When to tie garlic

Get a plentiful harvest – the main goal of the gardeners. The ligation procedure helps increase the fertility of garlic. For the correct manipulation, you must strictly follow the rules. The main thing is to know when to tie the garlic and why to do it.

  1. Need to tie
  2. Subtleties of the procedure
  3. Time frame
  4. Harvest
  5. Conclusion <

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Rules for tying garlic

The need for tying

The timely setting of garlic leaves prevents the accumulation of all mineral substances in the bulb. bulbs, and will not spend energy on growth green shoots.

The question is whether garlic needs to be tied. It is difficult to achieve ideal conditions in the garden, therefore setting garlic leaves is necessary. This ensures proper bulb formation, which guarantees a rich and healthy crop.

Subtleties of the procedure

How to tie garlic properly so as not to harm the plant? Before carrying out the garter procedure, remove the arrow. To leave a few arrows for the subsequent formation of planting material, tying the leaves is contraindicated.

To remove the arrows, use a knife, and after trimming, sprinkle the wound (clipping point) with crushed coal. The importance of filling the wound with carbohydrate powder is explained by its ability to prevent the development of infectious diseases, as well as pest damage.

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The leaves of the garlic are tied, paying attention to their length. If it does not exceed 35 cm, one nodule is enough. When the leaves reach a mark of 40 cm, they should be tied with a double knot.

To properly tie the leaves, select several middle sheets, twist them and form a knot. Be sure to monitor its tightness, if you pull the leaves too much you can damage or break them.

Some gardeners prefer to braid rather than form knots, however this method takes more time and effort. As a result, the leaves are tied with a tight knot, but they are not damaged.

The work must be done with tight gloves. Sprouts have sharp edges and the ability to cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Time frames

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Thanks to the setting, strong bulbs grow

It is equally important to understand when to tie the leaves of garlic. Winter varieties planted in autumn are tied, starting from the second week of July, approximately 4-6 days before harvest. Spring varieties ripen by the end of summer, so the string is formed a week before the planned harvest.

A more accurate time is determined based on the condition of the leaves of the vegetable: the leaves turn yellowish, then the bulbs crack, and the upper shoots gradually bend to the ground.

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Harvested ripened fruits that have undergone the procedure of gartering, produce a few days earlier. This is due to the fact that the abundance of juice allows the bulb to form faster. The degree of maturity is determined by digging up individual specimens: the husks of the mature heads easily depart from the fetus.

It is important to harvest in time, because long-term storage will lead to a loss of taste and a violation of the head structure – the teeth will begin to fall apart .

Signs of maturity:

  • strong husk that protects the plant from pests;
  • dense teeth;
  • the size of the bulb meets the standards;
  • it is easy to separate the husk from the head, however, the teeth do not disintegrate.

Digging is carried out at imalnom humidity level. Summer evening is the best time to check maturity.

Digging rules: garlic is picked up with a pitchfork, cleaned from the ground, dried. Leaf pruning is done after the fruit has completely dried.


Whether garlic should be tied is an individual issue, but practice shows that plantings that undergo garter form and ripen faster. This allows you to get more crops in the shortest possible time. Subject to all the above rules, the risk of fruit damage will be excluded.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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