The main characteristics of wild geese

Many people know that the right to be called the first domesticated birds belongs to the geese, and the first mention of them was made several thousand years ago in ancient Rome. All geese are considered smart, unpretentious and loyal birds, because the number of people who want to start their breeding is increasing every day. However, not only poultry is considered special and recognized.Wild geese, although not much different from domesticated species, are also interesting to consider individuals, because they constantly fly away from place to place.

  1. The life features of the geese
  2. How wild geese nest
  3. About wintering and habitat of wild breeds
  4. Classification <
  5. Dividing geese by size
  6. Geese for breeding and how to hunt them

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Wild goose

Wild goose is a migratory bird that returns from the south in early spring. Most geese are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The scream is considered their characteristic and outstanding feature. Mostly they are found in the tundra of Europe, in Asia and North America. Some species of wild geese live in South America, Australia and sometimes Africa. The breed of birds is what determines their lifestyle. For example, a gray species can nest only in a forest strip, if there are rivers and lakes nearby, and nesting of semi-toed and spur ones occurs only in the steppes and savannahs.

See also  Mountain geese

Features of the life of the geese in question

As it has already been found out, depending on what species the bird belongs to, its lifestyle and existence are determined. However, there are common features of all these geese. Below we consider them in more detail.

  1. Flying exclusively in flocks. The flock during the flight moves in the form of a wedge or line or, like hooks. On average, a flock of geese can consist of both several individuals and hundreds of representatives. Stopping for feeding and rest, these geese come together and fly, creating a unique look (you can see the video).
  2. The flight speed reaches 22 m / s, and the height does not exceed 1000 m. Interestingly, for decades back, the flight altitude of individual birds exceeded 8000 m, and the absolute record of migratory birds was an altitude of 9500 m. Geese fly in different ways, depending on the breed and the place where the flight is carried out. The range of one seasonal flight without landing is ambiguous, but is about 1000 km.
  3. A large flock of birds has already formed pairs before nesting begins. Only certain species of geese find a pair in the selected place. The construction of nests falls on the area located near the dwellings of falcons or buzzards. The latter protect birds from other predatory animals.
  4. Wild geese can be found both in wet meadows, and in estuaries and lakes overgrown with vegetation.
  5. The molting period for birds is characterized by a secretive mode of existence due to the loss of ability to fly. Shedding is the time when the life of birds flows in calm conditions and in remote places. Activation of birds begins immediately after molting.
  6. All species of wild geese feed only after sunset, returning to the shallows at night. At dawn, the birds again begin to search for food, ending late in the morning.
  7. Have good eyesight and a pronounced cry.
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If we take into account the feed consumed, then all wild breeds are herbivorous. With the advent of spring, wild geese can eat aquatic plants that are found in water bodies. If individuals live near meadows, then they feed on young grass. Nesting period — time of transition to aquatic food, bred

How wild geese nest

Reproduction begins only on the 3rd or 4th year after birth. After the flight, the birds immediately form nesting sites, the construction of which begins only when the last rainfalls descend. The goose is engaged in the construction of the nest. Externally, the nest is a structure of aquatic plants, occasionally it can be branches. The material for the internal structure is selected among soft and dry herbs.

On average, the laying of geese reaches 10 white eggs, the color of which is determined by the type of bird, and eggs are laid in spring: from mid-March to early June. When hatching eggs, a wild bird does not move away from the nest. Evaporation time reaches 28 days.

About wintering and habitat of wild breeds

You can meet wild individuals in almost any corner of the world. So, gray species prefer life in the Eastern Hemisphere: the Black Sea, Siberia, sometimes in Europe. The wild goosebird occupies the taiga of Eurasia and the tundra, and the Arctic Canadian goose goose occupies the northern part of America, where it nests. The white-faced species lives in the tundra of America and Eurasia. The remaining species, such as dry wood, inhabit eastern Asia with its flowing and standing reservoirs. Mountain species of geese flew into the steppe, desert meadows. Piskulka is a northern species that lives in the forests and tundra of Russia.

See also  How to feed geese in winter

Wild geese winter from the second half of September, choosing only the northern zones, living in the southern region until the end of October. Speaking separately about each species, then:

  1. Piskulka chooses wintering in Greece and China, sometimes found in the direction of the Black Sea coast.
  2. Gray wild geese fly to Africa and Europe in the fall , periodically make stops in China, India.
  3. White whales winter in the western coastal states, white-fronted species in the subtropics.
  4. White geese in winter are located on the Pacific coast, sometimes located in Japanese cities ( where the best pagoda is located).
  5. The Gumennik lives in a cold season on the Atlantic coast ye. Wild bird occupies Germany, England, Japan and China (Xi’an).

Knowing in what place these or other breeds can live, you can personally see a representative of each of them. Some species, in turn, can be found in Russia even without a map.


It is difficult to list existing species of wild geese and ducks, and it hardly seems possible . Next, the most popular representatives will be considered.

  1. Gray wild bird is considered the main encountered representative of wild geese in Russia. Migration of ducks falls to the East. The bird is decorated with gray clarified plumage. Its main difference is the highlighted white stripe on the beak, which can be seen in the photo. This is the largest species of ducks, as an adult male can reach a weight of more than 6 kg.
  2. White goose is a truly fabulous breed, characterized by snow-white plumage with a black edge of feathers. The white species is found in the north of Russia, but winters mainly in warm territories. In cold weather, lives on the Gulf of Mexico.
  3. Goumennik is considered another unique species of wild species. Firstly, outwardly they differ in interesting gray-brown color and dark-orange beak, and secondly, their sizes reach only 4 kg. During all the frosty months, the flock flies to warm places, the habitat of gouramin falls on the Eurasian tundra and taiga.
  4. Canada Goose is a wild breed distributed throughout the North American region. The size of the birds cannot be called average, because the body exceeds a length of 115 cm.The difference between the breed in grayish-brown staining and a bright breast of snow-white color. Checking the photographs, you can see a black neck and head, white blotches covering one cheek. This wild breed occupies a fairly vast area, which begins in the Arctic and lasts until the United States.
  5. Northern white whale is known to every inhabitant of Alaska, because it occupies this zone exclusively. Outwardly, these are birds with a bluish plumage, their head and neck color is white, from where the name of the breed came from. A distinctive feature of whites is that they do not fly to warm places, but move to the west of the USA.
  6. White-faced individuals are considered unusual and unique due to their unforgettable color. A member of the Canada Goose has a bright white forehead interspersed with, although the body is painted brown with a gray tint. The belly is decorated with black stripes, and the tail also has a white highlighted area. The white-faced bird is not very large, and its length cannot be more than 85 cm. For the winter, geese fly south to the subtropics.
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So, now you know not only the names of the main varieties, but also got acquainted with their external description. This knowledge will not only help to identify certain breeds from the photo, but also help with breeding.

Divide geese by size

Classification of geese by size is quite common , because many representatives differ either in large and heavy appearance, or in medium and small / decorative.To belong to one or another size means to have a lifestyle different from other individuals. Next will be considered the names and descriptions of large birds, the breeding of which will not be difficult. Moreover, it is a large bird that is in demand when breeding at home.

  1. Toulouse geese are considered the largest breed of geese in the world. Their breeding took place in France, and popularity began many centuries ago. Seeing in the photo why exactly these geese are considered the best in all of America will not work, because their secret lies in excellent taste. The size and weight of the gander is impressive, because sometimes it exceeds 11 kg. The weight of the female, in turn, does not exceed 7 kg. Toulouse meat is the most delicious and high-quality, because it is so often cooked at home on the festive table.
  2. Emden domestic geese were considered the best among the other snow-white species. Outwardly, the bird has white feathers, it has a bright orange beak and paws, blue eyes. The weight of the birds exceeds 9 kg, and their body is quite beautiful and neatly folded.
  3. African goose is the ancestor of Chinese geese. They are considered not only the most beautiful and aristocratic individuals, but also differ in large size. African geese can weigh up to 10 kg.
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The sizes of these geese are as varied as their names and external indicators. Having learned which of the geese is the largest, you can go on to describe the birds of smaller sizes.

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It should be remembered that hunting for many species of wild geese may be prohibited due to their small number. You can always watch how and who is best to hunt, how to use decoys on video. So, you learned not only the names of the breeds, not only how much this or that gander weighs, but also how they look, eat, winter, where wild geese of different breeds fly. Only a small part of the existing representatives is found in approximate countries, and their habitat is "scattered" around the world, but you can admire them on the corresponding videos.

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Anna Evans

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