Characteristics of Tula geese

The Tula fighting goose is a well-known and old breed, which enjoyed a certain popularity. Tula geese were fed as participants in goose fights – a popular entertainment in those days. In some regions and states, such competitions continue to be popular, and with them the indicated bird.

  1. Short description
  2. Characteristics and features
  3. Production <
  4. Bird and fights

Тульские гуси

Tula geese

Short description

Given the specificity of the breed, these geese are called Tula fighting, and this name is fixed in the people. Due to the constant artificial selection, modern representatives of the breed are different:

  • fortress;
  • strength;
  • stamina.

Bl Due to the characteristics listed above, the breed became an ideal example of natural fighting indicators.The appearance of the Tula geese is impressive, because during the period of active breeding the species has become perfect.It should be noted that indicators of strength and endurance are successfully combined with a small body weight, which has a developed muscular system, as well as characterized high density of the structure.

Characteristics and features

The peculiarity of the species is the high similarity of individuals among themselves. First of all, this similarity is based on a slight variation in colors, there are only three. Tula fighting geese can be gray, clay, white. The gray species has a visual resemblance to wild representatives, but they are somewhat larger.The Tula goose with a clay color of the feather is called Kaluga and is quite common. White geese of the Tula breed in a number of regions are more common. They can be gnawed, straight-faced, and steep-nosed. In this classification, the shape of the beak comes to the first place.

  1. The losy-nosed individuals have a beak slightly concave inward.
  2. The straight-faced Tula fighting goose is the owner of the beak, the top of which is absolutely even.
  3. The Tula geese of a steep-nosed type have beaks shortened and curved to the outside.
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The above-mentioned features are almost the only characteristics that make it possible to establish diversity within the variety. Among the characteristic features can be called a small head, which has the shape of an oval, as well as a flat forehead. Beaks in most individuals are somewhat shortened and are strong and strong. Also characteristic is the thickness of the neck and depth of the chest, which are superior to the average of other breeds. Fighting Humped Geese, among other things, have strong and rather short limbs, powerful, large and strong wings, which are actively used when entering into another battle. A strong wing swing, which is performed by the Tula fighting goose, can cost the enemy health.


Tula geese are birds that are difficult to classify as highly productive species. Experts note a low level of profitability for obtaining meat, egg products or fluff. Small farms (mainly households) have several individuals. The breed’s indicators allow us to rank it as medium heavy, since in weight “men” reach 7 kg, while for a female the maximum indicator is 6 kg. The record is 8 kg.

The females have perfectly developed maternal instincts. Young geese are able to produce about 25 eggs in one cycle and hatch them independently. Due to the presence of a strong immune system, the safety indicators of chicks are at a fairly high level. Small Tula geese are able to quickly gain weight even in ordinary pasture. The features of the development of the breed are such that even without the use of a special feed base, a young bird at the age of 2-3 months can reach a body weight of up to 4 kg. Tula fighting geese can graze in open spaces, because they can easily tolerate both hot and cold environmental conditions.

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The list of disadvantages of the breed can include the presence of a red tint on its beaks, eyelids and eyes, since such formations clearly indicate for genetic abnormality.Among other characteristics indicating that the Tula fighting geese cannot be used in battles, it should be noted:

  • uneven back;
  • deviations in the structure of the wing;
  • fat folds in the lower abdomen.

Bird and fights

In order for the goose to be selected for battle, it must be different aggressive character, large physique. It is important that fighting geese do not have injuries. It is fighting qualities that are prevailing, but this does not mean that such individuals are not suitable for home rearing and breeding.

Even the most insignificant in number of houses can be supplemented by the considered birds, which will become a real decoration of the whole economy . To get more effect from this enterprise, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for maintaining the breed, as well as consult with experienced breeders.

Tula geese Orel
Tula geese

It is noteworthy that some poultry breeders may not suspect that they have these representatives. To get complete information about the visual characteristics, you can refer to numerous sources. So, the Tula geese, photos of which are posted on the Internet, can satisfy the interest These photos are of very good quality, and therefore make it possible to identify and identify Use all available features.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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