Description of potatoes Zhuravinka

Potato is the main vegetable, which is in the top purchase lists of each person. Therefore, it is important to choose the right and high-quality variety that will meet the positive characteristics. It must be a variety that can give good yield, has good taste. Potato Zhuravinka belongs to this species.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Characteristics of the taste
  5. Main features of the Zhuravinka species
  6. Basic growing rules
  7. Main growth conventions
  8. Storage conditions
  9. Prevention from diseases and pests
  10. Conclusion <

Описание картофеля Журавинка

Description of the potato Zhuravinka

Variety characteristics

Potato variety Zhuravinka relate those who ripen late. On average, from the time of planting to the time of harvesting it can take from 80 to 100 days. To get a large percentage of yield, you need to put only 1 potato in one hole, and then from a bush you will get more than 14 – 18 potatoes, maximum 25 pieces.

Specialists attribute this variety to tubers that have a presentation. The variety usually gives large root crops, only small fruits can sometimes be found. This is a seed variety.

Description of the bush

On average, the length of the bush cannot be more than 50 cm, all shoots constantly grow up, sometimes it happens that shoots can grow in side, this phenomenon is not considered a deviation, as this occurs most often due to strong gusts of wind.The stem can reach a minimum of 0.6 ml, a maximum of 1 cm. The bush plant is round in shape, its structure is rather dense leaves, they always have a dark green hue.

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All edges on the leaves have a rather wavy structure and on the leaves You can see the main streaks, several lines. If the shoots “planted” to themselves after 12–25 days already, this means that now they will grow quickly and evenly, you will never have problems with such bushes.

Various inflorescences usually appear on the bushes for the first time in late June, and at first they are small in size, and often consist of several purple flowers with a slight purple tint.

Description of the fruit

Potato Zhuravinka has a small peel, average in thickness. Fruits are always large, have a positive taste. a. On average, the weight of one tuber is 90 gr., Sometimes there are specimens whose weight reaches 170 gr. In one root crop, the percentage of starch, on average, contains from 14 to 20. The flesh of the potato itself has a white tint inside, but with a slight yellow tint.

The variety is great for cooking, frying. When cooking, it is still observed that the fruits can be cooked in different ways. It will all depend on the soil in which the fruits were grown and how often the bush was watered.

The surface of all the tubers is quite reflective, if you look closely, you can see a mesh pattern.But now, if the fruit is small, you can not always find a patterned pattern, but this does not affect the quality of the root crop. There are eyes on the potato, all of them are evenly “scattered” on the fruit, not planted deeply, practically on the surface. Light-type shoots of fruits are most often found roundish and covered with small villi, they are thin and difficult to notice.

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The dimensions of the upper processes are small. The root crop has an oblong-rounded shape, more like a large egg. The description of the Zhuravinka potato variety is that one fruit in length can reach a minimum size of 7 cm and a maximum of 10 cm. Also, when cutting potatoes, it does not darken after a while, so this variety is great for cooking.

Characteristics of taste

Zhuravinka variety is known for having excellent taste characteristics, besides this kind can be used for almost all processes. And cooking potatoes, and frying and baking, and making mashed potatoes

They also say that potato chips are excellent from this variety, and for various casseroles. In addition, it is perfect for salads, it does not give any specific taste.

Main features of the Zhuravinka species

Typically, experienced gardeners recommend cultivating this variety in the middle zone of the Russian Federation. Such territories resemble the lands of Belarus and there is a common view of Zhuravinka. Productivity may depend on some factors.

  1. It can be weather conditions, if the weather is too wet, then the root system can rot, if the weather is too dry, then this can lead to a minimum yield.
  2. An important role is played by the soil and its composition. Never forget about fertilizing and fertilizing the earth after and before planting.
  3. You must constantly monitor the moisture of the soil. Water the bushes every couple of days. If you have a rainy area, then after each rain it is necessary to loosen the earth.
  4. It is well chopped in a potato.
See also  Characteristics of Yanko potatoes

Basic growing rules

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When landing, keep your distance

The first and most important rule – You can in no case plant root crops close to each other. Ideally, the distance between the rows is 60-80 cm, if the distance is less, then the roots of another bush will grow on the roots of their neighbor, and this will lead to a small yield. It is ideal to keep a distance of at least 20 cm between the bushes and a maximum of 26 cm. Depending on what kind of soil you have, the depth of root crops will be selected.

If the soil is more clay structure, then the pits can be made small, about 6-8 cm, and if in the soil on the contrary a large percentage of sand, then it is best to dig a hole 10 cm in size.Also, depending on the territory in which you live, landing dates will also change. If you live in Moscow and the northern territory from it, it is best to plant the fruits in mid-May, and if on the other side, you already need to plant the fruits in early April or early May (in the first days).

Also, gardeners recommend cultivating and preparing the land for planting before planting. To process the material for planting with Zircon or Corvitol – these funds will help to activate the activity and growth of the plant.

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The main conditions for growth

This kind of potato does not require constant watering , he does not like when his root system is heavily flooded. But also Zhuravinka does not tolerate drought and a large percentage of humidity. If it is too wet, the bush loses all its leaves and as a result dies. And because of the high humidity, the root system of the bush will completely rot, and again, as a result, the bush will die. In addition, late blight can occur.

Crane grows poorly in that soil that is oversaturated with nitrogen. But, basically, the view is not very demanding on the soil, the most important thing is to choose a place under the sun and water them after 3-4 days.

Before planting, the soil must be looser, and the main granules of soil should always be small and medium in size. Basically, this is the most common garden soil, which is fertilized with organic additives.

Storage conditions

To get a good percentage of yield, it is best to properly approve the soil of the territory and the distance between the pits. Therefore, if you adhere to the standard planting rules, then from 10 m2 you can get more than 70 kg, that is, from 1 ha you will receive a minimum of 630 kg, but a maximum of 750 kg.

In addition, the view is distinguished by excellent performance storage and transplantation. You can keep Zhuravlinka potatoes in a cold place, best if it is a cellar. In this case, throughout the winter, you will have access to fresh potatoes

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Prevention from diseases and pests

Characteristics of the potato confirms that it belongs to fairly resistant varieties from various diseases and pests. In addition, the Crane is not attacked by diseases such as:

  • black legs;
  • potato-type nematode;
  • cancer.

This disease is caused by the simplest microorganisms that actively develop in a humid environment. To avoid such a disease, it is necessary to prevent the root system before planting. And, if the disease already exists, then spray with the drug: you can make your own, use 0.5 milk and honey, and significantly reduce the percentage of watering, reduce everything to a minimum, 1-2 times a week.

Of course, the biggest problem of potatoes is the Colorado potato beetle . Beetle larvae actively develop on the leaves of tops and rather quickly eat it. Such insects can be fought manually or with the help of special preparations.


This is a variety that is becoming more popular every year and a detailed description of this is confirmed.And all thanks to its unpretentiousness, a large percentage of yield and a stable immunity against diseases.

The seeds of the fetus are strong and quickly take root. The characteristics of the plant are interesting, in addition, according to the description of gardeners, even in large frosts, the percentage of plant productivity is preserved.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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