What crops can be planted after potatoes

Potatoes are one of the often planted crops, as this is an important component of the human diet. It is impossible to imagine most dishes without this vegetable. It is also constantly used in the food industry as a raw material for various products – chips, cereals, convenience foods, as well as for the production of starch and alcohol. It is also used as a feed crop.

  1. Why alternate cultures
  2. What can be planted in place of potato
  3. Soil preparation
  4. What can not be planted in place of potato
  5. Soil care
  6. Conclusion

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After the potato we plant other crops

based on the importance of the potato , all amateur gardeners, farmers and large agricultural producers want to receive as many harvest volumes as possible every year, but in order to achieve this, n it’s necessary to observe crop rotation rules. You cannot grow this vegetable for many years in a row at the same place, since the land is depleted and loses nutrients. But you need to take something in the garden, so you need to know what you can plant after potatoes.

Why alternate crops

All gardeners know that the same plants cannot be grown on the same beds for many years in a row. It is imperative to alternate crops, as all plants have their own characteristics and they can affect the composition of the soil, take away all useful substances, or vice versa, leave certain trace elements behind. And sometimes the land is simply not sown with any plants to give it the opportunity to relax and normalize the nutrient medium.

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Science and technology do not stand still; for a long time, crop rotation tables have been deduced in which the correct crop rotation order is indicated. Using these tables, you can quickly and easily distribute the sequence of sowing crops in the beds for several years in advance. To do this, you need to divide the garden into several zones and move the plants inside them, observing the agrotechnical rules.

What can be planted in the place of potatoes

In order to continue to get good yields of other plants in the beds where the nightshade vegetable was grown, you need to know exactly what to plant after potatoes is possible and what is not. there are quite a few followers who can easily grow the year after potatoes. But experienced gardeners mostly plant green manure to enrich the soil with useful elements before planting the main crop. Siderata include peas, oats, rapeseed, mustard, rye.

In addition to these plants on the former beds of potatoes, you can safely plant:

  • radishes and radishes;
  • salad and spinach;
  • onions and garlic;
  • cucumbers and cabbage;
  • peas and beans;
  • beets and turnips;
  • squash and pumpkin.
Хорошо растут кабачки

Good zucchini grow

You can plant any of the above crops. But remember that before the next planting of potatoes, the earth should rest at least 2-3 years.If you do not want to spend time on improving the soil with organic substances in the form of green manure, it is best to plant green plants such as lettuce, spinach and celery in these beds in the first year. They are not so demanding on the nutrient medium.

After a year, when the earth rests, you can start growing pumpkin crops, as well as cabbage and legumes.

They will also be well grow in this place, because other mineral elements are needed for their growth. But even those plants that can stably produce crops without additional fertilizers need additional nutrition. To improve the soil and partially replenish the optimal amount of nutrients, add nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to it.

See also  The technology of growing potatoes in bags

Soil preparation

When you choose which plant is best to plant on place of potatoes, you must also take into account the disease to which it is susceptible, and the presence in the soil of trace elements that it needs. To prevent contamination of the soil with various diseases, be sure to clean it from potato tops. Only after harvesting the leaves can one begin to enrich the earth. During the initial growth and formation of root crops, potatoes absorb phosphorus and potassium. These are the main substances this vegetable needs, so it completely depletes the soil.

Before planting the next plant in the place of potatoes, it is necessary to fertilize the soil and stabilize the nutritional balance.

To do this, add a double dose of superphosphate to the soil in the amount of 1.5-2 kg per 1 ha and potassium sulfate in the amount of 1-1.5 kg / ha. after winter, it is recommended to feed the ground with urea. Organic fertilizers are also a beneficial ingredient. It is better to use rotted horse or cow manure as soil organic matter after potatoes.

What can not be planted in the place of potatoes

Besides which plants will grow well on potato beds , you need to know that you can not plant after the potato those crops that are affected by the same diseases and pests. These plants include all nightshade, especially eggplant and tomatoes, as well as pepper and physalis. After potatoes, microspores remain in the ground, which are the spread of late blight and macrosporiosis, which can cause other vegetables growing in this place.

See also  How to use sprouted potatoes

As practice shows, vegetables from the nightshade family and different varieties of peppers planted in the place of potatoes grow poorly, can wither and wither without additional fertilizers. Also, gardeners never plant strawberries and strawberries on potato plots. This family of Rosaceae needs a complete set of trace elements. After the last harvest of potatoes, at least 3 years must pass before perennial herbaceous plants can be planted.

Soil care

In order to be able to plant any other plants on potato plantations, it is necessary not only to restore the nutritional balance of the soil, but also to disinfect the top layer. An important event after the harvest is also digging the land. You need to dig at least 10 cm in depth, completely turning the layer. This will help the earth freeze better, as a result of which all pests that have settled inside the soil will die, and the causative agents of nightshade diseases will be destroyed. During growth, potatoes take not only phosphorus and potassium from the soil, but also trace elements such as magnesium, manganese, copper, nitrogen, zinc and some others. Even a slight lack of these elements can interfere with the normal growth of subsequent plants. Before planting them, it is necessary to fertilize the earth with compost under the dug-up layer or with manure.

When using mineral fertilizers, it is better to pour them into the holes themselves or the furrows, and not cover them with the whole earth. Ash is a useful substance for potatoes, since the microelements contained in it improve plant growth and help disinfect the soil. Siderats plant in order to later bury them in the ground for humus.

See also  Fertilizing rules for potatoes in spring and autumn

Experienced gardeners know that in order to get a large and high-quality crop from the beds after potatoes, you need to adhere to the basic rules: timely crop rotation, use the right fertilizers and protect the land from diseases and pests. These simple rules do not require the use of special agricultural machinery or chemicals.Stick to them and you will be able to maintain soil fertility and ensure high yield of subsequent crops. Continuation of the article …

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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