How to properly feed garlic with yeast

Yeast is one of the most popular fertilizers for feeding vegetables. They have a lot of protein, minerals and iron in an organic, easily digestible form. Fertilizing garlic with yeast provides a rapid growth of the root system and makes it possible to actively grow greens, even in poorly lit places.

  1. Benefits of feeding
  2. How to prepare top dressing
  3. How and when to feed
  4. First top dressing
  5. Second top dressing
  6. Third top dressing
  7. Conclusion <

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Topping the garlic with yeast

The benefits of top dressing

Topping plants with yeast is mainly practiced in spring and summer, while the earth has already been warmed up enough, which means that the material contained in this fertilizer will it’s faster to react with the soil. It is used both for seedlings in greenhouses and for plants planted in open ground.

The effectiveness of this method of plant nutrition:

  • active growth of the crop in greens;
  • strengthening leaves and stems;
  • improving the development of the root system
  • increasing productivity;
  • increasing resistance to diseases and pests;
  • an environmentally friendly fruit, since all components are natural;
  • savings, since the cost of the main product is not high.

When calculating caution and the number of fertilizing should be careful. An overdose will have a negative effect on the plant and its fruits.

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A lot of calcium and potassium are washed out in the soil during the fermentation of this fertilizer. And these substances are no less useful than minerals and living components. Ash helps to cope with this shortcoming. Some time after feeding, it is recommended to water the plants with clean water, and then spray the prepared ash from above, from wood, leaves and other plant components. You can scatter ash between the rows.

To apply such fertilizer should only be at the root. Getting on the foliage, top dressing can greatly harm the plant and reduce productivity.

How to cook top dressing

There are several recipes for feeding yeast. The most common of them:

  1. per 10l. water to take 10-11g of dry yeast, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 0.5 liter aged chicken droppings and 0.5 liter wood ash. Mix everything and use after 2-3 hours, after diluting 1:10 with water. It is strictly forbidden to feed in its pure form.
  2. For 3 liters of warm water, take 100 g of live nutrition (yeast) and 0.5 cups of sugar. Mix everything and leave for fermentation in a warm place for 2-3 hours, after covering the container with gauze. Stirring occasionally. Ready top dressing is calculated at the rate of 1 cup per 1 bucket of water.
  3. For 1 pack of dry yeast, take 1 tbsp. sour milk and 1 tbsp. ash, put in a 10l container. Wrap with a towel and leave in a warm place to wander, stirring the mixture 2 times a day. After a week, the fertilizer will be ready.
  4. per 10l. take warm water 100g. dry yeast, add crackers and crusts of rye bread, a little sugar. Insist for at least 4 days. Dilute the finished mixture before use 1:10.
  5. In a small container, fold chopped nettles and weeds, herbs, pour warm water and put in the sun for fermentation. The mixture must be stirred occasionally. After 7 days, add 0.5 kg of raw yeast to the composition. Feeding should be started after 3 days. 1 liter will go to a bucket of water. sourdough.
See also  Then plant garlic

In these simple ways, productivity and productivity can be significantly improved. Just remember that excessive consumption of this product can make the soil hard and barren.

How and when to feed

Дрожжевое удобрение укрепит корни растений

Yeast fertilizer will strengthen the roots of plants

In early spring, when the first shoots of greenery appear, it is recommended to fertilize and feed the plant. To make a feather of onion and garlic lush and green, warm yeast fertilizer will help. Thanks to him, the roots will become stronger, and the vegetative part will be thicker.

First feeding

The first feeding of onions and garlic should be in spring, regardless of the time of planting, after the appearance of the first feathers . It is better to feed for the first time in the first decade of May, since the greens will already sprout, and the soil will be sufficiently warmed up for fermentation.Recommended temperature on the site, at least 20 ° C.

The earth must first be loosened and watered. Then you need to take a glass of finished sourdough and dilute it in 10 liters of water. With this solution, water the plants under the root. Greens, after fertilizing, should actively grow.

Second feeding

The second feeding occurs at the beginning of summer, or rather on the last days of June or in the first ten days of July, when the vegetative part of the plant has already begun to develop rapidly. Fertilizing is recommended in the same way, under the root, trying not to touch the foliage. If the solution gets on the stem and leaves, you can spray the bushes 3-4 hours after fertilizing. This will clear the stems and leaves (feathers) of the plant from accidental ingress of the live mixture and protect the garlic from a possible negative reaction.

See also  Benefits and storage of sprouted garlic

Third feeding

A third feeding is desirable at the time of head development onions or garlic. Due to the strong root system, the head of garlic is actively gaining volume. It is during this period of time that the root system of the plant draws a lot of juice from the ground, and if the soil is depleted or it just does not have enough necessary vitamin compounds, the plant is threatened with a delay in growth and disease.

Do not feed the plant with yeast more than 3 times per season. This can easily hurt and lead to the opposite result.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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