How to feed geese in winter

Breeding geese is a pretty popular activity today. These birds are distinguished by high production rates, and also do not require specific care. However, novice breeders often wonder what to feed the geese in winter.

  1. Features of poultry accommodation
  2. Differences in summer and winter food
  3. How can I replace the greens
  4. How to feed the goslings
  5. How to feed adults
  6. Conclusions, generalizations

Кормление и содержание гусей зимой в домашних условиях

Feeding and keeping geese in winter at home

Features of the residence of poultry

Under natural conditions, flocks of geese settle near ponds that are rich in aquatic life, and in the fields with juicy high grass. Keeping at home near a pond or in the presence of a massive bathhouse is a guarantee of good bird health and increases their productivity. Pasture keeping in summer allows you to save a tidy sum of feed.

The house should be spacious and well ventilated. Keep the room clean. At least 1 square meter should be allocated to one individual. m. These birds are not afraid of frost, they can withstand temperatures up to -10 ° C, some species are resistant even to lower rates.

The heat is much worse. With a large population of the house during the hot period, mortality is possible. They contain poultry on a sawdust carpet.They must be regularly changed or refilled yet so that there is no waterlogged room and unpleasant odor. There must be an exit from the shed to the walking place and the swimming pool.

See also  How to lure a goose correctly

Inside the house and on the street, feed and water tanks should be installed. You also need to install boxes with a mixture of ash and sand, so that birds can clean their plumage and get rid of pests. The fulfillment of these rules guarantees the production of a carcass weighing 4 kg by the age of 2.5 months.

Differences in summer and winter feed

Keeping geese in winter at home will be more difficult in terms of feeding. In the summer, it is enough to feed the bird twice a day with cereals, it gets the rest of the feed itself during the walk. To properly compose a nutritious winter menu for geese, it is important to study the features and value of each grain product.

  1. Barley contains vitamin B in its composition, so its use is shown not only to sexually mature individuals, but also to slightly stronger young growth.
  2. There is a lot of fiber in oats, although it is inferior to barley in energy value. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet of geese from the beginning of oviposition.
  3. The best option is to introduce the corn in crushed form, which is part of all kinds of mixes.
  4. An extremely useful product for geese is wheat sowing.
  5. It is not recommended to give rye: it can provoke the appearance of various serious ailments.
  6. Grain must be given in a germinated form.
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Bone meal and hay bark are extremely rich in protein and multivitamins. Also, winter feeding should include vegetable protein: legumes, soy, meal. Legumes should be boiled before feeding, because it is after cooking that their beneficial qualities increase. Another important point is the introduction of mineral supplements. Today on the Internet you can find a video that describes in detail all the herbs that can be prepared for poultry for the winter, and also shows how to dry them better.

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Goose content in winter
Keeping and feeding geese. Poultry farming // KH Alekseevs
Features of breeding geese in winter. How geese tolerate cold.
Winter geese keeping / Conditions for geese breeding / Domestic geese

How can I replace greens

The maintenance of geese in winter scares beginner poultry farmers with the fact that they do not know how to replace green succulent grass, which geese love so much. You can dry nettles in the summer. In dried form, its beneficial properties remain the same as in fresh. The main food in the autumn period should be vegetables.

It is important to remember that in no case should birds be sprouted potatoes, because they contain poisonous substances. Also, you can not give water in which the potatoes were cooked: this can cause a number of serious gastrointestinal disorders and lead to death.With the advent of autumn, so that wintering does not hit the health of geese, it is necessary to transfer them to high-carb feed. You can enter hay in the menu. Moreover, it is desirable that it be dried not in the sun, but in a well-ventilated, shaded place.

See also  The main characteristics of wild geese

Hay should be given dry or steamed. The most useful is hay, dried from various cereals. In winter, it is necessary to increase the number of feedings. The most important thing is that the food is as balanced as possible and rich in vitamins and minerals.

How to feed the geese

Although keeping the geese is not a very troublesome task, the geese still need to be given more attention, then to get highly productive adults. Daily ducklings are fed immediately after hatching. In the first 5 days, you need to give food every 2-3 hours, by 10 days the number of meals is reduced to 3-4 times a day.

The best option is to feed the kids a full-fledged starting compound feed. After a ten-day period, highly nutritious feed is introduced. For lack of feed for feeding young animals, you can independently make feed from improvised components:

  • finely grated hard-boiled eggs;
  • cornmeal, arnovka, barley groats with a small amount of semolina to add friability;
  • tricalcium phosphate.

The last ingredient plays an important role in the full formation and growth of goslings.

In winter, geese are allowed to drink water with the addition of calcium chloride. Subsequently, the birds are transferred to a fine powder medication or chalk. In the winter goose diet, it is necessary to add multivitamins tetravit (to feed) or chiktonik (to liquid).

The content of geese in the winter requires drinking these vitamins for 7 days to avoid vitamin deficiencies. When the geese are kept in the winter 20 minutes after the young animals were given wet food, it must be removed, otherwise eggs decomposed in a warm, humid environment can lead to poisoning of the entire ducklings stock. From the fifth day, cottage cheese is added to the diet, replacing it or adding boiled eggs.

How to feed adults

Keeping geese in winter requires special attention to equipping the house so that geese do not paws froze. Breeding geese, which will be kept in the autumn-winter period and at the end of oviposition, are fed with grass, root crops, roughage, rich in fiber. The diet includes:

  • greens;
  • stalks of corn;
  • pumpkins, zucchini;
  • root crops.

In winter, fed with hay, silage and hay. A small amount of grain is introduced into the diets for winter feeding of geese to compensate for the lack of vitamins. During this period, it is important to monitor the health of birds: if geese eat poorly and begin to lose weight, the number of cereals should be increased.Also, if possible, you need to introduce oilseeds or processed products from them. Feeding geese in the winter at the beginning of oviposition must be balanced so that geese do not become obese, otherwise it will negatively affect the properties of eggs. It is necessary to feed geese in the winter during egg laying with a balanced feed with the addition of:

  • meat and bone powder;
  • oxidized milk;
  • skim milk;
  • tricalcium phosphate or chalk.
See also  Common goose breeds

Discarded for some reason, geese in the greenhouse in the winter are fed with moist sacking of root vegetables with pumpkin, potatoes, bran and grain. Before slaughter, the bird is fed for 3 weeks. It is recommended to give highly nutritious mixers three times. At the end of the feeding, the keel will not be felt, and the carcass will become round, with an impressive layer of fat.

Conclusions, generalizations

Keeping geese in winter at home is not as difficult as It seems at first glance. If there is any doubt, you can watch a video that tells how to equip a house, a bird nest in winter. Geese are fascinated by their beauty and look simply amazing on the white snow. The well-known company Dimenshens produces many variations of patterns for embroidery, which shows the wintering of geese.

The main conditions for the proper keeping of poultry in the winter are the observance of basic rules for the care of geese. Care must be taken that the litter in the house is constantly dry.To do this, it is not necessary to clean it every time, you can simply add dry sawdust. Feeding in the autumn should include mostly high-carbohydrate foods so that the bird can fatten enough to survive the winter cold.

In winter, birds should be switched to a 3 or 4-time feeding regimen. Particular care should be taken to monitor the health of the birds before laying. Obesity must not be allowed, otherwise it will negatively affect the egg.

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Basically, birds hibernate safely. They can withstand temperatures of -10 degrees or less. By providing proper care to the birds in the winter, in the future it will be possible to get a good highly productive economy.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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