Description of breeds of geese

The geese is an unusual small bird that is found near open water bodies. The freedom-loving feathered swims well, moves on land and flies. Goose goose flock annually and migrate to warmer climes.

  1. Small Goose Goose Bird
  2. Variety of birds of the Goose
  3. Appearance of the bird
  4. Lifestyle of the breed



A hardy individual does not like frosty winters and goes south in search of food for the whole flock. What species of geese are found in nature? We learn all about the red-breasted geese bird.

A small bird is a geese

It looks very beautiful, but unremarkable I’m a breed of birds that doesn’t come into contact with humans. Such birds keep in a flock and lead a close-knit lifestyle. Young adults are nursed by all adults, and during migration the flock takes care of a sick or wounded individual. The birds differ from other wild breeds in a dark color that shimmers in the sunlight. They always fly together with a strict key that can be heard for several kilometers.

Faithful winged ones find a mate for procreation, and as soon as the female lays on her eggs, the male becomes the main protector of the future offspring a. The female hatches from 6 to 8 goslings at a time. In just a month, the eggs turn into a brood, which by autumn is ready to change the habitat of the flock. Goose is constantly hunted.Goose’s fur is used for sewing insulation or fillers, and goose’s dietary meat is suitable even for sick people.

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It’s easy to distinguish this breed from other wild ones. Small size, dark head and gray peritoneum – the goose stands out from afar. Birds love water and build their own nests in dense thickets of grass. The diet of adults and young animals consists mainly of herbs, which are rich in vitamins and nutrients. There are several species of birds found in the natural habitat.

A variety of birds of the Goose

Goose is a water bird with well-developed instincts. It is extremely difficult to catch it even on land. The bird is small and quick, which complicates the task of any hunter. For convenience, wild geese and birds were divided into several species according to the habitat and lifestyle:

  • white-chested geese;
  • red-throated subspecies;
  • Canadian goose;
  • black wild goose;
  • white-faced goose;
  • Hawaiian goose.

Goose (rufibrenta ruficollis) – the bird is not simple, has its own characteristics and a harmful, cunning character.

Each subspecies has its own external features that depend on the daily diet of birds or the environment. The plumage of adult individuals practically does not change from the composition of the water in the lake or river. Goose of different species may differ in body mass or the size of individual parts of the body.Such geese live only in warm countries with a continental climate. Goose bred in small numbers around the world.

Where does this species prefer to live? Goose of the goose family is not located in forest areas or in areas with a small number of open reservoirs. A flock can settle down even near reservoirs. If there is a sufficient amount of greenery near the reservoir, such a place will become a permanent home for the flock. There is a Hawaiian or Canadian goose on one continent and even after migration it returns to its former place of residence. What is the difference between the Hawaiian goose and the geese of the Canadian breed?

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Appearance of the bird

Regardless of the type of goose (wild geese), it looks like a duck.

This species of winged lives in the wild, so it’s very easy for a person to confuse different subspecies. Domesticated duck looks like feathered living near ponds. The small size of the body, which distinguishes the goose, can pass it off as another feathered. An adult of this breed (wild geese) has a black head color and a gray or white body color. Red breed stands out due to bright spots on the neck.

Appearance is not the only distinguishing feature of different subspecies. The behavior of the goose, the number of its offspring and lifestyle can vary significantly. All the signs help to establish the exact variety of birds living near rivers or lakes.An adult (wild geese) is divided according to the following criteria:

  1. White-chested goose. The body length of the bird reaches up to 80 cm with a maximum carcass weight of 3 kg. The back is mostly dark in color, the neck is slightly lighter. The abdomen is white, sometimes with a gray tint. Cheeks are bright, stand out against the background of a black head. The breed lives in warm countries (the Tundra or the cold climate is not suitable for the birds).
  2. Goose-billed goose. Red-throated birds are distinguished by a wide neck and a short beak. The color of the feathers is mainly red or brown. The optimum weight of the bird is 2 kg with a body length of 60 cm.
  3. Canadian feathered. Dark head, black plumage to the body. The sides and belly are gray, lighter than the feathers of the wing. The maximum length is a meter (the champions reached a value of 101 centimeters) and weight up to 7 kg. The tundra or the cold climate of the Canadian bird is not to its liking; it chooses a humid environment in warm areas. A red spotted head distinguishes between females and males.
  4. Black birds. The color of the bird ranges from black to dark brown. White feathers stand out on the neck of the feathery, which on the side resemble a collar. Light fluff on the stomach also indicates a black breed of wild geese that live near lakes (Tundra, areas with constant drought are not suitable for their habitat).
  5. Hawaiian thoroughbred goose. This kind of bird lives only in warm or island countries (Tundra or Taiga are not categorically suitable).White spots are visible throughout the body of the Hawaiian goose.
  6. White-faced. Small carcasses of geese, unlike gray breeds, are distinguished by a short plumage and discreet color of fluff throughout the body. The head is framed by a characteristic border. Dark spots are visible on the back.
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The species of wild goose does not have a significant difference for the hunter. Poultry meat will be tasty and useful in cases where birds feed properly and balanced, regardless of the region in which they nest. Freedom-loving birds do not get too large flocks, and young animals live with their parents up to 2 years old.

It will not be possible to breed a wild goose at home. Birds with low weight and bright color feathers like wild open spaces near a cool river. The capture of birds is strictly regulated by laws.

Breed lifestyle

A female can have healthy offspring only in favorable conditions. Birds need clean water and lots of greenery. The flocks feed on the remnants of wheat and barley after harvest. Goose nests once a year, mainly in the summer, when there is plenty of green food and water.

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First snow and Canadian Goose

Goose groups migrate in the fall before the onset of the first cold weather. Birds move along large rivers, even if it is necessary to overcome a large number of kilometers. Young growth of any kind travels with adult geese and participates in the extraction of food for the flock.

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Anna Evans

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