Features of Toulouse geese

One of the most popular poultry in the world is the goose, a member of the duck family. Today, there are many goose species, many of which are bred specifically for growing on the farm. The article talks about such a breed as the Toulouse geese.

  1. Withdrawal history
  2. Appearance and description
  3. Basic care requirements
  4. Breeding Toulouse geese

Тулузские гуси

Toulouse geese

History of breeding

Breeders from sunny Toulouse, located in the south of France, set themselves the task of obtaining a productive look that would bring quality meat and justify the cost of their content by crossing selected representatives she finally got a new breed.

Bred in France in the 18th century, the Toulouse breed of geese gradually gained popularity throughout Europe, and then beyond. Today, the Toulouse goose has the first place in popularity among domestic breeds. In the photo you can see how beautiful this species is, and its description deserves special attention.

Appearance and description

Toulouse geese have gray plumage (heritage wild relatives), which darkens as the birds grow older. The neck, back and wings are darker in color than the rest of the body, but the stomach is usually white. Sometimes you can find a different color in the bird – brown. Toulouse – large, representative birds with a massive body and legs, a large head, a thick neck.Beak is wide, flat, orange. The weight of the adult Toulouse goose can reach up to 11 kg, geese – about 7 kg.

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One important sign is the presence or absence of a special fold on the belly of the goose, called the “wallet”. It is generally accepted that wallet representatives are more meaty than their opponents. But the wallet-free ones are prolific and not as awkward as the overweight “wallet” owners. Also, a goose may have / do not have a crease on its stomach. What explains the popularity of the breed among farmers? The advantages that Toulouse geese possess are many:

  • fast weight gain;
  • productivity;
  • a large amount of high-quality meat, fat, large, gourmet liver valuable fluff.

As you can see, the Toulouse geese are ideal for breeding for slaughter, therefore this species can often be found among the “population” of the poultry farm. Of course, like any breed, geese from Toulouse have their own breeding nuances:

  • picky and pampering;
  • soreness, poor tolerance of colds;
  • passivity and, as a result, looseness of muscles;
  • poorly developed laying instinct for a female.

Caring for imposing, obese Toulouse requires effort and effort, but the labor and financial costs justify themselves with a rich harvest of goose. How to properly maintain the breed, read below.

Basic care requirements

If you decide to breed Toulouse, be prepared for conscientious work: in order to get healthy offspring and quality goose, you must carefully follow the advice of professionals. Demanding on life, these birds need certain conditions.

  1. A warm room for housing. The temperature should be at least 20 ° C. Drafts should not be allowed, but the house should be regularly ventilated. Any change in weather conditions causes the goose to feel uncomfortable.
  2. Comfort lovers, geese need a dry litter made of a material that absorbs moisture well. It is best if it is sphagnum peat: sawdust or straw is also suitable. In winter, extra bedding is included.
  3. Regular, wet housekeeping is advisable every day. The increased level of humidity is unfavorable for the bird.
  4. The presence of a clean feeder and drinking bowl, which should always be filled. Intensive weight gain is achieved by abundant and regular nutrition, while at night the amount of food consumed is higher than during the day. Diet Toulouse without fail includes grain, wheat, corn, animal feed and grass. It is important to ensure that pets receive all the necessary minerals with food.
  5. The house should be equipped with a sand trough so that geese can take baths and thus clean their plumage of dirt and skin parasites.
  6. Near the caterpillar equip a platform or paddock, well-lit by the sun. In the warm season, geese can spend most of their time there. Provide the area with a dense canopy and a fence (preferably mesh).
  7. Twice in the season after molting, you should cut the wings of your pets so that they cannot fly from the yard.

Poultry farmers recommend dividing the house into sections, place the birds with the expectation of 3 geese and 2 gander on 2 square meters. If you are interested in Toulouse geese, you can see incredibly attractive handsome men in the photo.

Breeding Toulouse geese

A separate discussion requires the issue of offspring. When equipping a house, the fact that each section should be equipped with 2-3 nests should be considered. As mentioned above, the goose of this breed is not a very responsible brood hen, so the owner will have to lay eggs under a laying hen or use the services of an incubator. It is imperative to provide the birds with conditions that are comfortable for breeding, primarily heat and light. Oviposition in Toulouse geese begins in early spring and brings the farmer about 40 eggs from one individual per year.

See also  How does incubation of goose eggs at home

When the goslings turn five days old, they can be let out for a walk provided that the weather is warm. It is important to carefully monitor that the chicks receive proper feeding at least 6 times a day. It is necessary to prepare a special mixture of grated cereals, herbs and vegetables. With proper care, newborns will gain weight very quickly and by the age of 2 months will weigh about 4 kg.

Proper care is the key to the profitability of the Toulouse goose for the owner.By choosing this bird, you will not be mistaken and will be rewarded with a good profit, because the Toulouse geese are highly productive and profitable.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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