Description of chives

Chives, a plant that has many The name is a perennial onion, originating in China and northeast Asia. Chives have excellent product data, a delicate aroma, a sweetish taste. In the regions of Siberia he was nicknamed Rezan. The name speaks for itself, it must often be cut off, otherwise the castings will become harsh and, having lost their quality, will be unsuitable for eating.

  1. Qualitative indicators
  2. What is the plant
  3. Characteristic <
  4. Growing <
  5. How to collect the seed
  6. Features of the landing
  7. How to care
  8. How to land in the container
  9. What is
  10. How it can hurt
  11. Generalization



Quality indicators

Schnitt is currently widely used throughout Europe and Az Compared to the onion peanut, it has a more delicate taste, has an unobtrusive aroma, its maintenance is much simpler, and it also adapts well to any climatic conditions.All these factors determine its wide distribution.The healing properties of it were known to the ancient Egyptians and actively used.

Green feathers contain many nutrients. Description of the composition:

  • proteins;
  • trace elements;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins.

Daily use of chives with onions helps to improve intestinal motility, accelerates the growth of hair and nails. Onions also contain phytoncide – a natural immunomodulator.Due to the chemical composition of onions, its regular use helps to eliminate toxins from the body, reduces cholesterol, and reduces the risk of stroke. Juice is incredibly useful and valuable for pregnant women. It contains folic acid, which is so necessary for the full development of the embryo. And also, drinking onion juice daily for a month, you can get rid of such an unpleasant problem as hemorrhoids.

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Favorably affects the dermis. It has an antifungal effect, therefore it is often used to treat dermatological diseases. Also, greens are among the aphrodisiacs, due to the spicy aroma and the presence of so many essential oils in the composition.

What is a plant

A photo of this species does not completely convey all the features. Schnitt onion is able to adapt to any conditions, tolerates low temperatures and heat, likes moderate humidity. When the leaves reach a certain height, they must be cut, and do it regularly. If you do not do this, the leaves coarsen and arrows form at the tips, which then become flowers, and seeds appear. Schnitt need to be planted in early spring. Fragrant shoots adorn the land until the end of autumn. If seeds are not needed, it is necessary to cut the stems so that the plant does not lose its properties. In the place where the leaves are cut, new ones grow.


The bushes have feathers of a cylindrical shape, 2-5 mm wide, smooth. Often the leaves are shorter than the stem. The stem can reach from 15 to 50 cm in height. Inflorescences are characterized by pink color. Bulbs of small size, conical in shape, attached to a short root system. If the bushes are not divided and not planted, thick sods are formed. All bred varieties have juicy greens. Varieties of chives – Sage, Elvira, Bohemia, Chemal, Medonos, Sonnet, Lilac ringing.

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Cultivation of chives does not differ in complexity of the process. You only need to:

  • pick up a plot with fertile soil;
  • dig up the soil starting in autumn;
  • fertilize the soil with organic matter;
  • sow seeds in spring.

In just 10 days, the first leaves begin to appear. When the plants grow, form a thick layer, it is necessary to thin out the row, tearing a few bushes from the root. They can be rooted in another area. Having cut off the first feathers, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with a complex mixture. Seeds are planted to a depth of 2.5 cm, rows are arranged in parallel. The gaps between the rows should be 40 cm. The soil is mulched with rice husk to avoid hardening. A mixture of peat and sawdust can also be used for mulching.

The soil should be well loosened, because it is very difficult for tender leaves to break through hard soil.In addition, so the plants will receive a sufficient amount of air and moisture. Such simple events contribute to the accelerated growth of onions. The better the rhizome has time to develop, the more persistently the plant will tolerate frosts.

How to collect the seed

Shrubs of the second year of life are used to grow chives from onion seeds. In the second year after planting, the plant throws the stem, a flower appears. Literally after 2 weeks, the seeds are already ripening. You need to hurry to collect them.

You need to start collecting seeds as soon as the boxes begin to open. It is necessary to selectively tear off umbrellas, focusing on the degree of maturation. It will not be possible to collect seeds from all plants at once. After collecting the seeds, they should be decomposed for drying indoors. The husk can be separated by a fan or in the wind.

Planting Features

Planting chives and onions is carried out in early spring. Before planting the bulbs, they are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Plants grow rapidly and form a dense row of many bushes, and weeds are not allowed to spread.

Vegetative propagation implies planting twice a year in early March, if weather permits, and at the end of August. For this, the formed plants are dug up. Rhizomes are freed from the soil and rinsed in a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, they should be divided and planted in previously prepared holes.When propagated by seedlings, the cutter quickly adapts to a new place and does not need specific care. If you remove the coarsened greens, it will grow back, but not as soon as the onion. To successfully grow a cutter, you must remember that in a one-year plant, greens are not cut. You can trim the greens only in the second year.

Bow. Schnitt onion is an amazing onion vitamin plant
Decorative bows planting and care . Schnitt onion cultivation and care.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is also possible. This method is most often used to fill seedlings of pots on the windowsill. Planting decorative greenery in the house is today a very popular activity. This is not at all surprising, because it is a useful product and interior decoration. Ornamental varieties look great in the conservatory and among other greens.

How to care for

It is customary to grow the plant as a greenery, and not to produce bulbs. Often such a bow is used as a decorative accessory. Growing and caring for chives requires elementary measures:

  • during intensive growth, often weed beds;
  • once a month it is important to feed with organic and minerals;
  • you should often water the plant, especially after pruning, however, you should not forget that onions that are too swampy will deteriorate quickly;
  • the main thing is to monitor the growth of the arrows and cut them in time.

How to land in a container

Before container landing, you need to moisten the soil abundantly. After – arrange the bulbs with the bridge method, departing 1 cm from each other, then put the planted plants in the closet for literally 3-4 days so that the cutter can take root. After a few days, you can get the cutter and put it on a heated window sill. The optimum temperature for growing a cutter at home is from 20 to 25 ° C.If the temperature is too low, the plant will be in a state of sleep, and with increased leaves will have a yellow tint. Each pair of cuts is recommended to change planting greens.

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Schnitt can easily be sprouted in an apartment on the windowsill, and not only in the warm season, but enjoy the greenery all winter. The decorative look of the plant will give a twist to any interior. Care is the same as when growing on the site. In the fall, you need to remove the right amount of bushes from the site and transplant into pots or boxes. Once a month you need to do top dressing and regularly loosen the soil.

In the same way, growing from seeds in an apartment is practiced. You can sow them at any time. Care similar to the already described methods of cultivation. All the beneficial properties of home cultivation are preserved. In order for the cutter feathers to be juicy and delight the eye with their greenery, they must be cut off at the level of 4 cm from the root. Schnitt is a frost-resistant bow, so it will feel great on the window all winter, even if there is a little draft.

What is it used for

feathers of chives on any time of the year fit perfectly for the family table. They are widely used for the preparation of various culinary delights, due to the spicy aroma, island taste and decorativeness. It is great for decorating salads, fortifying first courses. This onion combines high culinary value and various beneficial properties.The cutter is very rich in vitamins, minerals, essential oils. Due to its composition, it favorably affects the human body. In addition to culinary value, this plant:

  • honey plant;
  • is good in the fight against carrot flies;
  • perfectly relieves the fungus diseases of roses, gooseberries, apple trees.
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What can hurt?

What can the onion lack after landing and during cultivation? This plant is very sick rarely, but sometimes it suffers from a parasite such as onion thrips. The parasite is able to destroy not only the entire garden, but also bushes prepared for forcing. To destroy the pest, before planting the bulbs must be warmed up in hot water. The temperature of the liquid should be 40 ° C. To destroy parasites from the bush, you need to hold a dug plant for some time in the sun.

The beds populated by the pest should be dug up and all the remains of the plants removed. Chives are also affected by powdery mildew and rust. To rid plants of these ailments, it is necessary to observe some agrotechnical rules: regular watering, top dressing, loosening the soil, leveling and compaction of the soil in the beds.


It should be selected for growing loamy and sandy loamy soil. The plant bears fruit well in one place without transplanting up to 6 years. There are three ways to grow a culture: sowing seeds, vegetative method, seedlings.

If, when growing on a plot, the plant is covered with dense polyethylene in autumn, then you can enjoy green juicy shoots right up to frosts. Caring for chives is very simple and does not require a lot of energy. The plant is completely undemanding, but if you feed it with fertilizers once a month, it will say thanks to an even larger crop.

Unlike ordinary onions, this fellow of the plant has an island taste and spicy aroma. For the most part, it is grown for the sake of greens, which is used to prepare various dishes. Also, this bulb is cultivated for aesthetic purposes, often used in landscape design. The benefits of this product for the human body are simply invaluable.

Besides the fact that the plant is unpretentious in care, another advantage is its strong immunity. The beam is practically not sick, and therefore growing it is a pleasure. Of all known diseases and parasites, it can be exposed to powdery mildew, rust and onion thrips. Getting rid of them is pretty simple. The main preventive method is compliance with basic rules of care. If you are interested in chives, then growing from seeds or in any other way is the perfect solution.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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