How and when to remove onions from the garden

Does any plant have its own planting, growing and harvesting dates? We need to do everything in a timely manner, because this is the only way a gardener or gardener can get a good harvest. As for root crops, it is possible to say exactly when to remove onions from the beds, based on a number of certain conditions. Here, the priority will be what kind of onion is grown: a batun, ordinary onion or green.

  1. Onion harvesting highlights
  2. Harvesting dates in different regions
  3. Moscow region <
  4. Siberia <
  5. Ural
  6. Lunar calendar as an assistant for the gardener
  7. Collection rules
  8. Features of harvesting onions
  9. Processing vegetables after harvesting
  10. Selecting and distributing the finished crop
  11. Harvesting green onions
  12. Harvesting onion
  13. Conclusion

Когда убирать лук с грядки на хранение

When to remove the bow from the garden and storage

Therefore, those varieties that are classified as early should be harvested earlier than later.

Another important factor will be the climatic zone. That is, in Siberia, dry harvesting onions from the garden are carried out later than in Moscow Region.

The last thing you should pay attention to before harvesting and autumn drying of onions is what the summer in Russia was: hot and arid or cool and rainy.

Highlights of harvesting onions

The first and main sign that the bulb is ready for harvesting will be a massive lodging of feathers or the aerial part of the plant, because by this time the stem will become more soft, and then it completely fades, but all the necessary substances and elements pass into the underground part (head) of the root crop. It is worth considering that the cultivation of such products involves long-term storage. When gardening starts, the gardener decides for himself, because there are certain prerequisites for this:

  1. The time for ripening, which is necessary for this crop. Depending on how the summer will be, an approximate harvest period is calculated.
  2. If the field is in a temperate climate zone, sunny days replace rainy weather, and therefore, the plant will be able to get everything necessary for normal development. Cleaning periods with sufficient light and warm days come much earlier.
  3. Another important factor is the amount of moisture. The bulb does not sit too deep, so the roots are close to the surface of the earth. And if a vegetable is grown in a region where it rarely rains, you should make sure that the plant receives as much water as it needs.As one of the solutions to the problem – the creation of an irrigation system, because in addition to the main one, additional watering should take place: the yield depends on it, therefore there is a downside, when it rains for a month, or even more, the onion rots due to excessive moisture. Such situations also have their own solutions.
  4. The characteristics of the earth (soil) also play an important role in this process. If it is too salted, it is necessary to additionally prepare the land before onions are planted.
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Harvesting dates in different regions

Many gardeners are wondering : when you need to remove onions from the beds and how to collect onions. Each region has its own harvesting characteristics. This primarily concerns the time frame.

Moscow Region

When to harvest onions in the Moscow Region? In regions that are located in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, onion cultivation begins earlier, it follows that the harvesting date falls at the end of July, but if the weather conditions this year do not allow harvesting beds to be harvested, the date is postponed for a week or two, and this will be in August. If the summer is very dry, hot, the crop ripens earlier than expected (approximately at the beginning of July), and if the season is rich in rainy weather, the harvesting time is shifted to the middle of the last month.


When to harvest onions in Siberia? Harvesting onions in the northwestern regions and in Siberia occurs at about the same time.Readiness for the implementation of this process can be identified by observing the development of the plant. On average, the collection dates are August-September; they fall at the end of the last summer month of early fall. This period is also referred to as the most favorable, since after it begins the season of prolonged rainy weather. And as you know, rains can not only water plants, but also bring them to a rotting state. If the summer is dry, then the onion harvesting time is shifted to an earlier time.

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When harvesting onions in the Urals, it completely depends on what latitude is field. If this is a region located north of Chelyabinsk, then harvesting the onions on the head can begin in August: this is an ideal time, since the root crop is ready for it to be dried and the place for further storage will be determined. But again, in hot weather, the dates are postponed to 2-3 weeks of the month. Despite the circumstances, in the Urals, the harvest dates are arranged so that it will be completed around the 20th. Regardless of the location, you can calculate when you need to pick onions, the main thing is to know the main points of the plant’s development and weather conditions.

Lunar calendar as an assistant for the gardener

According to most manufacturers, harvesting onions according to the lunar calendar is the right decision. Even agricultural forums claim that harvesting is necessary when the lunar calendar predicts favorable lunar phases.

If you do not have such a schedule, you can listen to the recognized opinion that the correct cleaning of onions is carried out with the full moon. So there is confirmation that during this time period the fruit has the highest nutritional value.

Collection rules

If the time comes when you need to remove the bow from the garden, then you need to study the following information:

  1. How to properly remove the onions according to the lunar calendar.
  2. When to remove the onions on the head.
  3. When to remove the onions.
  4. How to dry onions after harvesting.
  5. How to store different types of onions: green, onions, etc.
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Onions, like garlic, have external signs by which to determine the level ri ripening of the fetus. The first sign: a gardener observes dried tops in a plant. The second – dry peel is clearly visible from the ground. Third, the neck of the bulb begins to dry.

Features of harvesting the onion

Every gardener who has been engaged in growing onions for more than one year knows how to remove onions from the garden and how to store it:

  1. First of all, it is worth noting that it is pulled out (pulled out) from the garden, and not dug out. If the soil is overdried, one of the parts of the root crop can simply remain in the ground, and literally after a while it will begin to deteriorate, especially if they have not had time to harvest and the weather is replaced by good rains.
  2. To prevent this, you need to remove the bow when the weather is exceptionally good, and help yourself with a pitchfork. Only in this way the finished harvest collected from the garden will not deteriorate. With the help of a pitchfork, the earth is lifted, and then the roots and the bulb head are pulled out of it.
  3. 10 days before the start of harvesting for the winter, you can bare vegetables from the soil. Only it is necessary to do this somewhere around half of the bulb, using a small shovel during operation.
  4. Another effective method is to cut the roots at a depth of a little more than 5 cm. It involves the use of a shovel or other suitable thing tool. The procedure is performed about a month before the moment when you need to clean the planted onions.
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Many gardeners make one big mistake. A week before when they remove the onions from the beds for storage, they destroy (mow) the tops. But this leads to negative consequences, to a significant loss of yield, because through cut, but not dried up holes, various viruses and microorganisms enter the fetus, which begin destructive processes inside the plant. As a result, the root crop becomes unsuitable for storage, because it simply rots.

Processing vegetables after harvesting

You need to remove the onion from the garden when it is ready for further processing.We have already managed to figure out the timing and other nuances regarding the procurement process, now it is important to understand how to store the finished product, because if you do not approach this process as responsibly as possible, you can lose a significant part of the collected goods. How to properly process onions after harvesting in the garden?

  1. For this, the first thing you need to do is prepare a place where it will be stored in the fall and winter. Best of all, if it is a dry, clean room, which will not receive moisture.
  2. If it rains during the harvesting of the onion, then it must be dried immediately. The root crop is initially harvested, then you need to trim the feathers and put the vegetable in a warm, ventilated and dry room with an average air temperature of at least 18-20 ° C.
  3. Dry the onions after harvesting for at least 1 or 2 weeks, after the vegetables were harvested from the garden. After this, the same scales appear on the root crops as on those harvested in normal weather conditions. For drying in the winter, one week is enough, and the maximum can be dried for 9-10 days. Drying onions after harvesting is carried out unconditionally, regardless of the weather.
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A small professional tip: “To keep the onions in the best possible condition, they cannot be folded onto damp ground during drying.” This applies to all onion varieties, including the most unpretentious and beloved family variety.

After the drying period is over, dried tops need to be cut from vegetables, and for this reason, when the harvest begins, you need to stop watering the plant, then the tops dry out faster and are easier to remove.

Selection and distribution of the finished crop

Initially, the manufacturer checks the readiness of root crops for the winter period. You can find out all the information on this subject, even without using any specialized devices, a simple inspection is carried out.

  1. If there was strict observance of the onion harvesting rules, it will rustle when touched by hand.
  2. The palm passes into the assembled bunch without any difficulties, it is impossible to do this before drying.

An onion that meets these criteria will be well stored even before spring, and it doesn’t matter when there was a harvest: in early July, in August or in autumn, during drought or rain d.

Selection of root crops is carried out until such time as they are sent to storage. Each of them is distributed based on size. Professional manufacturers identify such main areas for the collected product:

  1. If the fruit has a size of less than 1 cm, then it is used as a seedling, that is, it can be planted as a winter variety. The day of planting is determined based on the beginning of frost and the state of the earth.
  2. Root crops that have sizes from 1 to 2 cm are also used as planting material.It must be stored in a dry place with an acceptable temperature, but it should not be high so that the seedlings do not take root and feathers before the onset of the planting period, this will happen next year.
  3. Bulbs with a larger diameter 2 cm are used as stocks for the winter. It’s best to sort them by size before saving, for added convenience and added safety.
See also  How to water onions on a feather

Picking green onions

There is no specific date for harvesting green onions, since everything entirely depends on the weather upheavals. It will be better when the rain changes with the sun. The collection may fall on the first days of August, and even in mid-September. If there is severe drought, then for a larger crop you need to organize watering the garden.

Without water, the feathers will be yellow and hard, which makes them unsuitable for consumption. Green onions are harvested when it becomes long and juicy. Moreover, it is necessary to trim when the length of the tops is more than 20 cm. You can’t allow the root crop to go down and the feathers to turn yellow.

When can I mass harvest onions? In this case, it should be noted that this variety ripens at different speeds, which means that it is almost impossible to determine the time of the mass harvest, because the fruits are harvested as they ripen. In order to dry this plant, standard methods are used.

Harvesting the onion-batun

Only professional gardeners know how to clean and how to dig out onions of this variety.

Batun is not an annual plant, so this culture bears fruit for several years in a row. There are certain rules for harvesting, and it is best to familiarize yourself with it in advance before breeding this variety.

  1. The first year – the tops are not cut, as the roots are not yet sufficiently rooted and their readiness to withstand various adverse factors is not yet high. It’s better to wait a year, determine the most effective methods of processing and after a while to harvest. As much as possible this variety of root crops bears fruit for 6 years.
  2. Regarding the leaves, before checking their readiness for use, you need to visually assess the height of the tops. They can be cut only when they are higher than 12-13 cm.The feathers of a smaller size do not gain the necessary amount of vitamins and elements, plus it must not be allowed that they outgrow the 15-centimeter mark, then the feathers become stiff and the goods will cost much cheaper. A few days are enough to collect.
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Harvesting onions provides a variety of ways and methods of work. One variety is enough to collect and immediately sell, the other needs to be dried, and it will be enough until the next season. The main thing is to know all the rules and nuances of collecting and storing this root crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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