How many goose sits on eggs and why doesn’t it?

Mankind has domesticated geese 3-4 millennia ago and since then birds have proven their worth many times. Once they saved Rome by waking the asleep guards when the Gauls were about to secretly get inside. Nowadays, geese are usually bred for eggs, meat and feathers. The business turns out to be very successful, but only on condition that the breeders are aware of all the nuances, and breeding geese is different from growing chickens and ducks.So, let’s say, if the businessman did not know in advance how much the goose is sitting on his eggs, he will probably be disappointed and lose.

  1. Goose difference from the rest birds
  2. The relevance of breeding geese for eggs
  3. How many eggs can a goose
  4. how to build a house for geese
  5. We make the females imbued with maternal feelings
  6. Last chance for life

Сколько дней гуси высиживают яйца

How many days do geese hatch eggs

The difference between a goose and other birds

The body sizes of birds are usually large, and goose eggs are also rather big. The legs, like the neck, are very high, and the beak is wide, strong and sharp. Seeing, in their opinion, an attacker, geese murmur ominously or hiss annoyingly.

In the summer, plant birds and it is pleasant and economical, because at this time of the year they can find their own food in a nearby meadow or in a yard overgrown with grass.

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It is worth considering that the size, nature, color of the feathers depends on the breed, and breeds of domestic geese brought a lot. Since the eggs are large, geese lay a small number of them for one egg laying, but this also depends on the breed.It will be right from the very beginning to decide why it was decided to breed these birds and choose a breed based on the results of deliberation. On the video on the Internet you can watch and compare meat geese and hatched for eggs.

The relevance of breeding geese for eggs

How relevant is the breeding of geese for eggs is a big question.

  1. Geese were domesticated 3 or 4 thousand years ago and since then their eggs have become part of the human diet. They are larger than chicken and much more nutritious, although the taste of some gourmets may seem strange.
  2. The yolks contain luteen – an extremely valuable substance with the property of an antioxidant. Regular consumption of goose eggs rejuvenates the body and slows down aging.
  3. On the other hand, there is harm. Firstly, all breeds of geese are unclean, and their eggs cannot be eaten raw, long processing is needed. Secondly, it is unhealthy to eat more than a few eggs a day.
  4. Size and rarity affect the price. Goose eggs are expensive, but birds bring a very small number of them per year. The most egg-laying breeds produce about 100 eggs per season, so it is difficult to consider breeding geese in this capacity as a profitable business.
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Breeders usually use these birds as laying hens for the first 4-5 years, then sell them for meat .

How many eggs a goose can bring

How many eggs a female will bring depends on various factors, starting from the breed and ending with the conditions in which the bird is kept. Goose at 6 months old is ready to create a nest, although its body is not yet fully developed. In the first year, the laying will be small, the peak of fertility occurs in the third year of the female’s life. On average, from 40 to 100 eggs are obtained per year, but there are breeds that bring no more than 20 eggs.

The duration of incubation is 2-3 months. Females rest for a while, then rush again. At home, you can increase the number of clutches per year so that they will be carried in almost any month. To do this, you need to feed the birds useful food for them and monitor the daylight hours. How many days a goose hatching eggs at home also depends on the conditions in which it occurs.

“A goose is cute for his gosling, a baby is cute for a man,” but in some cases the females refuse to sit on the nest.

During the winter, reluctance by geese sits to hatch offspring is doubly dangerous, as goose eggs are supercooled, and there will be so many empty eggs in the clutch.

How to build a house for geese

Geese hatch eggs only when they feel safe, so sk to show, at home. It so happens that the deadline seems to have approached, oviposition should begin, and not begin.Why the geese in this case do not rush is not an idle question, because the success of the entire event for their breeding depends on this. Do not despair ahead of time, the capriciousness of females is quite possible to handle. How to do this?

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  1. First of all, make sure that the socket is in a safe place, away from doors and walkways. If several females are simultaneously sitting in a gusennik, their nests need to be fenced off. The house itself should be isolated from other species of animals, especially from rats, mice and curious birds of other species.
  2. You can make a nest with your own hands from almost anything, usually they are built from boxes. It happens that the future mother chooses the future nest for herself: it is important to track what exactly she wants and use this item.
  3. It is important to maintain the optimum temperature in the goose and the daylight hours, with the help of which the problem is how to plant the goose on eggs will be solved by itself.

We make the females imbued with maternal feelings

In fact, the important question is not how to plant a goose to hatch eggs, and why it doesn’t does. Once the problem is identified, to put the bird on the masonry will be a matter of technology. Hatching problems are most often found in young females. It’s not a matter of desire, but of the fact that they don’t know how to sit on masonry.

  1. One of the possible solutions is to force the females onto the nests and cover them with boxes.After some time, you can see how they voluntarily sit on their masonry. How to do this is easy to see in the video.
  2. When searching for reasons, you should once again consider the conditions of detention. A brood hen may refuse to hatch because the grouse is too dark, light or cold.
  3. After laying eggs, they are collected. They can be stored in a box with straw at a temperature of not more than 20 and not less than 15 ° C. Females refuse to sit on eggs if they are first collected and then laid again. At least one egg or its dummy must remain in the nest. After several days of storage, the nest can again be filled with future goslings, you can only wait for their appearance.
  4. During the hatching period, it is worth occasionally shining eggs. A simple procedure will determine if there is an embryo under the shell, how it feels. It happens that mold develops inside. The goose continues to sit on such eggs, wasting time on them and endangering the rest of the children.
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Last chance for life

Many breeders instead natural incubation undertake artificial – using an incubator. In this case, one does not have to invent ways to plant stupid geese on nests, forcing them to sit on their eggs. In the case of an incubator, how many goslings will be born depends entirely on the care of the poultry breeder.

First, eggs suitable for artificial hatching are selected.They should have a flat surface and undeformed shape. Before you do anything, it is advisable to enlighten them with an ovoscope. Products that have passed all stages of selection can be sent to the incubator.

Geese hatch eggs part1
The goose hatches the goslings.
A goose is a brood, a goose has sat on its eggs and hatches goslings.

Geese hatch chicks, burying them in warm down and straw. Temperature and humidity are the first necessary conditions for hatching.Goose eggs need to be sprayed, and also turned over during all days of incubation, except the last. Incubation lasts up to 32 days, throughout the process it is important to shine through the eggs. It’s up to the farmer to decide where to get spoiled, but keeping them in the device does not make sense.

Incubation is also a good backup option, if the female does not sit down to incubate the chicks. Also, the incubator is an excellent outlet in the winter month.

See also  Profitability of breeding geese as a business

Now you know how much the goose sits on eggs at home, as well as what is the reason that the laying hen did not sit on the nest and how to cope with it.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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