Characteristics of early cabbage variety Akira F1

In the spring market, white cabbage is in great demand. Akira cabbage early is one of the most profitable varieties, if the purpose of cultivation is to sell at the beginning of the season. This kind of culture is popular due to its appearance and taste.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Use of the vegetable
  3. Care
  4. Loosening <
  5. Hilling
  6. Selecting a location
  7. Feeding <
  8. Watering <
  9. Pests
  10. Flea
  11. Cabbage or cabbage fly
  12. Butterfly
  13. Aphids
  14. Diseases
  15. Conclusion <

Характеристика ранней капусты сорта Акира f1

Characteristics of the early cabbage of the Akira variety f1

Characteristics of the variety

Akira early cabbage f1 – one of sama common varieties of white cabbage. To plant this type of plant is best at the beginning of the season. The ripening period of Akira f1 cabbage seeds is about 50 weeks.

The advantages of this variety, as described, are:

  • simultaneous ripening;
  • neat appearance;
  • weight from 1 to 2.5 kg;
  • good transport tolerance;
  • fitness for dense plantings;
  • resistance to decay;
  • high commercial quality.

Cultivation of this variety is carried out under agrofibre or in temporary covered under the film.

The head of cabbage has a spherical shape. The structure of the fetus is very dense. Cabbage of bright green color.The leaves of the head are quite compact, their shape looks beautiful. The average weight of a head is 1-2 kg. The stump is very small.

Application of the vegetable

From the Akira f1 harvest you can prepare such dishes:

  • cabbage rolls;
  • vegetable puree soup.
  • stewed cabbage;
  • various salads.

Early varieties can be pickled for the winter. To do this, you need:

  • head of early cabbage;
  • hot red pepper;
  • carrots;
  • vegetable oil.

The fill is prepared by adding acetic acid, sugar and salt to the water. Vegetables are thoroughly washed. Carrots and peppers are finely chopped, and the head is chopped. All ingredients are placed in a jar and poured.



Все сорняки нужно убирать

All weeds must be removed

You can loosen the soil using a normal hoe or using special tools. All weeds that appear at the vegetable growth site must be carefully weeded.


To control harmful plants under the outlet of cabbage leaves, use hilling. Thanks to this manipulation, the culture has additional roots and increases the resistance to harmful weeds.

Choosing a place

When choosing a site for planting, you need to make sure that the plant will receive enough sunlight. Plants that grow in the shade are more susceptible to diseases, and the fruits do not become so tasty.


To accelerate the growth, various fertilizing and mineral fertilizers are used.

  • The first top dressing is carried out a week after planting seedlings in the ground when the plants have a growing season.
  • After 2 weeks, a second top dressing is done, increasing the dose of fertilizers at least 2 times.


Early varieties are very moody in soil moisture. The appearance of dried leaves should not be allowed due to the small amount of moisture in the soil. This is a symptom of the death of the fibrous roots of the plant. Determining the need for irrigation is very simple: you need to dig a little earth, which is at a depth of 5-6 cm from the surface. If the earth does not hold on to the heap, but crumbles when trying to squeeze it into a lump, irrigation is carried out.

The need for water increases as the culture develops. The more leaves, the more water the plant requires, and the greatest amount of water is needed during heading. The daily water consumption per fruit is 10-12 liters.

2-3 weeks before the start of harvesting, watering of plants is completed.Excessive moisture during harvesting can cause the fruit to crack, resulting in ulcers.


Регулярно осматривайте растения

Regularly inspect the plants

The main plant pests are:

  • cruciferous flea;
  • cabbage fly;
  • butterflies;
  • aphids;
  • kila.


Use insecticides to control the cruciferous flea. Effective folk remedies are tinctures from wood ash or tobacco. To prepare 250 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 l of water.

Cabbage or cabbage fly

Cabbage fly is a very dangerous insect for the garden. She lays eggs under the breasts of the earth next to a growing crop. After a week, larvae hatch from the eggs, which penetrate the plant root system and eat it. Prevention of such a disease is the earliest possible landing of seedlings in the ground before the appearance of flies. During this time, the fruits develop sufficiently strong to withstand external stimuli. You can get rid of already appeared fly larvae with the help of insecticides. One plant needs 200 ml of the drug. Watering is carried out once every 7 days.


Butterflies are harmful in that they lay eggs on the leaves of the plant.After a while, the offspring appears in the form of a variety of caterpillars that eat the head of cabbage from the inside. Larvae dig their own passages there and leave their waste products, which leads to decay of the fetus. To control caterpillars, both insecticides and a large number of folk remedies without chemical exposure are used. One of such methods is spraying the plantings with the infusion of their tomato stems.


Aphids are combated with similar methods. Symptoms of the pest are pink leaves.


The keel is a parasite that feeds on the plant and lives in it. Prevention of such a disease is not carried out because of the difficulty in detecting the fungus.

The symptoms of the disease are wilted leaves and a slow development of head. Harmful formations appear on the roots. You can stop the spread of the disease only by removing the affected plant from the garden.

Akira early cabbage
Planting of early cabbage in the Kherson region!


Akira early cabbage f1 is one of the best varieties for planting, but the plant is very moody in terms of temperature and humidity. to and any kind of early cabbage, Akira requires constant and timely care.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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