Description of Bessonovsky variety

Bessonovsky onion, or, as the locals call it, has many useful properties, so it is quite popular among gardeners throughout Russia. The prospects for growing the Besson variety fully justify its use for planting: it tolerates local, often unfavorable growing conditions, demonstrates excellent yield and good preservation during storage in winter. Currently, the Bessonovsky vegetable can often be inferior to new promising varieties, but due to the fact that it is suitable for growing on the fields of large farmers, as well as for planting in a modest cottage, it remains in demand.

Description and properties of onions Besson
Growing onions from seeds
Features of seedling germination
How to grow onions with seed
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Zonal onions continue to be popular because of its rather high productivity and rare useful properties that once created him fame. Numerous breeders are trying to improve the quality characteristics of onions by changing the conditions for its cultivation. It is planned to return this position to this vegetable. You only need to know how to grow onions and how to care for crops. Some gardeners compare this variety only with the family.

Before acquiring such a variety, it is necessary to study the features of its cultivation, look at its description in the bosom of Bessonovsky. You can chat with gardeners in various forums and indicate where it is better to grow onions Bessonovskoy onions.

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Description and properties of the Besonovsky bow

The characteristics of the Besson variety are pretty good, and gardeners happily grow this species in their garden. According to the description, this variety of bulbs is compact in size with a mass of up to 60 g, with golden scales that surround the flesh and serve as protection against various types of damage. Such an onion does not differ in great juiciness, but its taste is spicy, with sharp sharpness. Some tasters rate the taste as average and only in some places a bit harsh, saturated.

This crop grows well in the middle climate zone. The combination of low moisture content and spicy taste of pulp allows the Besson variety to last up to 9 months, which becomes an undoubted advantage of this variety. Such stubbornness is appreciated by both farmers and owners of large fields, because it allows you to preserve the harvest, which preserves the presentation and excellent quality of taste. Onions can be sold when its price rises. You can see the bow in more detail in a photo or video.

A two-year-old plant is grown from seeds (nigella) or by sowing – small bulbs that are planted in the spring and grow into a full-fledged onion of commodity size. Onions are successfully grown from seeds, as this is the most popular method. Sowing sowing gives a relatively high yield, and after planting chernushki almost no maintenance is required, and they grow like weeds every day. Such onions reach maturity in the market earlier than others and are ready to harvest by the end of July or early August.

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This mainly depends on climatic conditions, on the region and region of residence. The variety cannot boast of high productivity, but the resulting product lasts up to 9 months. In the spring, you just need to sort out the raw materials, separating the good onions from the bad ones and determining which ones can be stored further and which ones will be on the table, giving spicy taste to salads. How to properly grow Besson onions from seeds or planting seedlings, you can see in the photo or video.

Growing onions from seeds

Nigella is sown in spring when the soil dries a little and it can be dug up: under this condition, the threat of a return of winter will pass, and frost will not ruin the crops. Nigella is sown in grooves up to 2 cm deep and up to 3 cm wide. Furrows are made at a distance of up to 3 cm, and the distance between the seeds is left quite often – no more than 1.5 cm. So each plant from the seeds will receive the necessary conditions for germination. Sown seeds are covered with humus or covered with earth, and then fertilized. After sowing, chernushka should not abuse watering and, if the beds are completely dry, watered a little, but only between the rows.

Sowing is done in the spring after the snow has melted and in the fall before winter.During autumn planting, the seeds are sown in slightly frosty soil, so that they do not begin to develop during inopportune times and do not die in the winter. Crops are covered with bean tops, needles or dry peat, and the soil is fertilized with potash or phosphorus fertilizers before planting. You can use nitrogen fertilizers, but in small doses, so as not to change the acid ratio of the soil. Magnesium and manganese should also be added for full development.

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To approximate the ripening time of the crop, Besson onions are grown from seedlings prepared in advance. When using seedlings, the crop can be harvested 1.5-2 months earlier.

Features of seedling germination

Onions of this variety are often affected by diseases and pests, but the youngest specimen is the most tender which has only sprouted. Sprouted seedlings carefully, so as not to erode the roots, are fed and kept at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. So that the shoots do not stretch, it is necessary to provide sufficient seedlings for seedlings and to avoid problems with the infection of the soil by bacteria and pests, for which it is calcined in a hot oven. All the features of planting and growing can be seen in the photo or video. If the weather is excellent, then chernushka emerges 10-15 days after planting. Sprouts can be prevented by prolonged cold weather and lack of sunshine.

Until the shoots appear, loosening between the rows should be carried out continuously.After the sprouts have grown for the most part, they should be thinned out. The weakest and underdeveloped are removed, which are subsequently used as food, like spring greens. This set of work is done 2-3 times during the summer and leaves the most developed and largest shoots on the bed. The crop grown from chernushka is harvested in August, and 2 weeks before harvesting, irrigation is stopped so that the onions are better stored. sort out the collected onions. The process is carried out to leave the best bulbs that survive the winter and do not dry out, but give a full crop next year. The selected seed must have a smooth surface, there should be no spots and traces of damage on it, it should have elasticity and not be too small.

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How to grow onions using sev

Onions are small annual bulbs for planting that they grow with their own hands or buy. Such sevocs are not expensive and quite common. Planting onions with sevk has a number of positive aspects, which allows you to grow this particular variety. Thanks to this action, the

  • vegetable forms a marketable bulb faster, which affects the crop;
  • you can choose the most healthy and largest onions for planting.
  • not necessary grow seedlings for planting.

Such sevoc is perfectly stored, suitable for early planting and ripens quickly, although this variety has a major drawback. It categorically can not be planted in the winter, you can grow it only in the spring. It is recommended to get not only a full onion from it, but also to use for growing green onions. The largest bulbs are used for this purpose, and the beds are often watered so that the green feathers develop better.

What can interfere with the cultivation of onions?

The main disadvantages of Besson’s onion are its poor resistance to pests and low immunity to diseases. Local onions are affected by powdery mildew and various rot, so when using onions of this variety should be used to control pests. For the prevention of beds are treated with copper sulphate, a solution of potassium permanganate and diluted ammonia water. You should not use all of these agents at the same time; a concentrated dose of plant protection products in this case will only do harm.

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When the signs of the disease already appear, which are recognized by the images in the photo, it is necessary to resort to chemical agents. There are also signs of degeneration of the Local cultivar, which is manifested in a deterioration of germination, a decrease in yield and quality of harvested bulbs. Such a problem may not speak of degeneration of the variety, but of a deterioration in the quality of planting material, in addition, Russian breeders are actively working to restore the variety.You should know that in order to get a good crop, you need to look for a local seedlings only from trusted suppliers with good seeds.

Shallot. About 40 years in the family!
Subtleties of planting onions -chernushki. Super variety of onions!

Varieties of onions Bessonovsky are considered reliable. This kind of onion belongs to the cheapest and most practical option that is grown from seeds and through the seeds. This onion is not particularly productive and is often affected by pests – you can not plant sowing even before winter. But this vegetable gives a high-quality crop and is well stored, therefore this onion is often used when choosing planting material. Common pests of the Besson onion can be seen in the photo or video.

Useful tips

If you have decided that you will purchase Besson’s bow, you should select a responsible seller for the onion. Also, good quality goods can be purchased in specialized stores selling seeds or sevka. When acquiring unsuitable or spoiled material, onions may simply not produce a plentiful crop or grow small. When choosing a sowing, it is recommended to carefully select the bulb and see that there are no damage or putrefactive places on it. Also, if pests are found on the onion, then you should refuse it.

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In order for planting material to grow successfully on a garden bed, you must plant southeast on the south or east side of the site. The fact is that in those places where the sun least falls on landing, the soil may not have time to dry. In this soil pests and insects, various fungal infections often begin. When grown on the sunny side, onions are less susceptible to common diseases and pests.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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