How to process potatoes tar from the Colorado potato beetle

There are many ways to handle this potatoes from the colorado potato beetle. The most popular way: tar potato processing. By adding a minimal amount of ingredients you get an effective anti-bug tool.Tar from the Colorado potato beetle is the best method not only of repelling, but also of preventing various pests. Tar potatoes are a common practice in many countries.

  1. Features of tar treatment
  2. Processing tips
  3. What kind of lumber to choose
  4. How to prepare a solution
  5. Processing before planting
  6. Processing after landing
  7. Conclusion <

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Tar from the Colorado potato beetle

You can also get rid of tar spray not only Colorado potato beetles, but also other parasites, for example, onion flies, wireworms, cabbage and carrots. This method is very effective in protecting against unwanted guests – mice and hares.

Features of tarry treatment

Among all the possible methods of processing potatoes from parasites, especially the Colorado potato beetle, it’s important to single out a method in which there is the presence of such an element as tar. He does not kill the bug, he does not have such opportunities. Its functions include only the presence of an unpleasant, deterrent smell from pests.And your function is to process the potatoes with a solution that will be obtained after mixing all the necessary ingredients.

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Processing tips

Despite the fact that the process of spraying the potatoes is quite simple, you need to Know some secrets and tips that will help you achieve a more effective result:

  1. Pay attention to weather conditions. It would seem that the weather does not play a role here. Nevertheless, it is recommended to process potatoes in cloudy weather or closer to evening, when the sun’s rays will maximize exposure to tar.
  2. It happens that during rainy summer the tar will be washed off, so under such conditions it is worth processing more often. In fact, the repetition rate of the process depends on weather conditions.
  3. You also need to know that tar does not kill Colorado beetles, it just scares them away with its smell. That is why it is so important to remove all the bugs before processing, or to spray potatoes in the early stages of its development, when the bugs have not yet appeared.

If you consider all the tips, you can permanently get rid of the pest. Your time will no longer take the fight against the hated Colorado potato beetle. But, it is clear that for such an effect it will not be enough once, such actions should be done 3-4 times a season, but only while the potato is still young.

What kind of resort to choose

When processing, you can use both birch tar and birch tar.

What is the difference between the two? What will be the result if you use one of them?

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It is worth noting that birch tar is obtained from distillation of birch bark. It is saturated with antiseptic and antiparasitic properties. The result is a liquid with a persistent odor, one of the purposes of birch tar is pest control. The liquid is actively used not only to scare away Colorado potato beetles and other parasites, but also to treat acne problems and various cosmetic deviations.

The process of obtaining birch tar is a bit more complicated than birch tar. In comparison with it, the birch bark liquid is clean and aromatic. It is often bought to treat various diseases. It is possible to use for the destruction of parasites as one type of tar, and another. Many agronomists argue that birch tar is more effective due to the fact that it has a worse and more unpleasant odor. But it all depends on your preferences.

How to prepare a solution

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Soap solution against the beetle

To prepare the solution, to spray the potatoes with tar, you do not need to buy very expensive products. It attracts with its accessibility. In order to get the solution you need:

  • birch or birch bark tar;
  • water;
  • laundry soap.

Many agronomists argue about the need to purchase item soap. Some people think that it adds efficiency and sharpness to the smell of the solution, but others think that it is useless. Laundry soap can be added as desired, it does not produce a special effect on the result.

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First you need to take 1 liter or 1.5 liters of water, add tar to it and mix for a while. The solution, after mixing with water, should look greasy. This is a mandatory characteristic of the solution, because otherwise, you need to pay attention to the quality of the tar you bought, as it must dissolve in the liquid, making it more dense.

Processing before by planting

Often, people process potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle after planting. When the potatoes sprouted a little, but not quite ripe. But it is impossible not to mention another method of treating potatoes with tar.

Processing potatoes with tar before planting is said to be more effective than after. This happens almost the same as after, but with one small change. Before planting, a solution (water tar) is collected in a 1.5-liter bottle, but it must be poured out of the neck, and not through the holes in the lid. And this is done directly on the tubers that you are going to plant.

It is not recommended to use a spray bottle, since the hole is quickly clogged with greasy particles.After you have planted the tubers treated with tar, having noticed the first shoots, you can spray the potatoes again, for a more powerful smell that will come not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Processing after planting

Processing is recommended some time after planting. When the height of the leaves is about 10 sentiments, then you can safely spray the potatoes. It is necessary to spray not only on the upper side of the leaves, but also on the lower. This is due to the fact that the Colorado potato beetle leaves the larvae precisely on the lower part of the leaf. To maximize the success of this process, it is worth destroying all traces (even the larvae) of the beetle.

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Processing mainly takes place in the form of watering (spraying). To do this, you can use a bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters, simply by making holes on the lid. This is perhaps the most convenient and budget option. You can water it as after the sprouts have climbed, there and before planting.

It is important to know that if you have already noticed a beetle on a potato, then you can’t immediately spray it. This is strictly prohibited, as the result will not be. If such an embarrassment happened, then you need to collect the bugs from the leaves yourself, if possible, and only then process the potatoes.


For the normal development of potatoes you need to not only follow all the rules of planting, watering, fertilizing, collecting, leaving, but also processing from the pest.Despite the huge number of different methods, means, you need to allocate for yourself the one that will be closer to you. In general, the method of treating potatoes with tar is suitable for everyone who wants to prevent the appearance of bugs and other parasites, because it is a budget, affordable, popular, easy to spray, prepare.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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