Varieties of Belarusian potatoes

In many countries around the world, including Belarus, potatoes are considered the second bread. The best and new varieties are developed by specialists, taking into account the three climatic zones available in this country. The Republic of Belarus leads the world in potato production per capita and ranks seventh in total production among all countries. Specialists are developing new varieties so that tubers produce a stable crop in every climate zone of the country.This article describes the Belarusian potato.

  1. Characteristics of the Belarusian potato
  2. Benefits
  3. Varieties of the variety
  4. Early varieties
  5. Mid-early varieties of potato
  6. Medium-late varieties

Сорта белорусского картофеля

Varieties of Belarusian potatoes

Characteristics of Belarusian potatoes

Belarusian varieties of potatoes have long been arekomendovali as more resistant to pests and various climate changes. Many gardeners around the world prefer the best varieties of Belarusian potatoes with pink or yellow peels, early or medium early ripening, to eat young tubers and enjoy a delicate taste.


  • High yield.
  • Beautiful appearance of the tubers.
  • High resistance to various diseases.
  • Excellent taste.
  • The ability to preserve the finished vegetable products for a long time.
  • Potatoes that go to the seeds, not the port It takes a long time.

A selection of the right type for your area will provide you with a large harvest from your site.

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Variety varieties

Belarusian potato varieties share according to the degree of yield, starch content and the degree of maturation. Each gardener chooses for himself a variety of Belarusian selection that is most suitable for growing in his country of residence.

Delicious varieties that can produce a plentiful harvest can be found both among yellow varieties and among varieties with pink peel . If you want to try to plant a new variety on your site, but have not yet chosen which one, you can choose several new and better varieties for planting.

Early varieties

Variety Uladar

The early varieties of any potato of the Belarusian selection are popular with both experienced gardeners and amateurs. Variety Uladar has good productivity and taste. Fully retains its shape and structure during cooking. Starch varies in the range of 15%. Harvesting reaches 716 centners per hectare. Variety Uladar has resistance to disease and mechanical damage. When growing this variety, choose an open area illuminated by the sun on well-drained soil. Landing is made from north to south, so that the sun is evenly distributed throughout the sown area.

Avoid soils where plantings have been growing for two consecutive years, as this increases the risk of diseases and reduces the yield.

Young potatoes of the Uladar variety should be eaten as much as possible. earlier, since it will not be stored for too long. Keep the fruits in a cool, dark place. You can’t store tubers with apples, as they emit harmful ethylene gas. Wash tubers is recommended only immediately before eating. It is necessary to promptly cultivate, water and weed the weedar variety from weeds, as well as add fertilizers and process the tops of Colorado potato beetles and viruses. We should not forget about fertilizing the plantings with the necessary fertilizers during the growth of the young variety.

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Zorooshka variety

The potato of the Belarusian zorachka selection has early tuberization and, as a result, a quick harvest. The tubers are aligned, oval. The description indicates that the fruits are very tasty and can be used fresh, from late July to late December. A species of honeyfish due to the small amount of starch, is resistant to damage. Almost all early varieties of potato of Belarusian selection have good immunity and resistance to disease. Planting time for the species of Zorochidae largely depends on the weather, soil conditions and regional variations. To plant zorachki, you should dig a trench about 10 cm deep and place seed tubers in the trench.

It is recommended to fill the trench with soil and close the plantings. Harvesting will depend on the time of germination, flowering, weather conditions during the harvest and the size of the tubers that you want to get. Varieties of the early season of the nest, ripen in approximately 60-70 days. To collect the largest and highest-quality fruits, it is necessary to harvest when the foliage completely ceases to supply the tubers with nutrients. In this case, it is necessary to remove the fallen leaves to the base and wait 10-14 days before harvest, so that the fruit can develop a fairly thick skin. Don’t wait too long, or the tubers may begin to rot.

Mid-early potato varieties

Harvest variety

Сорт получил название из-за цвета кожуры

The variety was named because of the skin color

The description indicates that the name of the belongings is translated from Belarusian as’ wealth ”because of its tubers, which are golden or yellow in color and resemble gold bullion with their tubers. Productivity within 630 kg / ha. The peel has a beige color and an oblong shape. Starch is in the range of 13-17%. Soil with increased acidity is more preferable for this variety, but this factor is not significant, since plantings will grow on a different range of soils. Start preparing the planting site well in advance (November / December) so that the soil is fertilized before planting.Remove all weeds and carefully dig the site, remove any large stones and fertilize with plenty of well-rotted organic matter or potash fertilizers.

See also  Rules for planting potatoes under a shovel

Variety manifest

The fruit is round or oblong. The flesh can be called pink or red with a slight occurrence of the eye. Many gardeners prefer to buy this kind of potato, because of the beautiful pink peel and pronounced taste. The starch in the manifest variety varies within 13%, the output is up to 740 c / g. A variation of the manifest copes well with the nematode. Potatoes also have resistance to common viruses and diseases. Possible diseases are a late burn, which is especially common during warm and humid weather in late summer or potato cancer.

With such diseases, dark brown spots appear on the leaves, especially on the tip of the leaves and its edge. These lesions develop white fungal spores on the underside of the leaves, and further lesions develop on the stems. Leaves and stems quickly blacken, and rot causes plant destruction. Spores are released in the wind and spread quickly to infect neighboring landings. Spores can also be washed away into the soil, where they can infect tubers, causing reddish-brown rot directly under the skin, which slowly spreads toward the center of the tuber.For the treatment and elimination of diseases, a spray for potatoes with a protective fungicide should be used.

Variety of breezes

The description indicates that the variety of breezes refers to medium early, highly productive species. Potatoes are potentially harvested up to 630 kg / ha, with a low starch content. Consumer properties are good, slightly digested. A variety of breezes responds well to increased soil mineralization. Well suited for filling and cleaning. Of the possible diseases, the breeze is affected by slugs. Such pests damage both leaves and developing tubers.

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Damage is fairly obvious, as the “criminals” are easily identified by the silvery traces of mucus that are left around the leaves of the plants and on the surface of the soil. There are many ways to kill slugs and snails, including home remedies such as beer traps. The most common method is to use granules for slugs or for a more organically tuned gardener; copper ribbons can be purchased. a popular mid-late Belarusian cultivar is the lassoon. Its qualities are suitable for both production needs and consumer ones. The variety of lacunae has a high starch content, up to 22%, excellent yield (630 centners per hectare). The sucker is also unpretentious in choosing the soil.The sucker should not be heavily fed with fertilizers, since at excessive doses, in particular nitrogen fertilizer, the tops of trees begin to grow rapidly, which leads to a decrease in tubers.

Potatoes grow well in well-drained and loose soil. The tubers need constant moisture, so you need to water regularly, especially at the moment when the tubers begin to form. Soil drainage must be done before the plant blooms. Harvesting depends on when you planted the potatoes. You need to dig out plantings on a dry day. Dig carefully, taking care not to damage the tubers. Freshly scooped tubers should be placed in a cool, dry place for up to two weeks. This allows their skin to acclimatize, which preserves your crop.

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Crane variety

Variety of Crane It is quite common in Belarus.The presence of starch ranges from 14 to 19%, rounded tubers, the peel has a reddish hue.The yield of marketable tubers reaches 97%, the yield is 640 c / g, which brings this variety to new levels of popularity among gardeners. Zhuravinka perfectly fights diseases and has excellent culinary properties. A species of crane can be damaged by a disease such as scabs. Regular scabs leave cortical lesions on the skin of the fruit and limit their storage potential.

Although this disease does not affect the taste and can be easily peeled, it makes the potato outwardly less attractive.The disease is caused by bacteria that are often present in manure and deepen in calcareous and sandy soils in dry conditions. To minimize the risks of such a disease, it is recommended to control plantings and take good care of them, improving poor soil conditions by adding organic matter.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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