was back in the 1st century AD, and, therefore, at
this time the plant was already popular in medicine.

Since ancient times, oregano, for its aromatic properties, has received
recognition among the Romans and Greeks, they considered it a symbol of happiness
and joy.

Since the Middle Ages, this plant has been cultivated in France,
and since that time it has taken an important place among the
herbs used in Mediterranean cuisine.

Calorie content of oregano

Dried oregano contains about 306 calories. But this indicator does not
matter much when calculating the calorie content of a finished dish,
because its use in the form of a spice or medicine is limited to a
small amount.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 11 10,25 21,6 7,2 7,2 306

Benefits of oregano

Composition and presence of nutrients

Oregano is very rich in various essential oils that give
it a pungent, bitter taste and aroma. These oils include a huge
mass of useful and healing substances. Thymol has analgesic
and antiseptic properties, carvacrol – anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant, sesquiterpenes – antihelminthic. Oregano also
contains vitamins A, K, E, C
and group B necessary for humans .

Oregano contains tannins
that are very useful for the human body . They contribute to the effective cleansing of toxins and toxins.
Ascorbic acid, also included in the composition, has a tonic
effect, and vitamin K increases blood clotting. Choline has a good
effect on the nervous system and normalizes fat metabolism and cholesterol levels.

Oregano also contains: rosmarinic acid, cymene, bitter
substances, flavonoids, terpenes, geranyl acetate. This herb can
have strengthening, stimulating, diuretic, expectorant,
bactericidal, diaphoretic, sedative, disinfecting and immunomodulatory

Medicinal, useful properties

For a long time, oregano has been used as a medicinal herb.
It has a particular value for its positive effect on the female body.
It has a stimulating and tonic effect on the smooth muscles of the
uterus. But this property has two uses. An infusion or regular
tea made from oregano restores the menstrual cycle, helps to
reduce menstrual pain and is used in case of delayed menstruation.
Another property used by healers in ancient times is abortive,
so oregano is contraindicated for pregnant women. But this does not apply to lactating
women, since the plant has the ability to increase lactation.

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Oregano is also indicated during menopause,
because it has a calming effect during hot flashes and depressed
mental states. In some cases, with the help of oregano, it is possible to
slow down the early menopause and prolong the active work of the ovaries.

The plant has a calming and mild hypnotic effect
on children. Oregano also has a positive effect on the digestive
system: it increases tone, enhances peristalsis,
intestinal secretory function , increases appetite, and improves digestion. A decoction of the herb oregano
effectively relieves hangover syndrome. Traditional medicine has long
used oregano in the treatment of alcoholism, it is recommended to take the
broth daily, morning and evening, in a quarter of a glass.

There is a claim that oregano can replace the most effective
antibiotics. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of this
spice relieves the human body of many existing

Oregano is also used externally in the form of compresses, and is also included
in the composition of alcoholic tinctures and cosmetic oils, which are used
for seborrheic eczema,
dermatitis, herpes,
various itching and mild burns.

Due to its properties, this plant is an excellent
source of fiber, which removes bile salts and carcinogenic
toxins by binding to them in the colon. This stimulates the
body to break down cholesterol and produce more
bile salts.

In cooking

Oregano has long been popular with culinary professionals.
They usually use dried leaves and flower buds, but
fresh leaves are also used . Italian and Greek cuisine makes extensive use of
this spice.

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In our region, oregano is commonly used for making drinks,
pickling vegetables, making kvass and beer. The preservative
properties of the spice, which are due to the tannins that make
up the composition , are especially appreciated . Oregano gives the pickles a pleasant aroma.

The best combination of oregano with fish sauces, salads and ham.
You cannot do without it when cooking baked potatoes, lamb,
pork, meat soups, omelets. It is best to add oregano at the
end of cooking.

In cosmetology

The ability of oregano to enhance lipolysis in fat cells has
been known for a long time. As a result of lipolysis,
fat is broken down and cellulite is eliminated. For this, massage of
problem areas is applied using a mixture of vegetable and essential oils of
oregano. Also, the plant is common in the cosmetic industry.
It is added to creams, masks and scrubs. These products are easy to prepare
and at home.

Applied for 30 minutes, oregano decoction, mixed with egg white,
tightens pores, removes oily shine and gives the skin a fresh, healthy
Alcohol tincture of oregano also perfectly disinfects and soothes irritated skin .

Rinsing your hair with a decoction of this herb will make it stronger, relieve
dandruff and make it silky. The
oregano essential oil added to hair conditioner will give your hair a healthy shine and delicate scent.
A couple of drops of the same oil in a shower gel will reduce perspiration
and cleanse the skin of pimples, irritations and enlarged pores.

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As for diets, doctors recommend adding this spice
to food. It will replace harmful sauces, make the dish more flavorful, and help
reduce the amount of salt you need to add to your food.
Oregano speeds up the process of food digestion and absorption, and also
prevents the deposition of fat.

Dangerous properties of oregano

The use of oregano, despite all the beneficial properties, may
negatively affect the body if consumed without measure.
After all, its absence can provoke allergies,
and even reduce potency in males. Contraindications
are hyperacidity of the stomach and hypertension
at a serious stage.

Pregnant women should remember that oregano is the oldest
known abortion drug. That is why
women expecting a baby are categorically contraindicated to consume
oregano throughout pregnancy.

The essential oil of oregano should also be limited and used in minimal
doses. It can irritate mucous membranes and skin.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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