Description of the Mamut geese

Geese Mamuta every day gaining more and more popularity among farmers. At the moment, breeding of such birds is widespread in animal husbandry, because their meat and fluff have always been in great demand due to their unique properties. Mamut is a species of geese that is at the peak of popularity: birds are accessible for keeping and breeding not only within the framework of a farm or poultry farm, this bird can be settled with absolutely any person who is not a specialist.Breeding and keeping such birds is easy.

  1. Characteristics of the Mamut geese
  2. Pros for growing the Mamut geese
  3. Recommendations for breeding geese
  4. Useful tips

Гуси Мамуты

Geese Mamuta

These geese are grown mainly artificial by, since geese do not have a maternal instinct and breeding goslings in a natural way becomes problematic . Chicks hatch on 25-27 days. First you need to pick up goslings from the nest to dry, and then you can send them to your mother. Chicks have a strong immune system. Eating cereal crops, feed and grass, after 2 months the Mamut will weigh 5-6 kg, with intensive feeding, some individuals can reach a weight of 7-10 kg.

Characteristics of the geese of the Mamutov

Today, among domesticated Mamuts, it can be ranked as one of the largest varieties, as evidenced by their weight / height ratio, since both indicators tend to be as high as possible. In addition, birds are well fed, regardless of gender.The breed is predisposed to eat little (90-95 kg of feed per year) and at the same time grow intensively in weight and bring 1-2 times more eggs than relatives. All these are favorable factors in favor of Mamut. You can see these birds in more detail in a photo or video.

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The description of this breed claims to be picky birds. Geese Mamuta in the photo look simply amazing. They are not demanding: if there is a food source and a nest nearby, then they can easily adapt. They can take root in any environment, which makes them a very profitable and profitable solution for livestock. If we talk about numbers, the survival rate of goslings is 85%, and the goose has good egg production and begins to rush 200 days after birth. Over a year, an individual is able to bring 50 eggs weighing from 160 to 211 g. The eggs have a snow-white color. Meat is also attractive, always weighty and pleasant in taste.

Mamuty is a breed of geese that was bred in Denmark, then migrated to Germany, from where it recently came to Russia and Ukraine. People call such representatives the Danish geese. Mamutas with white color were the result of breeding of the Toulouse gray and Landsky white geese. At first, they did not want to attribute the hatched bird to a separate breed, but the signs and conditions for breeding of these birds speak for themselves. Among the signs of the species, it is worth highlighting a live weight of 8 to 10 kg for geese and 11 to 13 kg for gander.

The weight of an adult is approximately 15-17 kg, which makes Mamuta an ideal meat breed.

Pros for growing Mamutov geese

  • Tasty and lean meat.
  • Easy to breed and maintain.
  • Productivity of geese.
  • Meat quality superior to products of similar breeds.
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Recommendations for breeding geese

Breeding geese is a cheap thing, the price is low compared to what is described in the description. This breed is unique in its kind precisely because, taking into account the needs of this bird, you can make a minimal contribution to care and maintenance, but as a result get decent profit and a lot of pleasant bonuses. In winter, Mamut needs to be equipped in a warm poultry house and no more than 2 individuals per 1 sq. m. The surface of the floor in the room should not be wet, it should be insulated and litter.

In summer you shouldn’t take great care of feeding the geese, as they will have enough vegetation around and a large basin with water for drinking or a plain pool . Proper selection of pairs will make an excellent start to further breeding. For this, it is necessary to acquire individuals so that they do not turn out to be relatives, otherwise it will adversely affect the health of descendants.The artificial breeding method is inferior to the natural one, since in the second case you need to constantly pay attention to the behavior of geese that do not have a hatching instinct.

If the goose does not follow the eggs, they can be planted with other females. The main thing is not to leave an egg without a goose. The first chicks appear a month after fertilization of the eggs.

Mamut’s chicks have good immunity, so they quickly develop in height and weight. Nutrition also does not provide for any difficulties, compound feeds in small quantities are quite enough, in the spring Mamuts switch to vegetation. It is also highly recommended not to feed rye geese.

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Useful Tips

Before you purchase this kind of geese, you need to know what characteristics the individuals have, as well as whether you can handle breeding and keeping such a breed. Before buying, you can study the reviews of people who had previously purchased and raised Mamutov geese on their farm. When choosing, one must take into account the age of the bird, most often young animals or individuals of middle age are chosen. It is believed that both newborns and adults can be raised equally well, the main thing is desire.

The Danish goose is a profitable solution for beginner breeders. Unpretentiousness of the breed provides maximum returns with minimal resource and financial costs. Birds are easy to maintain and grow, but it is worth remembering a number of subtleties considering which, you can become a successful breeder. Be sure to show the birds to the veterinarian at least 1 time per month. Even if the geese are active and seemingly healthy, regular examinations are considered effective prevention from many diseases.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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