Why is it necessary to process onions with potassium permanganate

While experienced landowners are harvesting an excellent harvest novice gardeners face the problem of shooting arrows and cannot grow strong heads. Why is this happening? Perhaps the secret lies in the proper preparation of planting material?And this is true, after all, not everyone knows that processing onions with potassium permanganate before planting can protect the seed product from death. Want to start getting an excellent crop by saying a tough no to fungal diseases? Then read the review soon, because it reveals secrets known only to selected masters of agriculture.

  1. Why do we need preprocessing
  2. Why is potassium permanganate
  3. Benefits and harms of potassium permanganate for plants
  4. How to prepare plant for planting
  5. Methods of processing onions in manganese
  6. Features of development and additional options for processing onions

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Processing onions with potassium permanganate before planting

Why do we need pretreatment

By purchasing seeds in the spring, such as, for example, onion sets, to really save yourself from the preparatory phase, which farmers spend quite a lot of time on. This is seed germination. Of course, this approach saves the gardener time and effort, but does not guarantee the purity and sterility of the future product.

Sometimes it happens that a person acquires planting material, sends it to the soil, cares for it and hopes for a good harvest, but here’s the bad thing – the result is depressing:

  • small bulbs;
  • soft heads with visible signs of decay;
  • low yield due to product death.
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Why is this happening? If you carefully read the sequence of actions performed by a person, you can understand that he simply missed the stage of disinfection of purchased products. Is it that important? Of course, because the features of the product are not known for certain, as are the methods of obtaining it and storage methods.

It is beneficial for the seller to manage to realize the prepared material, and the more, the better. You can argue with this statement, but to no avail. Yes, there are exceptions – people who think about the future and want to get a good customer base, but there are few such sellers (about 10%).

It turns out that any product purchased in a store or on the market must be subjected to additional processing (salt, potassium permanganate). This approach allows you to remove not only surface contaminants (dust, special reagents that preserve the excellent appearance of the leaves, etc.), but also the harmful microorganisms that inhabit the seedling.

Why manganese

Currently, there are a lot of compounds and mixtures for disinfection of planting material, not each of them is useful for humans.For example, a well-known brand adds chlorides to its funds, and this is a time bomb, which, getting into the human body, accumulates in it, causing incurable harm. To protect yourself from the harmful effects of strong reagents and at the same time to get a good result, you should soak the onions in potassium permanganate.

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Potassium permanganate. or potassium permanganate, is an antiseptic used by humans for a long time. For example, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, orderlies treated damaged skin of wounded soldiers with manganese acid dissolved in water, a little later people began to gargle with a weak solution and even take it in case of severe poisoning. Therefore, over the years, the drug has established itself as a good antiseptic (antimicrobial agent with a high oxidizing effect) and has been used in various fields.

Benefits and harms of potassium permanganate for plants

Since experienced gardeners claim that “treating onions before planting with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is a key step on the path to a quality product,” this statement needs to be justified.

Benefits of potassium permanganate for plants:

  1. Protection of seeds from wintering pests, thanks to the identified antiseptic effect (if soaked in a specially prepared solution).
  2. Potassium permanganate – a kind of unique foliar fertilizer.The thing is that fertilizing with manganese allows plants to deliver the minerals that are so necessary for full growth and development.
  3. The defeat of fungi and their spores (antifungal properties of potassium permanganate). Thanks to the correct effect, it is possible to save not only onions, but also strawberries from gray rot, and tomatoes from late blight.

However, you do not need to rush to water all beds with a solution of potassium permanganate, because it is a chemical compound that can cause harm to the human body (provoke burns of mucous membranes and skin, provoke diseases of the skeletal system), reduce soil productivity, etc.

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Important: potassium permanganate can be used to irrigate soils with alkaline or neutral acidity. If you neglect this advice, you can reduce fertility and lose crop (of course, for some varieties of plants, an acidic environment is useful, but not for everyone).

How to make sure that you get beautiful bulbs that can pleasing to the eye for a whole year? The answer is simple: “Learn the features of using potassium permanganate (how to properly prepare the composition, water the plants, soak root crops, etc.)”

How to prepare the seed for planting

So, you bought sevoc in a store and prepared the ground for immersing planting material in it. What’s next?Of course, the preliminary preparation of the material before planting, which includes:

  1. Thorough inspection of the seedlings (all dry places should be treated, the damaged seed should be removed from the bulk).
  2. Cleaning tops of dry seeds (this will improve seedlings).
  3. Dry the seed set (in the spring you need to spread it on a flat surface at a temperature of 20-25 ° C).
  4. Soaking the prepared material in a bucket with water and salt dissolved in it for 3 hours. To prepare such a composition, it is enough to take 1 liter. pure water and add to it 1 tsp. salt.
  5. Disinfection (soak onions before planting in potassium permanganate). That is why a saturated solution of potassium permanganate (violet) is needed. It is important to do this procedure immediately before planting (in the spring) so as not to lose the antiseptic and antifungal characteristics.
  6. The final drying of the seed set, necessary to prevent rotting of the product. Then planting work begins.
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It is important to observe the dosage of the components in the manufacture of a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, in which it is planned to soak the seed product. If you neglect this paragraph, you can destroy not only harmful parasites, but also the seeds themselves. How to properly prepare an effective disinfectant and not make hell soaking for planting material?

Methods for processing onions in manganese

There are several options for processing onions with potassium permanganate before planting (they differ in the concentration of the working composition and the time it takes to soak the seed):

  1. Concentrated 1% solution (10 g of powder per 1 liter of warm water), in which you need to soak the material for 45 minutes. It is important to put sevc in a warm liquid. “No to fungi and harmful microorganisms” – this is the motto of this method. It sounds loud and defiant, but do not forget that if the composition destroys all living things, then why can’t it damage the sevoc itself?
  2. Weak composition (3 g of powder per 1 liter of water), soak in the area 2 hours. This method differs from the first by a low concentration of the working component, therefore, a lower impact force, which means that the harmful effect on the seeds themselves is reduced. It turns out that such processing of onions with potassium permanganate before planting is ideal, although gardeners claim that not all bacteria die with it.
  3. Highly concentrated composition (25 g of powder per 1 liter of warm water), which can be soaked sowing for only 15-20 minutes. This disinfection option is used only when there is a suspicion of infection of the bulb with powdery mildew spores. The thing is that the composition is very strong, therefore, it can destroy the planting material itself.

Important: if the onion feathers are damaged, it is impossible to soak and water the sets with reagents, therefore, you just have to spray them. To do this, a weak composition is prepared (3 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water) and the feathers are thoroughly processed (required 3 times per week).

No need to rush to choose the last method of processing onions in potassium permanganate, it is better weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision. The best option is to soak for 2 hours.

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Features of development and additional options for processing onions

Bulbs – a product that requires special care when growing. It depends on its absorption capacity. The thing is that in the first half of the growing season, nitrogen is better absorbed, and potassium in the second (at the time of bulb formation). But here you need to be careful, because if top dressing saturates the soil with nitrogen salt, the grown product will be soft and will not be able to be stored for a long time even if ideal conditions are created.

Onion on the greens. Soaking, before planting in the ground. # 1 # GREEN
Onion set. Processing before landing.
Bow before landing.

If soaking does not give the expected results, it remains to process the onion beds with a manganese solution. recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  1. Water only with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (no more than 5 g of powder per 1 liter of water).
  2. All salt crystals must be dissolved.
  3. Water the beds only with a warm composition.
  4. It is best to cultivate the soil from a watering can so as not to disturb its structure (watering can destroy the upper fertile humus layer and wash nutrients out of it).
  5. Watering It is made no later than 2 weeks before the planned planting of seeds. This is necessary in order for the solution to work (penetrate the soil and disinfect the soil).
  6. Copper sulfate is capable of enhancing the properties of potassium permanganate (you can cultivate the earth with it a couple of days after the decision to water the beds with potassium permanganate). In this case, the protection against fungi and parasitic diseases will be 99.9%.
  7. If you have acidic soils, then after watering is completed, you will have to liming to return the neutral PH environment.
  8. You can neutralize the processes of spoiling sevka if you replace watering with bait with ash or cement dust.

It’s better to work a little more at the beginning, but then enjoy the victory (smart bow). If you are lazy at the start, it is impossible to get to the finish line with good results.

Careful preparation of the seed material works wonders: if you soak the onions before planting in potassium permanganate and then water the beds with a weak solution, you can be sure in obtaining an excellent result (strong and large bulbs that will be stored for a long time). The main thing is to observe the preparation technique of the composition and correctly determine the time of its impact on the product. Now you know the secret of processing onions with manganese.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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