Characteristics of Agate Potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most popular vegetable crops around the world. Today, there are many types of varieties that differ in appearance, taste, ripening, yield, etc. Agate potato – what is the feature of its characteristic among the other varieties?

  1. Characteristic of the form
  2. Characteristics of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Growing process
  5. Seedling care
  6. Viruses and diseases
  7. Reviews of farmers

Характеристика картофеля Агата

Characteristics of the Agate potato

Species characteristics

Before describing Agatha potatoes, please refer to the history of their origin. Bred by breeders in the Netherlands. Officially registered in G State Register, as a vegetable for cultivation in the central and Siberian regions of Russia.

Potato Agatha has a description of the variety from which it is clear that fruits from this species can be obtained under the conditions of growing any soil. However, the richer it will be and the better the farmer feeds the garden, the more fertile the crop. With proper care from 1 ha, you can get up to 250 c. The fruits ripen a month and a half after planting. Already in July, the first tubers will appear, and the gardener will harvest in August. The variety has a high immunity to diseases such as nematode, march: only late blight poses a real danger to Agatha.

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Characteristics of the plant

The bush has an average size and a straight stand.The thickness of the foliage is moderate, the leaf is small, with rounded denticles. Snow-white buds.

The developed root system forms 15 tubers from each bush. Almost everyone ripens to the end.

Description of the fruit

The early table type, which includes the Agate potato variety, matures and gains the required mass in a month and a half. Its main advantage is adaptability to the poorest soils. What parameters does Agatha have:

  • large fruit size – from 100 to 140 g;
  • oval elongated shape, neat appearance, general identity;
  • plain monochromatic – yellow transparent peel;
  • small outer eyes;
  • pulp beige or yellow;
  • average starch content – 13%.

Fruits are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as a variety of amino acids. Ripe Agate fruits can be consumed in boiled, fried, baked form; during heat treatment they retain their color. The taste is saturated. May be subjected to industrial processing. Transportable. Tuber tubing is quite high.

Growing process

Before planting, it is necessary to carefully select the fruits: these should not be too large, whole and healthy specimens. The drug Fitosporin or Prestige will help the fruits maintain their presentation. Use funds with a calculation of 3 l / 1 l per 100 kg, respectively.

Experienced gardeners advise one month before planting to bring the planted potatoes into the room and put in a box with a hole for light. So the tubers will sprout and begin to ripen and grow: such a process will positively affect the dynamics and quality of the future crop.

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Both loamy and light fertile soil can be chosen as the site for the planting of the Agate potato variety. Ordinary manure (10 kg per 1 sq. M.) Or humus is suitable as a fertilizer – it will need half as much. Treated with protective chemicals, it lands north to south in an open, sunny area. You can use the ridge or comb method, planting seed potatoes. Wait until the weather is warm and dry.

К посадке пригодны только здоровые клубни

Only healthy tubers are suitable for planting

Pay attention to the adequacy of the area of ​​nutrition of fruits. The distance between the rows should be at least 75 cm, so you will facilitate the process of caring for the beds. As for the plants themselves, leave a gap between them of 25-30 cm.

When planting, use the Force tool – this is reliable protection against wireworms. Aktara introduced during planting in the bottom, as well as wood ash in the holes, will help stop the attack of the plant by pests.

Seedling Care

Easily adapting to environmental conditions, Agatha potatoes still require certain rules to be observed in relation to themselves. In order to get a qualitatively and quantitatively rich crop, the farmer must take into account the following charters:

  • hygiene and timely weeding;
  • surface cultivation during the entire period of development of the vegetable crop;
  • mulching the soil with dry grass or straw to increase fruit bearing;
  • hilling the tops before the start of the budding process;
  • weeding weeds manually or using herbicides;
  • the application of potassium and magnesium, as well as organic fertilizers in the soil, even the fertile for you: three top dressings per season are enough, if there is no particular need to increase the dose;
  • foliar top dressing of 10 g of superphosphate per 1 m2 to feed the tubers is carried out 30 days before harvesting.
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When adding nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, do not overdo it with their quantity: the high nitrate content in the resulting fruit makes it harmful to the human body.

Abundant watering of vegetable seedlings is equally important, especially during a drought. A drip system will be a convenient way for the host.

Viruses and diseases

If fungal viruses have affected the fruit culture, use Revus at a dosage of about 300 l per 1 ha.If once is not enough, repeat the procedure, but not earlier than 14 days after the previous treatment.

Be wary of infecting the vegetable with late blight – neglected cases are fraught with the death of the entire crop. If you notice dark spots on the lower leaves of the plant, gradually creeping to the apex, and then to the roots and stems – it’s time to sound the alarm. The infected fruit becomes slimy, turns gray, its flesh acquires a rusty hue. Discard spoiled tubers immediately, as the infection spreads very quickly. Urgently treat the rest of the field with Arcedil or Ridomil fungicides: it may be not enough once.

Preventive measures in this case include treating the seed with immunocytophytes and drying the fruit after harvest. To protect the crop from the invasion of the Colorado potato beetles, apply an aqueous solution of Anthony (800 L per 1 ha) to the surface of the bed during the flowering period.

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Reviews of farmers

Gardeners appreciate the culture for its unpretentiousness regarding soil and climate and early ripening, which gives a plentiful harvest – up to 1 kg from a bush. Agata’s resistance to diseases: To ensure good yield, it is necessary to establish a clear irrigation system, fertilize the soil abundantly and loosen it regularly for better oxygen supply to the tubers.

Mistresses praise the fruits of the Agate potato for its pleasant taste and friability, convenient for cooking certain dishes – this data is also confirmed by the characteristic.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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