Cornflower, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Cornflower is a herb of the Asteraceae family
or Astrovye.

Also called: Barvin, Barivets, Forest periwinkle,
Varvinok, Grave grass, Cornflower, Zelenka, Cemetery, Cemetery,
Noyushka, Ivy, Paduchnitsa, Povoy, Uvenok, Sinilnik, Khreshchatyk.

Perennial, herbaceous evergreen shrub,
having a thin horizontal rhizome.

Vegetative stems, rooting, lying, up to 1,3 m long.
Generative stems up to 35 cm high, erect.

Leaves glabrous, opposite, sometimes with sharp tips, up to
4 cm, shiny, oblong-ellipsoid, leathery, gray-green underneath,
green on top. The leaves are arranged in 2 – 3 opposite leaves.

The flowers are large, solitary, azure, few in number, with a short
calyx, on erect long pedicels. Funnel-shaped corolla,
blue, five-part, with a long, narrow middle slightly
swollen tube, flat, five-lobed, wheel-like pink
or blue fold. The stigma is pubescent, thick.

The fruit is an arcuate, curved, oblong leaf.

This plant grows on sub-sandy and sandy soils,
among the crops of wheat,
rye or flax, grows like a weed. Often found in fallow fields.

Located practically throughout the CIS, except for the Far North
or some dry areas. It also grows in Belarus, Ukraine,
Western Siberia, Krasnodar Territory.

The cornflower begins to bloom in mid-spring, in April.
Mass flowering occurs in May and continues throughout
summer right up to mid-autumn. After flowering, two carpels are bred
in different directions, of which 2 leaflets are formed without tuft but with
seeds. The fruits ripen from the end of June.

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Cornflowers are harvested in late summer, from July to August.

Only the flowers of the plant are involved in the collection, namely
marginal, mature, leuciform, bright blue flowers.

First, they collect flower baskets, then from the baskets
pluck out corollas of blue, extreme flowers. In the prepared raw materials categorically
the presence of inner tubular flowers is prohibited. The same is discarded
faded corollas.

You need to dry in a darkened, warm room, spread out on a canvas
or on paper. There must be adequate ventilation in the room. When
drying, it is necessary to turn the plants over in order to preserve the natural
color. Dry flowers are stored in a closed container and in a dry, dark place.

It is often used as an ornamental plant. cornflower
loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging, tolerates drought well.
Grows in an open area where there is a sufficient amount of sun
Sveta. Grows well in moderately nutritious, garden soil.


Centaurea cyanus – Blue cornflower;
Centaurea scabiosa – Rough cornflower;
Centaurea americana – American cornflower;
Centaurea sadleriana – Danube cornflower;
Centaurea dealbata – Whitewashed cornflower;
Centaurea margaritalba – White pearl cornflower;
Centaurea jacea – Meadow cornflower;
Centaurea montana – Mountain cornflower;
Centaurea macrocephala – Large-headed cornflower;
Centaurea diffusa Lam. – Sprawling cornflower;

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Some types of cornflower are also listed in the Red Book, such
as pine cornflower – Centaurea dubjansky and cornflower Taliev – Centaurea

Useful properties of cornflower

For the preparation of infusions, decoctions and medicines, use
only cornflower flowers.

The chemical composition includes: glycosides, centaurin, chicorine, coloring
substances, cyanine, pelargonin. In addition, tanning, bitter,
protein substances, mineral salts and saponins.

Cornflowers contain: serpentine, lochnerin, aimalycin, vinblastine, vincamine,
vincristine, leurosin, vitamin
C, ursolic acid, carotene, flavonoids, rutin, bitter substances,
saponins, tannins, sugar.

Cornflower flowers have the following properties: antimicrobial,
anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic.

Preparation of cornflower tincture: 1 tablespoon of dry, crushed plant is poured
1 glass of water. Boil for 15 minutes, leave for 30 – 40 minutes, drain.
Cool to room temperature. The infusion is stored for up to 2 days.

Take orally 1 tablespoon after meals in a warm state – used
as a choleretic, light diuretic and antimicrobial.

Decoctions and infusions of cornflower are used for: inflammatory and chronic
kidney disease, inflammation of the urinary tract, edema,
with urolithiasis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, urethritis,
cystitis, pyelitis, nephrosis, decreased vision, liver disease
and biliary tract. Helps Regulate Gastrointestinal Problems

Infusions of cornflower flowers are used for diseases of the bladder,
kidneys, colds, as a mild laxative, as well as
for malaria or as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory property.

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This plant is also used in the alcoholic beverage industry.

Dangerous properties of cornflower and contraindications

Do not take orally for uterine bleeding or pregnancy.

The plant is slightly toxic, has the property of accumulation in the body
hazardous substances. It is necessary to take breaks when using drugs
or tea or tinctures.

If, during their use, the state of the body began to deteriorate,
you should immediately consult a doctor.

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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