How goslings are bred and raised

Small goslings grow quickly and gain good weight, and therefore two-month-old birds are sent for slaughter. The live weight of a bird at this age, depending on the breed, ranges from 3.5-4.5 kg, therefore breeding geese is a profitable and profitable activity. Goslings can be bought on the market or brought up independently by forming a parent herd. To young growth well,

Feeding the goslings

It is very important to choose the right food for the little goslings at home. hours of life. At this time they are given:

  • chopped and steamed peas;
  • steamed oatmeal, barley, barley, psh but;
  • wheat bran;
  • boiled egg;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chopped greens and grass (feather of onion, clover, nettle , quinoa, plantain, timothy).

From the third day of life, you can add root vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, squash) and oilcake to the diet. Five days old give fresh food waste, bread. The ratio of wet feed (green grass, root crops) to grain should be 1: 1. Concentrated feeds give in this ratio:

  • grain – 2 parts;
  • bran – 1 part;
  • legumes – 1 part;
  • cake – 1 part.

You can buy ready-made compound feeds for ducklings, and not cook them yourself at home.Weekly goslings are fed every 3-4 hours, in two weeks you can switch to 4-5 meals a day, monthly goslings are fed 3 times a day. All food should be at room temperature, crumbly, so that the beaks do not clog in the chicks. There shouldn’t be much difference between the daily menus.

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Vitamins must be added to the diet for young animals to grow up healthy. It’s best to buy special supplements for the chicks. To improve digestion and make up for the lack of minerals, a container with fine gravel, crushed shells, and chalk is placed near the feeder. These additives can be added to the chicks menu from 7 days.

It is important that all goslings have access to water. To do this, install 1-2 drinkers per 10 goals. You can tint the water with slightly potassium permanganate, this will prevent the occurrence of intestinal infections. For the same purpose, it is advised to water the chicks with water with an antibiotic. There is no need to bathe goslings: in the early days they calmly dispense with a reservoir.

Diseases of goslings

Goslings are not always easy to grow. Although the immunity of these birds is strong, they still get sick periodically. Goslings are especially sensitive to pathologies in the first two weeks of life, therefore, proper care, regimen, feeding and maintenance during this period are so important. If at least one of the recommended conditions was not met, the survival rate of young animals drops sharply.

Goslings can pick up pathologies of both infectious and non-infectious nature.Among the infectious pathologies, the most common are:

  • aspergillosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • paratyphoid;
  • bacterial and viral enteritis;
  • colibacteriosis;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • pullorosis;
  • twirl;
  • helminthic infestations – echinostimotidosis, nematodoses;
  • defeat by cutaneous parasites.
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Among the diseases that are not of an infectious nature, there are:

  • rickets ;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diarrhea associated with a lack of vitamin B;
  • cloacite (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cloaca associated with a lack of com vitamins);
  • cannibalism;
  • blockage of the esophagus;
  • stomatitis;
  • catarrh of goiter;
  • yolk peritonitis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • poisoning.

Below we describe the main signs and causes of the disease. But it’s better not to diagnose yourself, but to contact a livestock specialist or veterinarian who can help in the treatment. This is especially important for beginner poultry farmers who do not have sufficient experience, who cannot cope with diseases on their own, which can lead to the death of birds.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often in small goslings, intestinal upsets occur. Feces become liquid, acquires an unusual shade. For example, with salmonellosis, it turns green-gray, like swamp mud.The infection spreads quickly between the chicks, they become lethargic, stop eating, and after a while they drink, walk badly, often lower themselves and sit on their ass. If diarrhea is associated with vitamin B deficiency, cramps and paralysis join the symptom. The goslings stop growing, their feathers are disheveled, the reaction is inhibited, they stagger and fall. In the terminal stage, they roll over and die.

With fungal aspergillosis, symptoms may resemble colds. The chicks sneeze, wheeze, breathe heavily, they have snot, feathered poorly eat, drink a lot and do not grow. There is a pathology with the wrong content of goslings, high humidity in the room, can cause death of the entire livestock. In a damp room, goslings increase the risk of colibacillosis. It is manifested by fever, increased thirst. Litter is white, foamy, sometimes with a greenish tint.

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With various vitamin deficiencies, goslings lag behind in growth, grow bald, become lethargic, and lose their appetite. Rickets, or deficiency of vitamin D, leads to softening of the beak and bones, frequent fractures, weakness. Chicks with this pathology often limp, breathe heavily due to poor functioning of the heart muscle.

With a lack of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and minerals, cloacite appears. The cesspool falls out, the mucous membrane turns red, ulcers and erosion appear on it. Sometimes during vitamin deficiency, chicks crush, peck each other and even eat.

If you feed the chicks with too dry food, their goiter may become clogged. In such cases, the birds stop eating, suffocate, sometimes blood or foam comes out of their mouth. Euphorbia, dope, stale food can cause poisoning. With conjunctivitis, goslings have festering eyes, a tear constantly flows. With parasitic diseases, the chicks itch, they have baldness, peeling particles of skin. Pathologies arise from dirt and dust. To prevent inflammation of the eyes, it is necessary to keep the bird house clean. You can see how sick goslings look in the video and photo.

Treatment of diseases

When symptoms of the disease occur, birds need to be soldered with drugs. The dosage depends on the drug and the pathology itself. For the treatment of bacterial infections, goslings are given antibiotics, sulfonamides and other antibacterial drugs. Most commonly used:

  • Baytril;
  • Enroflon;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Chloramphenicol;
  • Tylosin ;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Baykoks (effective for coccidiosis);
  • Trisulfone;
  • Penicillin .
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With diarrhea, saline solutions are given to drink sick chicks. If you drink the caterpillar well, you can cure diarrhea even without large doses of antibiotics. It is important to constantly lay new straw or grass in a box so that the infection does not spread. Trichopolum is used to treat fungal and some parasitic infections.With vitamin deficiency, they give multivitamin preparations – tetravit, trivitamin, chiktonik, fish oil. The same drugs are used to prevent the lack of minerals and vitamins. It is also important to review the diet of young animals.

Vaccination is given to prevent infections. Vaccinations are given to goslings per month. The vaccine is in veterinary clinics, in specialized poultry farms. It is important to remember that any medicine should be recommended by a veterinarian after making the correct diagnosis. If there is no opportunity to see a doctor, the instructions for use for the medicine will come in handy. It must be carefully read, and then give the drug exactly with the given dosage. Recommendations for use on the drug are given for a reason, their ignoring can lead to death for the entire livestock.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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