How to plant onion sets for the winter

Perennial plants are beneficial for any gardener, because even on cold days you can prepare delicious and fresh dishes from them. Both an experienced gardener and a beginner should know when to plant onions for the winter and how to plant onions for the winter. If an onion is selected, planting for the winter variety depends on the conditions that a person can create. How to plant onions in the winter near Moscow correctly and what care will help to harvest throughout the year?

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When to plant onions for the winter

Onions are a mandatory “resident” of the garden

Planting onions in the fall before winter is done at the end of the harvestthe whole crop. Before that, planting winter onions will only take precious time. By collecting vegetables and plants that have matured over the summer, a person can safely proceed to the planting of such crops. Why plant varietal onions in the winter before a cold snap? Planting an onion variety sevka in the winter is a good investment of one’s own strength, because in the cold people with even strong immunity have vitamin deficiency and weakness. Seasonal fruits, vegetables and greens end, and crops are not able to meet the body’s need for vitamins and nutrients. In such cases, planting onions for the winter will provide the family with a useful plant that strengthens the immune system and the body as a whole.

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There is nothing difficult or costly to plant onion sets for the winter.Listening to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, even a novice will be able to breed the culture in cold weather. Benefits of winter onions:

  • useful substances that strengthen the human immune system;
  • tasty supplement to dishes and marinades;
  • source of vitamins;
  • natural antioxidant for the whole body.

Plant onions in a warm room or greenhouse, where all necessary conditions for the rapid growth of feathers and greens will be created. In the cold season, it is best to plant frost-resistant varieties, because it is difficult to predict a sharp decrease in ambient temperature. A greenhouse is a room equipped for winter plants, but it can also suffer from extremely low temperatures during extreme cold weather. Further tillage and watering falls on the shoulders of the gardener.

It is best to plant onions at the end of autumn, before the first frosts. The fertilizer and watering scheme should be a clear instruction for a person who decides to plant winter crops. At home, you can build a greenhouse and arrange its work in the winter.

Proper planting of onions in the Moscow Region or in another region of Russia requires a special approach. Only the organized work of the greenhouse and garden is a guarantee of a good harvest all year round. Even a beginner gardener should know how to plant onions before winter in time.

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How to plant root crops for winter

Not every gardener knows when to plant winter onions.In greenhouses, things are different than on an open land plot. Planting onions before winter in the Urals, in the Moscow Region or planting onions before winter in Siberia will not do without a specially created environment. At home, in a living room, keeping boxes with plants is unprofitable and difficult. The optimal regime required for the content of planted vegetables is selected in advance. Planting winter onions or any other onion in autumn is only the initial stage of a long process of growing a crop in the winter season. For winter plants, they paint watering and fertilizing the soil, and also organize good lighting. Such conditions make it possible to get the first crop on the 25th day after planting.

Fertilizers are important for a winter plant, which a gardener can do with his own hands. Planting onions in the winter will take place without complications and difficulties, if you worry about nutrients for the soil in advance. In autumn, humus, peat and fertile soil are prepared. In the right proportion, 3 simple ingredients are mixed and stored in a dry room. In the fall, a sufficient amount of nutrients is contained in the soil for a winter plant, but under frosts even the fertile soil layers are depleted. Landing in ordinary soil will not be the best solution for a gardener. For winter onions, it is necessary to create a favorable environment or not undertake a multi-stage business at all.

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Planting winter onions

To plant a winter onion that does not require much effort on the part of a person, even a beginner can. For sevka, which sits in the spring, there are other requirements: it must be large, juicy and absolutely healthy. Absolutely all gardeners are engaged in planting before the summer, because you don’t have to look after the vegetable especially. It is very difficult to save a small head after the onset of cold weather, every housewife knows about it. Dry and bitter, such “bulbs” are not suitable for anything. Sevka for winter planting, so that the greens grow all three months before spring, it is better to plant it from medium-sized material. The more inner layers they have, the better the growth of green feathers will be. Small seeds can also be planted in boxes in a warm greenhouse. The onion that grows from it will be tasty and juicy.

Planting a sowing, which will give a lot of juicy greens, gardeners are involved in several stages:

  1. At the end, they prepare seeds for winter crops February, as soon as the snow melts and the upper layers of the soil warm up a little.
  2. Chernushka is planted in the ground in one or several rows at a short distance (the strip is from 5 to 6 cm and its depth is up to 7 cm).
  3. On top of the seed, it is better to lay a little fertile soil, fertilized with natural humus and peat (depth fertilizer This layer is approximately 1 centimeter, maximum 2). The whole soil around the bed is mulched.
  4. The plant is watered several times a week at first and three times a month with the arrival of heat.
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Care of the bed includes weeding the weeds, the design of the beds and loosening of the upper layers soil (it is important to fluff up the earth after rains). Planting spring onions for the winter is easy. Sevka does not need constant watering or fertilizer. A bag of humus is enough for the whole year. For seeds before the spring planting, the requirements are also insignificant.

Preparing the material for planting and choosing the seed

Harvest time can be seen from the changes in the arrows of the winter onions. The pen begins to turn yellow and fall to the ground. When the time comes to collect the bulbs (falls on the first days of summer or the end of spring), all root crops are dug up and left in the sun to dry, after which it will not be difficult to clean the bulbs. At harvest time, the feather is no longer usable; it is too dry and depleted. Suitable varieties for winter planting:

  • Stuttgart variety;
  • Riesen variety;
  • Radar variety;
  • Centurion variety;
  • Porea variety.

Inexpensive and simple varieties, such as Riesen, can produce a stable crop throughout the year. Favorable conditions for onions to stock can be arranged not only in greenhouses, but also to the extent of warm rooms. The day when it is necessary to transplant the winter road is selected according to the weather and air temperature.Onion “family” withstands a sharp drop in temperature, but green feathers suffer from this. It is allowed to feed the bulbs with purchased fertilizers if the gardener is sure of their quality.

Planting a winter onion begins by picking the bulbs to the north.

Winter onion planting is carried out only after thorough ventilation material for disembarkation. Bulbs must be carefully sorted (small and medium specimens are left in reserve). It is unreasonable to plant material with large heads. Large bulbs are best left for spring planting.

See also  Proper planting of spring onion

Every gardener who appreciates his own labor and time should know how to plant onion sets properly, because planting onions before winter in the Moscow Region, the Urals or Siberia first of all, saving money and money. Planting a vegetable is better for greenhouse owners or owners of country houses, but to grow a small number of feathers by strength and city dweller.

Choosing a place and time for planting

The bulb sits near garlic or another greens, when it comes to planting crops in open ground. For garlic, such a neighborhood will not bring harm, but it is better to put the turnip away. The timing when the landing should take place is not running out (in spring). For winter onions choose a special day. For these purposes, the gardener will need a lunar calendar.The choice of a place in the garden where the winter variety will feel comfortable depends on many factors:

  • planting onions (the main terms for planting onions) in one place is allowed only for two years, and then the location of the beds changes ;
  • onions should be planted only in wooden or plastic containers;
  • the soil should be selected carefully (the best option is humus soil);
  • for onions for planting ( to get seeds in spring) use the area along rivers or lakes;
  • sows winter crops on the ground, g cabbage or corn used to grow (such a transplant does not harm the plant);
  • for spring onions a narrow bed is well suited, which will often be watered;
  • winter crops (red or white root crops) takes root on sandy lands.
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There are special selection criteria for the site where bulbs suitable for winter transplantation will be planted. Landing rules require the selection of a well-ventilated and dry land. Even for small root crops, constant watering and care are needed. The timing of onion planting varies, depending on the weather and the place of future planting of small root crops. Numbers change every year.

Spring care and harvest

Proper crop care, especially in the winter, will provide a good harvest even in January. Juicy root vegetables, tasty arrows and a source of vitamins (green stalk) need watering and fertilizing the soil.The more the gardener puts into the plant (this type of crop), the more he will get in the end.

111. Planting onions in the winter. A simple and reliable way.

Saving on electricity will result in bitter root crops and dry onion leaves . Caring for a simple plant will be caring for your own family. A beginner will be able to start a small greenhouse and make food in the wintertime not only tasty, but also healthy.

Ultimately, a rich harvest depends on whether the orchards are planted correctly for the winter or not.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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