The rules for planting garlic in the winter in Belarus

Planting the garlic in Belarus is produced for the winter. This culture is very popular among many peoples of the world and is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Even Avicenna claimed that it helps against many diseases. During the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, slaves were introduced into the diet of this culture for preventive purposes. The article will discuss how to plant garlic for the winter in Belarus.

The lunar calendar will help determine the most favorable period for planting garlic in 2018. It indicates the sowing dates of various crops depending on the territory.

For example, planting garlic for the winter of 2017 in Belarus was recommended according to the lunar calendar in October, namely on the 5th, 6th, 20th, 22nd. Its harvest will be harvested in August 2018. If the culture will be grown from bulbs, then it must be planted in April. When to plant garlic for the winter in Belarus – the answer to this question will give the lunar calendar. The crop planted these days gives good seedlings and a high yield.


The planting of garlic for the winter in Belarus largely depends on the variety. Gardeners need to choose one that is ideal for local growing conditions. The types of culture that form arrows are distinguished by good endurance and are not afraid of a frosty winter.

The characteristics of some varieties will allow gardeners to choose the one that suits the conditions:

  1. Lyubasha – the variety belongs to breeders from Ukraine, well tolerates winter and drought. It is stored well, while not losing flavor. The plant reaches a height of 120 cm, the bulb consists of 5-7 teeth, its average weight is 80 g. The color of the bulb is white with purple threads.
  2. Ukrainian white – does not form arrows, but lends itself well to storage. His bulbs are large, weighing 150 g, they consist of 5-12 cloves.
  3. Spas – also belongs to the Ukrainian selection, gives good yields and is characterized by excellent keeping quality. The average weight of the bulbs is 80 g.
  4. Jubilee Gribovsky – the variety was bred long ago, but this does not prevent it from being a leader among other varieties.He gained immense popularity allowed him high yield, resistance to most pests and disease states. It has a small onion, about 40 g.
  5. Reliable – a peninsular variety, stored for up to a year, which is why its name came about. The bulb consists of 5-7 cloves.
  6. Jubilee 07 – it is well stored and gives high yields, the taste is semi-sharp.
  7. Rocambole is a semi-sharp variety, its taste resembles that of onions.

All of the listed varieties of culture are suitable for cultivation in Belarus. Which of them should be preferred, gardeners need to decide. After all, each culture is different in taste, and this is an individual choice.

Preparation of seed material

Winter garlic, unlike spring garlic, can be propagated with cloves and seeds. But to grow a full-fledged culture from seeds will take as long as 2 years, and you can grow a culture from cloves in just a year. Seeds are used mainly when planting material is not enough.

Before planting garlic for the winter in Belarus, the material is carefully selected:

  • large and undamaged teeth are chosen;
  • reject small and rotten teeth, planting material with a broken shell.

Suitable material is disinfected in a solution of ash (2 cups of ash are boiled in 2 liters of water for 30 minutes, cool). Disinfection can be carried out using a salt solution (3 tablespoons in 5 liters of water) for 2 minutes. After that, the teeth are dipped for one minute in a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).


Culture is photophilous, so you should choose a sunny plot on non-acidic soil, best sandy loam. Two weeks before planting, the soil is fertilized with humus (5-6 kg), superphosphate and potash fertilizers are applied. The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the fertility of the soil: the more fertile it is, the less fertilizer needs to be applied per m². Before planting, it is recommended to cover the area with film.

Favorable predecessors

When determining the site for a crop, you need to know which plants are its favorable predecessors, and after which it will not yield a good crop . The scientist established that the universal precursors of the plant will be annual crops of a short growing term:

  • squash;
  • tomatoes;
  • rye, oats;
  • different types of berries.

You should not plant a plant after plants that are harvested in September and October, as the soil does not have time to rest. It is forbidden to plant a crop in the very place where it grew in the previous year. This garlic patch is only used after a few days.


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We sit on a small distance

The teeth are planted in the prepared furrows, the distance between the teeth is 10-15 cm, between the rows 25-30 cm, the depth of the grooves is not more than 20 cm. Sand is poured on their bottom, and planting teeth. It does not allow planting material to contact the ground and protects the teeth from decay. The distance between the planting material depends on its size: the larger the teeth, the greater the distance and vice versa.

The grooves are covered with earth, the bed is covered with mulch (peat, sawdust or straw). Before snowfall, the area is covered with roofing material or a film to protect it from frost. The snow covering the garden bed reliably protects it from the cold, as it serves as a kind of coverlet.

If sowing is done with seeds, the depth of the furrows should not exceed 3 cm, the distance between the grooves should not exceed 10 cm, between the planting material – no more than 2 cm. Bulbs planted in April until the fall turn into small onions with one clove, which must be collected, dried and planted again to harvest a full crop of garlic in a year.

Care after planting

Culture after planting does not require m th hassle, it has a high resistance to cold.A planted plant in time grows roots to the cold and tolerates winter cold, if the bed is well mulled or covered with roofing material.

In the spring, the cover is removed so that it does not prevent the sprouts from breaking through the soil. In June, arrows appear on the culture, they break out, not allowing them to reach 10 cm, because they take away strength and the bulb grows small.


After the appearance of sprouts in Nitrogen and organic fertilizers (urea, a solution of mullein or bird droppings) make the soil. In June or early July, plants are fertilized with a solution of ash (a glass of ash is dissolved in 10 l of water).

Organic fertilizers are the best option for this crop. They allow her to grow a large bulb.


The plant requires constant watering, especially in the spring during the period of active growth. During the ripening period of the bulbs, moderate watering is sufficient. If the weather is rainy, then there is no need to water the sprouts. Waterlogging the soil to the depth of winter garlic can lead to rotting of the bulbs and the spread of various painful conditions.

After irrigation, the soil is loosened and the weeds are harvested. If after the emergence of seedlings the bed was mulled, then caring for the plant will be much easier.


The best days for harvesting are sunny. The optimal harvesting dates fall at the end of July and the beginning of August.Lower leaves will turn yellow until this time. The selected crop is dried under the sun for a week. Bulbs are peeled from the ground, stalks are cut and wreaths are woven. Ready-made wreaths are stored in the winter in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Overriding of the culture in the ground is not allowed. In this case, the teeth begin to sprout, the bulbs disintegrate after harvesting, lose their marketability and are poorly preserved.


Almost all gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of garlic in Belarus. Without it, you can not imagine a festive table. Growing a winter plant is practically no different from the methods of planting it in other countries. Only the timing of planting and harvesting differs. The main task of gardeners in the cultivation of this crop is to prevent the bulbs from freezing in a snowless winter. Here it is necessary to be guided by the amount of snow: if it is enough, then it is better to cover the site not to cover. Strong sprouts in the spring are evidence that the culture survived the winter perfectly.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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