Characteristics of Arosa potatoes

To grow a lot of potatoes is not an easy task, but if you strictly follow all the rules and regulations, everything will turn out exactly as planned. One important aspect of this process will be the proper seed selection. Potato Arosa is very popular and valuable among vegetable growers, initially due to the fact that it gives high yields. In addition to this, the variety is resistant to high summer temperatures and droughts, respectively, it can be grown without additional artificial watering.

Характеристика картофеля сорта Ароза

Characteristics of Arosa potato

Characteristic of the variety

Characteristics of the Aro potato variety and gives a clear idea of ​​what is one of the early maturing varieties. The growing season is 70-75 days. The first digging after planting can be done in 50-55 days.

Arosa has a very beautiful bush with even semi-direct stems. The tubers are standard slightly elongated-oval in shape, weight from 80 to 140 g. The peel has a smooth surface with a slight roughness, the color is reddish pink. The eyes are superficial. The pulp is dark yellow; during heat treatment, an average friability index can be observed. The number of fruits in one bush is 15-17 pcs. Aroza potato variety has a high commodity yield of 95-96%. The starch content of 11-14%. The fruits have good keeping quality; the rest period lasts until the beginning of May.

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Advantages and disadvantages

This is a relatively new variety, but according to reviews of vegetable growers it has exclusively positive characteristics. For confirmation, you can compare the number of positive and negative sides. The undoubted advantage will be:

  • High yield: from 1 ha you can harvest 50 – 70 tons.
  • Drought tolerance, characteristic of the Arosa potato variety shows that the potato is very adaptable in climatic conditions . From this we can conclude that the southern climate is suitable for cultivation.
  • Excellent commercial appearance of tubers.
  • Resistance to cancer, virus U, nematodes and mosaics.
  • The versatility of the Arosa potato variety. It is used in industrial production, suitable as ordinary table potatoes.
  • Taste. On a 5-point scale, vegetable growers rated Arosa’s taste at 4.5 points.
  • He also has a high rate of damage resistance (mechanical) from 92-96%.

Cons are much less. One of these is that Arosa is not resistant to late blight of tops and tubers, as well as rhizoctonia and scab. It is also very susceptible to mineral fertilizers, if the vegetable grower has planted 10 kg of seed potatoes on the field, then it is very important to correctly calculate the required dosage of drugs.

Planting potatoes

Aroza potatoes through the description of the variety suggest that the planting must begin at the moment when the soil is well warmed up. The date of landing in the northern and southern regions is different due to climatic conditions. An important part in this process is the selection of seed potatoes, during this you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. The weight of one potato should be at least 55-60 g and not more than 75 g.
  2. It is imperative to check the seeds for the presence of ocelli, the more they are, the faster the pagons will appear on the surface.
  3. It is important that root crops for planting are not affected by diseases, especially viral and fungal ones.
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A great solution would be to sprout planting material in advance, then the chances of getting a faster ur wait increase. On average, 14 days are enough for germination, after which the seeds are sorted and planted.

Soil preparation

Potatoes Arosa description of a variety of photos indicate that, thanks to an early adaptation, it can be grown on any soil. But no less important is the preparation of the soil.

It is advisable to choose a new place for growing potatoes in the fall, for these purposes, areas where cabbage or legumes grew.After selection, the land is fertilized with manure and only after that they dig the land. It’s better to leave large clumps of soil so that the earth freezes well in winter, so all pests will be destroyed.

Planting potatoes

When the seed is ready and its characteristic matches the standard description You can start the landing. The first step is to dig shallow trenches from 7 to 10 cm, the depth depends on the type of soil. Between the rows should be at least 60 cm, the seeds are laid out at least 30 cm apart and sprinkled with earth on top.

Main points of care

In order not to harm and not to reduce the amount of the crop, you must follow the rules of plant care. Ripening dates depend not only on weather conditions, but also on the quality of crop care. Like any other seedlings, Arosa needs fertilizer. It is not realistic to completely abandon watering and feeding, given the current state of soil and ecology.

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Since the culture tolerates heat well, there is no special need for additional irrigation.

But if the grower wants to get a higher yield, then you need to water the plants sometimes. This is best done in the evening, when solar activity is minimal, then burns will not appear on the sheets. Under normal conditions, watering is performed every 7 days.


Feeding is carried out in several stages. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, an overabundance of fertilizers adversely affects the plant. The best option would be such a frequency of top dressing:

  1. The first at the very beginning of the growing season (you can use inorganic fertilizers).
  2. Second. To improve the characteristics of the crop, potassium is added during budding and flowering.

Vegetable growers advise adding fertilizers during irrigation, then their efficiency will be much higher.

Pest Control

The most dangerous pests will be the bear and the Colorado potato beetle. Plant protection should be taken care of in advance, for this you can use the following methods:

  1. Soaking. A little water is poured into a small container and the drug is poured, after which the potatoes are lowered into it and left for several hours. After this, the root crops are dried and planted.
  2. You can still take dry preparations, add wood ash to them and roll tubers in this mixture.
  3. The last version of the spraying. Planting material is laid out on a film, a medicinal product is diluted and potatoes are irrigated. After they are turned over to treat the other side.
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The main thing is that the chemicals are good, otherwise the procedure will have no effect.


Arroza is a good table variety that rightfully bears the title of one of the best. It is universal in application, it is easy to transport and store. The maximum yield of delicious, beautiful potatoes can be obtained with minimal effort.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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