Planting onion seeds on greens

Growing onions has always been considered useful and accessible to every occupation. Not only that, the vegetable contains a huge amount of useful components, but also there is no difficulty in planting onion seeds on the greenery of the house. Often, the human body needs vitamins in the winter and spring, therefore, by this time, the proper supply of nutrients should be replenished.You can provide yourself with health by planting onions on time on greens, which, by the way, is much more useful than the onion itself.

  1. Growing onions from seeds
  2. The best varieties of onions for greens
  3. Seedling method of growing onions
  4. Cultivation using cultivation and agricultural technology
  5. Growing in greenhouses
  6. How to grow onions in an apartment

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Growing onions in greens from c Yemen

The best time for planting is considered to be early spring, the end of winter or autumn. The seeding rate will always be indicated in the instructions for the selected onion. Mostly planting occurs in 5-6 lines, leaving a distance of up to 20 cm. All seeds are pre-soaked and planted already in a “swollen” state. To learn about the best way to plant onions on greens from seeds and how to choose a suitable plot for growing, just take the following information for a few minutes:

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Growing onions from seeds

Growing green onions from seeds is a simple procedure, however, requiring special cultivation.The gardeners with experience assure that, despite the simplicity of the culture, it must be grown with the utmost seriousness, observing elementary rules.

  1. The soil should be prepared in the fall. Before planting, the soil must be loosened properly. For mulching use peat and humus. It is important to remember that onions for greens from seeds require high-quality and plentiful watering, weeding and periodic “loosening” of the soil.
  2. Growing onions in greens from seeds will not be successful if you select the variety that is not suitable for you. Firstly, not everyone gives a feather with excellent taste characteristics, and secondly, there are onion seeds that are suitable for growing in certain regions and in certain weather conditions.
  3. The formation of onion bulbs on greens is optional, therefore When harvesting, you should consider what to sow instead of green culture. Any vegetable seedlings are suitable, be it carrots or any tomato varieties.

Green onion from seeds is less prone to the harmful effects of parasites and infections, which is the main advantage of growing.

The best varieties of onions for greens

When selecting which seeds of onions for greens are better to use, experts recommend paying attention to some varieties.

  1. Parade is a Dutch seed variety, considered almost the best due to its high yield. The advantage of the variety is the rapid regrowth and the absence of a formed bulb.Grown greens can not become yellow for a long time, while maintaining a pleasant and delicate taste. The crop yield is up to 8 kg per 1 square. m. Sowing occurs in early spring and is carried out by seeds. Planting has a depth of up to 1.5 cm. To cover the site using a non-woven fabric, which can be removed after the first shoots. To grow a variety, it is important to keep a distance from one vegetable crop to another: it is equal to 5 cm. Parade onion seeds perfectly take root in neutral soil with humus in the composition. Starting sowing, you need to make 35-40 g of fertilizer from nitrogen per square meter.
  2. Schnitt has a special aroma and delicate taste. A distinctive feature is a long and thin feather.
  3. Slime is in second place among the best varieties. Its main advantages are a feather of a wide and flat shape and contented with delicate taste.
  4. Leek has abundant leaves and a specific taste, it can often be found grown indoors,
  5. Shallot is a feather of the variety contains a huge amount of vitamin C and other beneficial ingredients.
  6. Batun has a flat feather. There are seeds of one and two year old species.
See also  How to water onions on a feather

Each of the varieties is early ripening, therefore it is better to plant the seeds in the soil in which other vegetables were previously grown, whether it be a potato, tomato, bean crop. Landing occurs in the middle of spring.Growing green onion seeds of any variety in the fall, it is important to control the shelter of the beds with snow. Soil should be insulated with spruce branches.

Planting of the listed onion seeds on greens begins with digging and compost compulsory addition to the soil. The beds should be made so that the furrow has a depth of a centimeter or two. In order to mark the planting, you can use chalk and mulch.

Seedling method for growing onions

Planting and growing crops can also occur in seedlings. The best representatives of green onions for seedlings are considered to be varieties with a semi-sharp and sweet taste and Skvirsky seed variety. Before starting growing from seedlings, all seeds must be wetted or germinated in a film-type greenhouse. Germinating them, plant greenery to a depth of not more than 1 cm 2 months before the start of planting work in the ground. Sowing should be lowercase. The norm of sowing seeds is considered 20-25 g per 1 square. m.

It is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 25 ° C before the first shoots. When the greens gradually begin to peck, the temperature must be reduced by 10 ° C, after which it is again increased to 20 ° C. It is important to ensure good ventilation and careful watering of the seedlings in the greenhouse. About 10 days before planting in open ground, you need to fully open the greenhouse.

The seedlings’ readiness for planting is determined by a height of up to 20 cm and the presence of 3-4 leaves.In order to provide the best adaptation to an unfamiliar area and the presence of a good pen, it is necessary to cut the leaves by a third before starting planting. The root system, in turn, is impregnated with a solution prepared by mixing clay with mullein. They begin to land in mid-April. Planting must also be lowercase, with row spacing up to 20 cm, the distance between seeds should not exceed 5 cm. Seeds should be planted to a depth of 4 cm. The soil near the planted crops is pressed to the roots.

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Cultivation using cultivation and agricultural machinery

Despite the fact that growing seeds in this way causes a lot of controversy and sense, there is still an optimal option for planting in open ground. After the end of spring frosts, attention should be paid to top dressing, for which weed infusion can be used. The product is prepared quite simply: you just need to soak the weeds in warm water and leave to insist. Urea is also considered a good feeding option.

After 4-5 feathers appear in green onions, you can start the second feeding. It is a mixture of a bucket of water with a spoonful of phosphorus and potassium. After thorough stirring, abundant watering with a solution of seeds occurs. All of these procedures are better in dry weather. If the soil does not differ in dehydration, then you need to place fertilizers in the aisle, not forgetting to loosen the soil.If fertilizers are applied by irrigation, then the greenery is not affected. To do less harm to vegetables, water the crop in the evening.

Growing in greenhouses

Onions from seeds to greens in the greenhouse must be correctly selected. Often, choosing this method, when three feathers appear, the earth is always fertilized with humus or ash. When growing onions in a greenhouse, it is important to remember about regular feeding with an ash solution or nettle concentrate, previously soaked in water. In addition to home feeding options, specialized goods from stores are also suitable.

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In addition to high-quality feeding, growing in a greenhouse must take place according to certain rules. The soil is always thoroughly loosened and gets rid of weeds.

You can grow high-quality onions only by controlling the amount of incoming moisture: watering should not be excessive and insufficient. Draft must not be allowed. Green onions are grown only under thermal conditions. It is important to eliminate diseased plants in a timely manner so that the infection does not switch to healthy planting of green onions. If there is no heating in the greenhouse, then sowing is carried out only after growing other vegetables. Growing green onions should occur with preliminary fertilizer with manure and compost, mineral fertilizing, after which the earth is loosened, mixed and leveled. Only dry bulbs should be used without large damage.They need to be planted in early October in order to ensure good “survival” before the winter.

Growing onions seed pen
Bow from seeds for greens and head
How to grow onions from seeds (chernushka) / Zwiebeln anbauen: Samen, Aussaat, Pflege / Cebollas de semilla

Green onions are planted in rows, 2.5 cm backward. When the cold comes, you need to properly cover the ground manure with straw. With the onset of spring, one must not forget to clear off the snow and remove the layer of insulation by tightening the greenhouse with a film.During the spring, they add a little mineral fertilizer to the culture: enough 15 g per 1 sq. Km. m. Watering should also be regular and moderate. The emergence of seedlings occurs in early May. In a heated greenhouse, onions are grown year-round, using peat or land from the garden, but do not forget about proper watering and special fertilizers. Onions can be grown in such conditions using additional lighting in winter, because the plant needs a 12-hour supply of light energy. It is better to arrange the lighting vertically in order to get the first fruits after 30 days.

See also  How to plant onion sets for the winter

How to grow onions in the apartment

An open large plot, greenhouses, a separate summer house – all this is not every person. What to do if you want to grow a useful product, but the living conditions do not allow you to do this? The answer is simple: it’s time to sow on the windowsill. For planting onions in a home environment, remember the following recommendations:

  1. Before sowing, be sure to moisten the seeds with water and pour a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Planting should be carried out, not exceeding a couple of cm depth choosing a container with drainage.
  3. Onions at home are grown using a special soil mixture of vermicompost and coconut fibers.
  4. After sowing, the container must be covered with a film, which can only be removed after the first seedlings.

Usually 2 months pass before you manage to collect the first fruits of your activity. To ensure more active growth, it is necessary to water the crop abundantly in the summer heat and moderately in winter frosts. In general, onions for greens from seeds of any variety on the windowsill are grown according to the same principle as in greenhouse conditions.

Planting and growing onions in greens is not so difficult and even a novice can do it. Following these tips, carefully observing the culture, it’s really possible not only to try delicious green fruits, but even to start a small family business. Nowadays, onions are grown in almost every house, so why don’t you become one of the fans of this culture?

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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