Description of onion sturon variety

Onions are the favorite culture of all summer residents. Especially popular among onion varieties was the Sturon onion variety. Onion set Sturon brought a representative from Holland. The variety description states that such a variety belongs to the middle species and ripens in about 105 days. Amateur gardeners note that the onion set of the Sturon variety perfectly adapts to severe frosts and tolerates temperature fluctuations well.

Лук-севок Стурон

Bow -Sowing Sturon

Such a variety can be grown for sale, since Sturon is extremely fertile, and with proper agricultural technology from 1 ha receive about 38 tons of aromatic fruits. Due to its good keeping quality, the onion has excellent transportability and can be transported at decent distances.

Characteristics of the Sturon variety

Onions Sturon and its characteristic, unlike others similar varieties, characterized by bulk fruits. Externally, the vegetable is slightly similar to the Centurion variety. If you study the description and reviews onion Sturon, then we can conclude that 1 head weighs about 150-180 g. This volume and weight is achieved without using various chemicals. The shape of the bulb is round-oval. The color of the husk is golden brown with barely visible stripes. Inside the onion, the vegetable has 4-5 flakes. The pulp is dense, juicy, its color is white with a slight tint of light green hue.

This variety perfectly retains its taste and healthy properties for 7-8 months.

When stored properly, the vegetable does not deteriorate, and it can be grown in large volumes on sale. Before buying such a variety, you need to study the onion set Sturon description of the variety and read the reviews of other farmers who have already grown it and can share personal experience.

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In their homeland in the Netherlands, such a variety is grown in the northern strip, therefore the vegetable turned out to be adapted to bacteria and harsh climate.

Basically, Sturon onions have quite good reviews, many gardeners grow it on a large scale for delivery to various markets and stores.

Pros of the Sturon variety

  • unpretentious rubbish t for breeding and cultivation;
  • gives a plentiful harvest with proper care;
  • does not lose its aroma and taste for a long time.

Features of planting

You need to plant a vegetable according to all the rules, only in this case it is possible to get a plentiful harvest for every meter of planting and delicious onions. Onions Sturon can be grown as an annual or biennial. It is worth noting such a feature: bulk fruits weighing about 170 g are achieved only with two-year cultivation. Fruits for the second year are more voluminous and stronger.

The soil should be loose, loamy and fertile.If you plant such a variety in scarce soil, then the onion simply does not grow to the desired volume. On soil with active acidity, Sturon grows much worse. Planting should be done in pre-prepared soil, cleaned of dry grass and weeds. You can plant both in the traditional way, and for the winter. Winter method of cultivation is possible only with sowing.

Choose a sowing for planting in open ground

To plant successfully, you need to choose the right planting material. To do this, it is best to purchase the bulb from trusted manufacturers or in a specialized store. Planting should be done in warm weather and provided that the soil is warmed up to plus temperature. Before planting, check the suitability of the planting material: the bulb should be about 1.5-2 cm in size, tight, without dents or damage.

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If putrefactive formations are visible on the bulb, it is best not to use it as planting material. The fact is that when planting, the fungus can spread to healthy plantings. If the bulb has let out roots or green arrows, then it should not be planted. If the goal is to acquire planting material in the fall, then the bulbs must be provided with optimal conditions for maintenance. They can be stored in a well-ventilated area, where the humidity is not more than 70-80%. If the humidity is greater, then the beam will simply grow.

Protection against diseases and pests

This variety is resistant to diseases and pests, but all measures for the protection and prevention against diseases should be observed. Many gardeners before planting in open ground try to disinfect the bulbs in a special solution. If you do not want to take risks and acquire a ready-made seed, you can try to grow it from seeds yourself at home. Seeds are also decontaminated before planting.

Adult onion plantings must be periodically treated for pests and diseases. It should be watered only in the evening, so as not to burn onion feathers. If the soil is very wet, watering should be limited. Of the common diseases, Sturon can attack downy mildew. To protect plantings from such a disease, one should plant onions in sunny places of a site where there is no blackout from other plants or buildings. You also need to plant the onions at a distance from each other so that each bulb can develop normally and fully.

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How to care for the Sturon variety

One of the main points in mandatory care – this is weeding from weeds. Weeding should be done after heavy rain or good watering. If weeding is done on a dry bed, then the entire root system of the harmful grass will remain in the soil. If the weeds are trifling, then they should be removed by hand, after wearing gloves.Weeds that have a complex root system must first be cut with scissors and then the rest of the plant must be removed.

2 Onions sowing a. Choose a variety. Sturon. Setton. Shetana. Cupid.
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Periodically you need to loosen the ground, as air and moisture will pass on time to the onion planting. Also, in time, loose soil contributes to the light weeding of grass.When the first shooters appear, it is possible to treat the future crop with a solution of urea from pests and various diseases as a preventive measure. Feeding with mullein or chicken droppings is also recommended. If you follow the simple rules for the care and cultivation of onion sets, you can get a plentiful and tasty crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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