How to plant garlic in the winter near Moscow

Garlic is one of most popular onion plants. It is actively used in cooking for preserving, preparing hot and cold dishes. Undemanding to the soil, but does not grow everywhere. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in planting garlic in the Moscow region and its features.

  1. Varieties of varieties
  2. Dates of landing
  3. Lunar calendar
  4. Place for landing
  5. Predecessors
  6. Preparing garlic for planting
  7. Fertilizers <
  8. Planting rules
  9. Care
  10. Treatment and prevention of diseases
  11. Conclusion <

Высаживаем чеснок под зиму в Подмосковье

We plant garlic in the winter in the suburbs

To grow garlic inexpensively. Care for it is simple. In frequent feeding It doesn’t need. Certain varieties have excellent yields.

Varieties of varieties

Winter garlic varieties are often planted in the Moscow Region, but gardeners should deal with the characteristics of each species. There are 2 large groups : shooter, non-shooter.

Known varieties of shooter garlic:

  1. Bashkirsky 85 early ripe onion plant. The average weight of the bulb is 64 g.
  2. Gribovsky 80 is an early ripening variety. Productivity is high. Bulb weight 100 g. It can have up to 12 cloves.
  3. Jubilee Gribovsky garlic head consists of 11 cloves. It tolerates the winter period. It is characterized by a sharp taste.
  4. The smell is sharp, the taste is sharp. Mid-season high-yielding variety.
  5. Komsomolets large heads weighing up to 120 gr. Resistant to many diseases of garden crops.
  6. Dungan local with wide sharp teeth. The average weight of the bulb is 30-34 gr. Up to 7 cloves in one head.
See also  How to plant and grow garlic

Existing types of unarmed garlic: Broadleaf 220 and Novosibirsk. Their taste is not too sharp, and the average weight is 25-45 gr. Saved up to six months.

Spring garlic is planted not in the autumn, but in the spring. The main difference with winter is external. It consists of many small cloves. They are arranged in several rows.

Attention should be paid to Rocambole. Bulbs odnosbuki. Their weight is on average 50 gr. But with enough light and heat it reaches 100-110 gr. A 200 or 300-g bulb will grow on the 3rd or 4th year. Vegetable culture consists of vitamin A and C of iron, allicin, carbohydrates, proteins, carotene, essential oils.

Planting dates

The planting dates are affected by climatic and weather conditions. The universal rule to land at 40-50 days before frost and cold snap. Garlic adapts to external factors (temperature, soil, moisture).

In the Moscow Region, the optimal time is from September 18 to October 12. If this is done earlier, the plant will not have time to get used to the habitat. The sprout forms in early autumn and can freeze when winter sets in.

The temperature should not be lower than 18 ° C. By mid-November, it will not exceed 10 ° C.

Sheathed with foil if the first winter days are snowy. You should cover the vegetable with a sharp cold snap and severe frosts at night.

See also  The benefits and harms of garlic for humans

Lunar calendar

Many gardeners rely only on personal experience. Some trust the lunar calendars. Based on them, they make a forecast regarding the timing of sowing.

The phases of the moon affect the future crop in different ways. There are favorable and unfavorable days.

According to the lunar calendar for 2018, you can plant an onion plant in September and October:

  • from September 5 to 7;
  • from September 14 to September 17;
  • October 10, 22, 29.

Having planted a vegetable at this time, the gardener will receive a rich harvest. All other days are unfavorable. In November, in 2018, garlic can only be planted if the climatic conditions are met.

Place for planting

The suburbs have a temperate continental climate. This does not allow the mulching of the soil to occur before planting. Do this at another time 2-3 weeks after planting.

Garlic germinates well in sandy or light loamy soil. The site should not be flooded in the spring. Overmoistening of the soil will lead to loss of crop. The advantage is the sunny side of the plot.

Fertilizing the earth in the form of fresh manure is harmful to garlic.This can trigger fungal infections. The quality of the product deteriorates, the yield level falls.

See also  Diseases and Prevention of Table Garlic

The width of the beds should be more than 1 m. This is necessary for convenient growth of onion plants. The best location is east-west.


The yield of a vegetable crop depends on what products grew earlier in the soil. For the Moscow region, plants with a short growing season are considered to be excellent predecessors. Among them are:

  • eggplant;
  • squash;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper ;
  • berry bushes;
  • cabbage.

Experts do not recommend planting garlic where potatoes and other root vegetables grew earlier. They clean up late. Earth does not have time to recover.

You can not plant garlic in place of onions. This is real only after 3-4 years.

Preparing the garlic for planting

Чеснок и почва должны быть подготовлены к высадке

Garlic and soil should be prepared for planting

Having decided on the place of planting, you need to properly prepare it. Digging the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm is a mandatory procedure. The earth must be loosened so that it is saturated with oxygen.

For the best growth of the vegetable, all the weeds, stones, and garbage are dug up. They prevent garlic from germinating normally.


Fertilizing is necessary to enrich the earth with useful and nutritious substances.For garlic, such fertilizers will be effective:

  • humus (compost) 30-60 tons per 1 ha;
  • micronutrient fertilizers help survive the winter with minimal damage;
  • nitrogen is introduced when sprouts appear;
  • nitroammophos (potash) is added a month after nitrogen-phosphorus;
  • phosphoric ones contribute to the gain in the necessary mass, good development of the aerial part, and saturation of the cloves with valuable substances.
See also  Then plant garlic

Some tools are used before landing. Others during the growing season in order to maintain growth.

Autumn soil preparation will not allow the cloves to go too deep into the ground. This will positively affect the yield in spring. They must be soaked 2 days before planting in a manganese solution. This is a protective procedure to prevent diseases and develop resistance to pests.

Planting rules

In the Moscow Region, winter varieties of garlic are planted in furrows up to 10 cm deep. Distance from a clove to a surface of 6 cm.

For convenience, conditional marking is done on the bed. Oktyabrina Ganichkina, a well-known Russian gardener, adheres to the following parameters:

  • the distance between the rows is 25-35 cm;
  • between the cloves at least 10 cm.

The teeth are planted in pre-prepared holes. There may be single teeth or single large teeth.

Planting of garlic in the winter in the Moscow Region is carried out with bulbs.They help to refresh the soil and improve the seed. Seeds must be sized. Planting is carried out independently in small fields or with a seeder on beds over 10 ha. It is necessary to plant the seeds to a depth of 3-5 cm.


После посадке обязательно правильно ухаживать за чесноком

After planting, be sure to properly care for garlic

Winter onion plants tolerate winter well. Thanks to this, there is no need for special care. It is sometimes enough to fertilize or till the soil with fertilizers.

In the spring after the snow melts, the mulch is removed. This procedure will help the vegetable to germinate faster. In early July, arrows appear in the corresponding varieties of garlic. They break out when reaching 10 cm or more. They inhibit the growth process. If they are not removed, the bulbs will be light and the cloves will be small.

See also  What and how to feed garlic in the summer

Disease Treatment and Prevention

Garlic is immune to pests and fungal infections. But it needs to be strengthened and processed by special means. Gardeners of the Moscow Region use the following preventative treatment options:

  1. Manganese solution. Cloves can be placed in it for a day or 30 minutes. They are saturated with nutrients. After the cloves are planted in the ground.
  2. Saline solution. 3 tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 5 liters of water. The mixture is boiled for about 30 minutes and cooled.Application of disinfection of cloves.
  3. Ash. 350-400 grams of ash mixed with 2 liters of water. About half an hour, the liquid boils and then cools. Planting stock must be in solution for at least 30 minutes.
  4. A solution based on copper sulfate. Stir with water in a ratio of 10 l: 1 tsp.


Garlic is usually grown in the Moscow Region in the winter. Proper care and favorable climatic conditions guarantee a good harvest. The gardener needs to determine the place of planting, sort of garlic. Preparation is an important stage in gardening, so cloves or bulbs must be moistened in advance in a nutrient solution.

Garlic is resistant to diseases, pests and quickly adapts to living conditions. Due to its sharp taste and pleasant aroma, it is often used in cooking and medicine.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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