Growing onions Bamberger

The result of many years of work by German breeders are wonderful new varieties of onions. Among the best new products of our century should be noted onions Bamberger. As practice shows, this is a good representative of vegetable crops, a detailed description, as well as his photo, is a proof of that.reachGoal (‘sood’); “>

  1. Requirements for new varieties
  2. Resistance to pests and diseases
  3. Features of onion selection novelties
  4. Description of agronomy onion set

Лук-севок Бамбергер

Onion set Bamberger

Presented requirements for new varieties

Modern farmers and consumers are very picky about the characteristics of the vegetables they offer.>

  • high-yielding;
  • quick bark;
  • resistant to pests and diseases;
  • providing maximum shelf life;
  • having an ideal presentation;
  • easy to transport.

An important requirement is also the possibility of ripening in the conditions of a short growing season. To develop new products of this vegetable with the above characteristics, the best varieties and hybrids are taken. In the case of the “tear” in question, obviously, Studharden and delicate shallots were used. They were carriers of such valuable properties as productivity, quality, taste, short growing season in the given climatic conditions and excellent keeping quality.Onion Bamberger has collected all of the above characteristics.

Variety-improving selection is painstaking and lengthy work. In the formation of the elite, turnip onion and sevka are used, which have the best characteristic features. It is about form, color, taste, maturation friendliness and so on. So, Studgarden shows excellent data on the mass of the average onion (more than 120 g), and Shallot is one of the best in taste, however, the first drawback is susceptibility to rot, and Shallot gives small bulbs.

Bamberger presents a family of yellow onions. It has an elongated form of turnip, a ripened bulb has a mass of about 80 g, it has a soft, “shallot” taste. This onion can well compete with salad types, differing with excellent juiciness. Consumers will also note how easy it is to clean, and it’s very convenient to hold the onion in hand while it is slicing. Bamberger is universal: fresh in salad, canned in preparations, it is good everywhere.

Resistance to pests and diseases

Obtaining varieties resistant to various diseases and numerous pests – the urgent task of modern breeding. One of the most common pathogens of onions during its growing season is peronosporosis, or downy mildew.An attentive gardener will immediately determine the disease by the characteristic gray coating on the affected leaves, this is the sporulation of a harmful fungal disease. Onions of the Bamberger variety show the ideal resistance of this disease.

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Cervical rot or bacterial rot can be considered another dangerous disease of this vegetable. Even at that moment, as the crop ripens, infection occurs, and during storage, the disease manifests itself. Very susceptible to such rot is the Studharden variety. Bamberger perfectly lies literally before the new harvest (200-270 days).

Of the pests, the nematode and onion fly do the most damage to the onion crop. The task of modern breeding is to achieve high resistance to these pests in new species.

Features of onion selection novelties

Ripening is an important indicator of a quality onion variety. It is judged by the time from the moment when the shoots appear, when the bulb takes on a form characteristic of this species. At the same time, the process of neoplasm of the leaves ends, they lie down and dry out, there is a noticeable staining of dry coverts of the turnip itself. Bamberger belongs to mid-season grades. Do not confuse the characteristic oval-elongated shape of the turnip with any other.

When they want to determine the yield, do the weighing and count the number of pieces. So determine the average mass of the bulb. It is good when at the same time vegetables are aligned in size. For Bamberger, this requirement is successfully fulfilled.This type of medium size with a mass of about 80 g, which is convenient in its use (small turnip is considered to be 50 g, medium – 60-100 g, large – more than 120 g).

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It is important to evaluate the crop when it is stored , as well as before planning to plant it, while counting the number of sick and affected bulbs, also consider the loss of mass, shrunken and sprouted vegetables. The vegetable perfectly lies until the new harvest, subject to the correct temperature conditions.

Tasting by taste divides the onion into sweet, semi-sharp, spicy and bitter. It depends on the amount of essential oils, carbohydrates, proteins and so on contained in succulent scales. Let’s compare the taste with sweet salad varieties, but if these types of onions are stored until January, without losing their juiciness, then a new type of German selection leaves them far behind in terms of quality and preservation.

Description of agricultural technology onion sets

A rich harvest is determined by the quality and variety of planting material. When laying a seed set for storage, if the Bamberger onion set was purchased in the fall, there should be no significant losses when observing the storage temperature: about 2-3 ° C. Good keeping quality of this variety is one of its main advantages. Onion sets of the Bamberger variety have a characteristic oval-elongated shape, yellow color. A standard onion in diameter is no more than 2-2.5 cm. It is customary for gardeners to subject the seeds to a special treatment before planting begins.

  1. At first it is sorted out, discarded if there are not surviving specimens.
  2. Then they are heated, it can take 20-25 days.
  3. After they are soaked in different solutions, depending on what the purpose is: disinfection, stimulation, warming up and so on. Use solutions of potassium permanganate, various vitriol, ash, ready-made stimulants or biological products.
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Onions of the Bamberger variety have good reviews for such presowing treatment. It is planted in grooves to a depth of 5 cm (plus or minus one centimeter), withstand 8 in a row, 20 cm between rows. Provide moderate watering, timely feeding with microelements. Genetically, Bamberger demonstrates high resistance to downy mildew (peronosporosis), however, vigilance of gardeners for diseases and pests is always appropriate.

Tanya’s Tips. Preparing the seeds of onion bamberger and gladioli.

Onions of this variety do not grow large, they are well-matured on average, give a friendly crop. About taste, yield, elementary nature of cultivation and storage Bamberger has only positive reviews.This is a bow that is always desired in the collection of modern s farmers.

onion varieties Description Bamberger positively distinguishes it among several others.

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Anna Evans

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