The healing and harmful properties of Indian onion

Many years ago, the famous alchemist and healer Paracelsus uttered a phrase that later became an aphorism: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine; this or that only the dose makes it. ” These words almost exactly characterize the Indian bow. The plant is used in medicine, however, the healing properties of Indian onions are balanced by the harm that it can cause to the fragile human body, because the grass juice is poisonous.

  1. Historical excursion
  2. Description <
  3. A bit about leaving
  4. Medicinal properties
  5. Top recipes
  6. “Healer with bloody hands”

Индийский лук

Indian bow

Historical tour

Contrary to the name, Indian bow although it grows, including in India, came to us from South Africa, it has many other names, for example, in Russia it is called affectionately “brandok” and also “Chinese onion.” Remember about India, Russia and America, it grows abundantly in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe, as well as in Asia. By the way, it was brought to Siberia from China.

The scientific name of the plant is “tailed hen” from the words “bird “And” milk “.

This hypothesis is explained by 2 hypotheses: one Indian onion was named because of its small flowers the color of milk, according to another version the same flowers smell like candy” bird’s milk “(In fact, they don’t smell at all).

They called the” tailed “plant because of leaves of the same length . GOVERNMENTAL and dangling, like rooster feathers

In Russia onion was in 1961 in Germany – local doctors quickly appreciated its outstanding healing properties.


The tailed hen is classified as a lily family and is a relative of the lily of the valley and some other flowers that are sometimes grown in summer cottages and as indoor flowers. The plant looks like onions, and therefore, to avoid confusion, it is worth looking at how Indian onions look in the photo. The “sea” onion is another relative of the “brandochka” with which it is sometimes confused.

  1. The leaf is narrow, the same as onions, with a width of about 2.5 to 3 cm, and a length – up to 60 cm. The leaf hangs and twists slightly, this quality can be used for decorative purposes. The tips are slightly folded into a tube.
  2. The bulb is a pale green color, covered with transparent scales. The diameter of the bulbs varies from 6 to 8 cm. The main difference between the bulb of Indian onion and onion is inedibility, but it is actively used in folk medicine.
  3. The flowers are small and white, collected in inflorescence.

Using and rearing a tailed poultry can be hazardous to health. The threat is juice that can burn severely. In connection with this danger, tinctures and other drugs are diluted.

A bit about leaving

Flowering begins in the fall, but sometimes the plant blooms in the winter. You can plant it in almost any soil, so it is unpretentious. The poultry is suitable for growing both in the garden and at home.

  1. Indian onions are planted in a clay pot.The basic rule is to keep track of growth. The plant grows rapidly, and at some point the pot may become cramped for it – such a young man needs to be transplanted.
  2. Water the plants moderately, as they dry. The poultry can tolerate drought and waterlogging, but it is still not worth it to go to extremes. Here comes the principle of the golden mean. Closer to winter, watering is less common and scarcer. It is preferable to use settled water, since there is a lot of chlorine in the tap.
  3. It is useful to spray, especially on dry summer days. Spraying humidifies the air around the Indian onion and flushes dust off the leaves.
  4. Roots need air in addition to a moderate amount of water to grow. This is achieved by loosening the soil several times a week.
  5. The temperature during the growing season should be 20-22 ° C during the day and from 12 ° C at night. During dormancy, you can not so strictly monitor the maintenance of temperature: it can be lower. The plant can survive a short-term cooling to -5 ° C.
  6. To plant Indian onions, it is desirable in fertile soil – a mixture of turf and sandy soil. Even when buying special soil in a store, you need to periodically feed it, otherwise it will quickly use up useful properties.
  7. The plant is transplanted into the open ground with the onset of spring, no matter where. You can even drop it in the shade under a sprawling tree, but in winter it is better to return the hen house to the house.
  8. Reproduction is carried out in three ways: by seeds, dividing the bulbs and children.

As you can see, Indian onions set modest demands on personal care. Even a beginner grower can grow their “home remedy.”

Medicinal properties

The benefits of Indian onions are enormous. In folk medicine, it is actively used as an antiseptic and anesthetic. Indian onion owes its properties to the beneficial substances contained in its juice: a little time – and a person feels a noticeable improvement. Ointment is mainly used for treatment, but it is possible to make tincture of juice from “brandochka” in pure water or vodka.

The healing properties of onions are balanced by the harm that can be obtained from this plant. Exceeding the dose can lead to indelible and sad consequences for the body, so taking a prescription must follow it exactly. Starting to make the remedy, it is important to wear gloves and avoid getting juice in the eyes. The juice is taken in a ratio of 1 to 10, or even to 20.

The healing properties of onions seem fantastic, mainly found in traditional medicine. Although botanists have confirmed the presence of medicinal substances in the plant, the medicines created on its basis have not yet been allowed into official medicine. Doctors persuade them to be more careful with the poultry farmer, noting that the juice from which the medicines are made is poisonous, and irreparable damage to health can be done.

Top recipes

Juice-based medicines will be more effective if the Indian onion leaf is fresh and not old. Since infusions are usually prepared for alcohol, it will be logical to stock up on this ingredient in advance. Onion-based ointment based on Indian onion is rarely made due to the large amount of juice.

  1. Tincture of Indian onion. They make it on alcohol or on water. A common recipe: take some of the leaves of Indian onion, chop them and pour boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Tincture of Indian onion is used as a compress before bedtime. They hold it on the skin for just a few minutes.
  2. Another version of the infusion. Cooking it requires a leaf of a plant and its floral arrows. As in the previous recipe, they are prepared on alcohol or on water. Arrows and leaves are crushed and filled with alcohol. The jar in which the infusion is made is cleaned in a dark room for 14 or more days, then filtered and poured into another container. The medicine is used as an ointment.
  3. Onion balm. The bulb is cleaned of the film, crushed and poured with alcohol, and then set aside for a week or so. By readiness – filter.The use of Indian onions is the same as in the previous versions: as a compress or ointment. Dilute with water before use.
  4. An ointment based on Indian onion helps with osteochondrosis. The medicine is made from flowers on alcohol, keeping 2 weeks. Periodically, the ointment is applied to sore spots.
  5. Indian onions treat breast mastitis – a dangerous disease often found in nursing mothers. You just need to pick a fresh leaf from the plant, then knead it and attach it briefly to the chest.
  6. Radiculitis causes joint pain, in the muscles, in the whole body, all of which can be treated with Indian onions. The use of juice here is the same as in the treatment of joints: it is enough to make a compress on a sore spot before bedtime.

The preparation and use of juice occurs according to one principle: it is rubbed on the body and left on some (very limited time. The sensations at first will be unpleasant, even painful: it will pinch, itch and burn, but over time the pain will resolve with the disease.

“Healer with bloody hands”

First contraindications to treatment with Indian onions are allergies and people with extremely sensitive skin. Contact with juice can cause skin dermatitis. It is dangerous to treat people suffering from hemophilia with Indian onion. It is not recommended to treat bleeding with a plant, even if the gums bleed.

Juice is poisonous.It must be diluted with boiled water or alcohol, especially if you are going to prepare a medicine for a child. Carefully protect eyes from juice. Injuries for the most part are due to ignoring basic safety standards. Any medicine can be fatal if used lightly.

Plants are the person’s old and best friends. The “Brandochka”, the golden mustache and others are selflessly fighting the diseases that overcome our organisms. The tailed hen will save you from new ailments if you take good care of it and apply its medicinal properties correctly.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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