Seed potatoes and its varieties

seed potatoes can be safely attributed to vegetables that are worst-suited to aggressive environmental conditions. Of great importance when growing potatoes is the human factor, that is, care, as well as climatic conditions. It is worth saying that depending on the region of residence, climatic conditions can vary, so it makes sense to figure out what seed material is suitable for a particular climate, what are the conditions for caring for them, how quickly they mature and so on.We will discuss these and other issues today.

  1. How to choose seed potato
  2. Classification of seed potato
  3. Maturation classification
  4. Early types of potato
  5. Impala <
  6. Arrow
  7. Kholmogorsky variety
  8. Mid-early species
  9. Variety Nakra
  10. Russian souvenir
  11. Variety Odyssey
  12. Varieties of medium ripeness
  13. Solana
  14. Felox cultivar
  15. Late species
  16. Variety Becker
  17. Variety Aurora
  18. Late group of varieties
  19. Vesnyanka
  20. Variety Condor
  21. Clone <
  22. Recommended varieties for the Moscow Region
  23. Varieties for medium stripes of the Russian Federation
  24. Varieties for growing in Siberia

Семенной картофель и его разновидности

Seed potatoes and its varieties

How to choose a seed potato

You can buy or order seed potatoes almost everywhere, from the spontaneous market to direct sales in the garden center. It is worth saying that it is customary to sell vegetables in nets made of wicker material, which plays into the hands of the buyer.The fact is that at the same time you can clearly consider all the shortcomings and disadvantages, such as rotten vegetables, slices or chips on the crop. If there are any, it is better to choose a different bag.

It is worth saying that buying in the spontaneous market can be extremely unprofitable for you. You will not be able to know for sure which potatoes are in the grid. It may well be that before you is not a seed potato, which refers to the first or even second reproduction, but one that has already degenerated or been affected by parasites or diseases. From this point of view, it is worth buying potatoes at specialized points of sale of an agricultural company, where on each grid there will be a certificate indicating the name of the variety, as well as information about the order of reproduction. In addition, the company often attaches to the grid information about the care, propagation and cultivation, and also grows potatoes on order.

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Classification of seed potatoes

There is a generally accepted classification of seed potatoes, in which the vegetable is divided into four categories:

  • Table potatoes. This includes the most common varieties that can be described as the most delicious. This table potato is intended for consumption in food, it is used in the preparation of gourmets.
  • Technical types. This subspecies of the vegetable is characterized by a low protein content, for this reason it is customary to use it not for food, but for the isolation of starch and the production of alcohol.
  • Feed potatoes. Based on the name, the vegetable is used to feed domestic animals, that is, livestock. The culture contains high levels of starch and protein.
  • Universal species. The latter subspecies can be used for any purpose, since its indicators are average.

Classification by ripening factor

It is worth mentioning another important classification of seed potatoes depending on how quickly the vegetable ripens, this symptom is called precocity.

  • Late species. The first fruits appear after 10 days more
  • Mid-late potatoes. The first fruits appear in 96 – 10 days
  • Mid-season species. The first fruits appear after 86 – 95 days
  • Mid-early. The first fruits appear after 66 – 85 days
  • Early potatoes. The first fruits appear in 50 – 65 days

Here are the best varieties of potatoes, taking into account the ripening factor.

Early types of potatoes

Картошка пользуется спросом

Potatoes are in demand

Here it is customary to include many subspecies of potatoes for ripening which require a minimum of time, we will give the most common ones.

See also  Characteristics of Kiwi Potatoes


Impala is an ultra-early variety, it emerges 45-50 days after transplanting.This subspecies of the vegetable is usually referred to as canteens, that is, its purpose is to be used for cooking.

As for the harvest, with proper care, you can easily collect about 600 centners with just one hectare of land.

The consumption of fertilizers during cultivation is minimal. It should be noted that the weight of one tuber can reach 150-200 grams. The culture is well preserved, which favorably affects the transportation process.


Arrow is also considered a table variety. From the characteristics it is worth mentioning that during the heat treatment, the tubers do not darken, which is extremely appreciated by the consumer. Another important feature is a high level of yield. Arrow’s undeniable advantage is that the culture is well resistant to the most common parasites and diseases, including nematode and late blight.

Kholmogorsky variety

This species can also be attributed to the fact that yield high yield, with proper care, you can collect about 450 centners from 1 ha. The vegetable does not fall apart during cooking, is perfectly stored.

In addition, the early varieties include Dunyasha, Otrada, Lomonosovsky and Nikulinsky, which were bred in Russia, they are referred to as super elite.

Mid-early species

Let’s talk about the most common mid-early species.

Variety Nakra

Despite the fact that the elite variety is classified as medium early, Nakra has a high yield, and the weight of one tuber reaches about 190 grams. Of the minuses, a high predisposition to late blight can be called.

See also  Varieties of Belarusian potatoes

Russian souvenir

This type of potato is often grown in Russia. A distinctive description can be called the elongated form of tubers, as well as excellent taste. About 170 – 350 centners can be collected per hectare.

Variety Odyssey

This subspecies of potato was discovered in central Russia. Like all previous subspecies, the vegetable has excellent taste characteristics, besides it perfectly transfers transportation and storage.

Varieties of medium ripeness

Не крупный картофель

Not large potatoes

This species is usually classified as such.


Solana is considered very productive, it is possible to collect more than 600 centners from one hectare. It is worth noting not only excellent taste, but also the impressive size of the tubers. Also, this species is considered quite resistant to the most common diseases.

Grade Felox

Felox is usually referred to as table subspecies. The advantage is that Felox can be grown in almost any soil, while the yield will be stably high.

Mid-late species

We learn the most common types of mid-late maturity recommended for planting in 2018.

Becker variety

The advantage of Becker species is its high yield, excellent taste and large fruits. Becker takes root well on any type of soil, in addition, it has a pleasant taste and good storage ability.

Variety Aurora

A fairly high-yielding potato, which is considered quite protected from seed potato diseases. With proper care, it is possible to collect about 15 tubers from only one bush.

Late group of varieties

We learn what species belong to the late group.


Bushes of this species have unprecedented productivity, about 670 centners per hectare. Vesnyanka cannot boast of outstanding taste characteristics, the same applies to protection against diseases.

See also  The use of azofoski in growing potatoes

Variety Condor

Condor can be called a champion among the late species. If sufficient care is organized, then about 700 centners of potatoes can be harvested from one hectare. It is worth saying that Condor does not like excessive watering.


The advantage of the Clone species is that the potato is able to adapt to any type of soil, it perfectly resists negative influences from the outside. In this case, the taste of tubers is characterized in the description as excellent.

Recommended varieties for the Moscow Region

It was previously said that the cultivation of seed potatoes depends on the climate, that is, the terrain. The territory of Russia includes many climatic zones, each of which corresponds to one or another sort of potato. Speaking about the territory of the Moscow Region, it is worth saying that this is not the most favorable zone for growing crops. However, there are species whose seeds take root well enough in such conditions, and we will discuss them further. In this case, it is worth choosing only early or mid-early varieties, since later ones simply do not have time to ripen in the conditions of the Moscow Region. In accordance with the description, these varieties are classified here:

  • Nevsky
  • Mozart (famous German species)
  • Sorcerer
  • Sineglazka
  • Good luck
  • Lord of the open spaces

Varieties for the middle zone of the Russian Federation

Speaking of the climate of the middle zone, it is worth characterizing it as moderate, respectively, and seed potatoes must meet these conditions. You should pay attention to early ripening varieties, otherwise you will not see a good harvest.

See also  Using a walk-behind tractor for growing potatoes

These include the following varieties of varieties:

  • Yuganka
  • Cornflower
  • Rocco
  • Adretta
  • Kiwi
  • Rosara

Varieties for growing in Siberia

It is worth saying that the harsh climate of Siberia is considered one of the most difficult. The fact is that the territory is characterized by quite late spring warming and early cooling in the fall, in addition, July temperatures are abnormally high, and August is often full of precipitation. Specially for Siberia, varieties of seed potatoes were bred, the seeds of which are able to germinate in such soil, and then grow crops in such difficult conditions.

  • Red Scarlett
  • Gloria
  • Timo
  • Manor
  • Redstar
  • Alchak
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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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