Pistachio pig, characteristics and description of the breed

The pistachio pig has several important differences from its counterparts. This is evident by its external signs, behavior and lifestyle. To survive in the wild, the pig has to show its strength, dexterity and act quickly. Pistachio pig got its name because of the elongated hair that grows on the cheeks.

  1. Origin <
  2. Appearance
  3. What they eat
  4. Lifestyle
  5. Conclusion <

Кистеухая свинья

Kisteukha pig

Representatives of this breed live in some areas of Africa. They do not like dry places, prefer to live near ponds. Entire families can be found in the tropics.


A few decades ago, African and Madagascar pig breeds were considered one species. But with the socialists conducted a comparative analysis and identified some external similarities.

After a long study and research, the specialists decided to separate them. The shrub individuals are less bright in color and the River ones are smaller in size. Differences in appearance can be clearly seen in the photo on the Internet.


Pistachio pig has a dark red hue and a characteristic strip of light color that stretches along the entire body. The tail of such pigs is thin, mobile and long (almost up to 45 cm). There is a black and white tassel on the tip.

The distinctive features of piglets are: the ears are long and slightly pointed, with white or black tassels on the sides. Pigs are distinguished by the color of their hands.At the sight of fellow pigs, they bend their backs and bow their heads, their ears change their position.

The head has a black color, it resembles an oval in shape, there is a hump on the nose. A small piglet, elongated whiskers. Around the eyes you can see the white border. The fangs and tusks are sharp, so these animals can easily hunt in the wild. To distinguish a female from a male, it is necessary to pay attention to the bony tubercles, which resemble horns bent to the other side. They are located between the ears and eyes. Pistachio male is larger in size compared to the female, its muzzle is more elongated.

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African pigs have sharp fangs, with the help of which they easily cut through any objects. The weight of the pigs can reach 100 kg, but the body looks proportional. It is muscular and elongated, shoulders are powerful, legs are short and slender. The average body length is 120-160 cm. The racemose pigs do not have a hanging belly.

African pigs are agile, agile and fast. They pick up speed very quickly while running to survive in the wild. This species of pigs can compete even with hunting dogs. But, unlike dogs, pigs quickly get tired and inferior in stamina.

What they eat

Pistachio pigs are unpretentious in eating. Their main diet is plant and animal food.The following products are included in the daily menu:

  • various roots;
  • ripe fruits;
  • strawberries;
  • invertebrates.

At night, pigs often come to summer cottages, which are sown by various cultures. Pigs can feast on cloven-hoofed animals, and also destroy the entire future crop for 1 time. The locals do not like them, so they often catch and exterminate them.


To find food for themselves, Rooster pigs lead mainly a nocturnal lifestyle. This is their hallmark. During the day they can be found in earthen minks, which are carefully masked from predators. This breed of pigs lives in whole herds, which are headed by a mature and strong male. The total number of individuals in the herd can reach up to 17-20 pigs. This number includes females and offspring.

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Duration of sow pregnancy is 120 days. For one farrow, the female brings up to 5 piglets. The young are equipped with a nest, which in its shape resembles a round haystack. Little piglets are constantly monitored by adults. The period of feeding with milk is 3-4 months. They gradually become accustomed to adult solid food. After 3 years, pussycats have puberty.

Family groups clearly fence off their own territory. It is marked with secretions or scratches on the trees. Individuals gnaw them with their sharp fangs.If predators attack the family, then the pigs flee. In the inevitable collision with the enemy, they begin an attack. Many animals do not dare to attack the family, beingware of impressive size. In most cases, the enemies of this type of pigs become hyenas and other feline predators.

Such pigs do not like hunting dogs, so if they come into view, the herd starts an attack. Most often, pigs kill and share their prey.

Pistachio pigs are smart and have a sharp sense of smell. Poisoned baits do not bring the desired result.

These animals, in exceptional cases, can become domesticated. Such situations have been seen in eastern Africa, where people create special conditions for this.

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Pistachio pigs first appeared in Central and West Africa. They do not settle in arid regions , where there are no open water bodies, they are unpretentious in food, feed mainly on plant and good food.

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They differ from their counterparts in their remarkable color, long tail, and peculiar tassels on their ears. It is their unusual appearance that attracts people’s attention. In special situations, pigs can be aggressive, attack enemies, attack and destroy them.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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