Description of Onion Cupid

The modern market for vegetable crops offers a huge assortment of varieties and hybrids of onions. Noteworthy is the buyer’s attention a plant called Cupid’s onion. Why is he so good? We will provide a complete description of the variety, as well as some interesting facts.

Table of Contents
  1. A little bit about tutorial
  2. Onion selection rules
  3. Features of the variety
  4. What does f 1
  5. What you need to know about growing

Лук-севок Купидо

Onion set Cupid

A little bit about linguistics

A fascinating thing – linguistics – people started in the fourth millennium before AD This is evidenced by sacred Egyptian images and biblical stories of Jews and Moses expelled from Egypt. This vegetable is the only one necessary for our health every day.

Onions were nicknamed for their similarity in shape to a turnip. In general, they are relatives of liliaceae, onion flowers in inflorescence have the shape of a small lily. The variety of this amazing plant is amazing.

Onion varieties can be selected:

  • by maturity – early or late;
  • to taste – spicy or sweet;
  • by color – red or white.

Rules for choosing onions

Taking the first step to a good harvest, you need to choose the right planting material. Among onions, the Cupido variety is ideal for the average climatic zone.

The excellent characteristics of this variety of onions bring it to the top sellers.It:

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  • ultra-early (81 days from germination);
  • fruitful (the average bulb has a mass of 110 g);
  • has a slightly sharp taste;
  • is excellent in storage (up to 9 months);
  • has a wonderful presentation.

A high-quality planting onion must be dry, it is pleasant to rustle at hand . Mold is unacceptable, the unpleasant smell of rot, the shape and color must be in accordance with the selected variety. In the case of Cupido, the sevoc has an oblong onion with a narrow neck of a beautiful creamy golden color. The variety of this onion is a real find for modern man.

Features of the variety

Onion is a two-year culture. Sevoc grows from seeds in the first year, the crop of the second year is onion turnip. Sevc must be neither large nor small. If the onion diameter is less than 1 cm, it will not shoot, but it is inconvenient to work with it. A large set of seeds will go in the direction of damage to the crop.

When storing, preparing and starting planting, it is important to observe the temperature regime. Until spring, onions lie at 5 ° C. 2 weeks before the start of work, it is transferred to a warm room, where the temperature is more than 17 ° C. On the eve of landing, the sevoks are heated on a battery for 24 hours. At the same time, the soil on the bed should be warm, warm up to at least 12 ° C. Sevok Cupid is well kept, and, following these rules, gives amicable healthy seedlings.

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In agricultural onion, a method of planting rows in grooves is used.The onion variety Cupidos is planted to a depth of 5 cm. The distance in the row is 10, between the rows is 20 cm. Watering is rare. Harvesting begins when feathers lie on 25% of the bulbs.

Onion set Cupid is suitable for growing both in open ground and in greenhouses. They also plant it in the winter. In this case, it should be started 3 weeks before the onset of stable cold weather, so that the root system has time to form, but germination does not occur. The landing depth in this case increases to 10 cm, it is also required to mulch the rows. The winter sowing matures earlier and is stored more successfully.

What does f 1

mean This icon after the variety name means that we are dealing with a heterotic hybrid. It sounds threatening, but in fact it is the biggest achievement of plant breeding. The secret is that heterosis provides plant characteristics that are superior to the parent material in many ways.

Here is one of the methods used to achieve the effect of heterosis. To obtain a hybrid, the mother liquor of the plant obtained from seeds is crossed with the mother liquor grown from seed. And a miracle! Productivity in comparison with the initial variety increased by 50%, in terms of marketability of products, early maturity there were undeniable advantages. Such plants show more powerful growth, better viability, resistance to diseases and sharp fluctuations in the weather. All this is heterosis.

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It would seem that once you get f 1, you will have an excellent harvest every year.However, nature decided differently: the heterosis effect tends to fade from generation to generation. It is the strongest in the first year of planting.

What you need to know about growing

It is easy to grow onions. He has a short growing season. Of the diseases of the onion family, the most common are peronosporosis and gray rot. The main pest is the onion fly. If you choose to grow Cupido f1, then to cope with these troubles, if they arise at all, will be easier.

As a thank you for your work, you can get a friend who will feed and heal. Onion volatile can defeat tuberculosis, diphtheria, not to mention the notorious cold. Its bactericidal and antiseptic properties have long been used in pharmaceuticals. The description of the variety proves once again that this plant is a real treasure.

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Professionals recommend to celebrate the excellent harvest of Cupid onions by the national dish of France. For this there is no need to go to an expensive restaurant. It is enough to take a few good onions, cut into rings, fry in a sink add oil and boil it. Voila! The famous onion soup is already on the table. In the past it was the food of the poor, today it is culinary delight, and there is nothing nicer to realize that this yummy is prepared from Cupido’s own onion crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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