Description of Barin potatoes

This potato belongs to the early ripening variety and is considered table. It is often called elite, as its taste and yield are really impressive. Potato variety Barin is a new development of breeders, but experts are confident that very soon this type of vegetable crop will become very popular among a large number of farmers.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  5. Soil preparation
  6. Planting tubers
  7. How to care for
  8. Fertilizers for Barin
  9. Pest and disease control

Описание картофеля сорта Барин

Description of the Barin potato

Characteristic of the variety

В Description of Varin Barin says that for the first time this species appeared at the A.G. Lorch Research Institute and in the suburbs. Barin’s “potato” was the early potato Baron, originally from the Urals, whose characteristics the breeders liked very much, because it is resistant to temperature changes and diseases.

Barin’s peculiarity is that it belongs to the maturing varieties, therefore after 60-70 days you can observe the first shoots. Some farmers dig the crop ahead of schedule and note that under favorable conditions, Barin is ready for use after 50 days.

Description of the plant

Outwardly, Barin is an upright bush, whose branches slightly deviate to the side. The leaves are small in size and have a rich color.

See also  Rules for planting potatoes in the beds

The slightly wavy foliage edges are a characteristic feature of Barin potatoes.This plant can be called a decoration of the garden, as amazing pink and purple flowers appear on it. From 10 to 12 tubers can ripen on the bush.

Description of the fruit

The resulting potatoes have a creamy beige peel, pale flesh without wateriness, and pink eyes. The shape of the potato is oval, even, and its weight is from 80 to 120 g.

The resulting crop can be used for various purposes. Potatoes have 15% starch, have a pleasant taste, do not boil and can be used for frying, boiling and even cooked like french fries.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Based on reviews experienced gardeners and description, potatoes have many advantages. Characteristics of Barin potatoes are as follows:

  • resistance to cancer pathogens and low probability of its occurrence;
  • the variety is practically not affected by the nematode;
  • the potatoes are perfectly stored, which ensures its high commercial qualities and the ability to transport over long distances;
  • early ripening;
  • the overall yield is quite high.

As for the shortcomings, this poor resistance to late blight, as well as common scab. To avoid damage to tubers, it is recommended to take care of prevention in advance, which will help to prevent the development of diseases.

Prepare the soil

So that the lady potato succeeds well, you need to take care of the soil in advance .It is better to prepare the beds in the fall, so that the earth receives nutrients and becomes as fertile as possible. To enrich the soil, a mixture of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of sulfate, as well as a glass of ash and a bucket of manure. After this, the soil should be given rest until spring.

See also  Seed potatoes and its varieties

One month before the proposed planting, seed material should be prepared. For this, according to the description of experienced gardeners, tubers are selected whose weight is not more than 80 g. They can be selected from last year’s crop or purchased in a store. Before planting them, you need to inspect the material for diseases and dents – the potato should be smooth and not have visible damage.

Selected tubers must be processed with potassium permanganate. For this, a solution of 10 crystals per liter of water is made. The tubers are allowed to dry, put in boxes and put into the light in warm weather (at least 10 degrees). The grown tubers with sprouts that have appeared are quite ready for planting in the ground.

Planting tubers

Клубень кладётся ростками вверх

The tuber is sprouted up

Planting seedlings in the ground must be done according to the rules so that the plant can give a good crop.To do this, do the following:

  • dig holes with a depth of at least 20 cm: the distance between them should be 50-60 cm so that the plants are not crowded;
  • one sprouted tuber is placed in each hole, and strictly sprouts up;
  • all seedlings need to be densely covered with soil and leveled with a rake;
  • it is important to loosen the soil to ensure good breathability in the holes.

It should be noted that the choice of place for planting must be correct, since seedlings require heat and the Solar Light. It should also be noted that for each m2 15 g of urea or nitrate is required to enrich the soil.

How to care

Like any plant, potato Varieties Barin needs a number of procedures that help to achieve a good harvest. It should be:

  • hilling;
  • weeding;
  • watering;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers.
See also  Varieties of Belarusian potatoes

Despite the fact that many farmers do not consider hilling to be an important procedure, it is better to carry out it to protect plants from diseases. It’s enough to just spud potatoes twice, and the first time this is done when the shoots reach 15 cm in height, and the second time after 21 days, and then the soil is loosened with a hoe.

With weeding, usually there are no difficulties, since it is enough to regularly destroy weeds so that Barin receives the necessary moisture and air.

Watering is done so that there is no transfusion of water. This potato variety tolerates both moisture and drought, but you should not overdo it. The formation of crust on the soil is unacceptable, therefore, in dry and sunny weather it is advisable to water the potatoes twice a day.

Fertilizers for Barin

As for the nutrition of the soil and its enrichment with minerals and useful substances, then fertilizing should be done at least 3 times. Before the appearance of flowers, it is necessary to use urea in the proportions of 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water. This helps to form healthy stems and shrubs.

The second time it is better to fertilize seedlings during the appearance of buds. Here, ash will come to the rescue, which must be used in a concentration of 1 glass per 10 liters of water. spoon of superphosphate.

See also  Dates and methods of harvesting potatoes

The third feeding is carried out during the appearance of flowers and the formation of tubers. In this case, 1 tbsp is sufficient. tablespoons of superphosphate in 10 liters of water. Fertilizing with fertilizers is recommended in the morning before the sun or in the evening after sunset to avoid leaf burns.

Fight against diseases and pests

Despite the resistance to many diseases, the Varin variety often becomes a victim of late blight. Exactly n therefore, it is necessary to start the fight against the pathogen in advance, before the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. It is enough to carry out one treatment with Acrobat and this will bring positive results.

The plant is also unstable to the “attack” of nematodes and scabs, so you must select high-quality seed material without brown spots, treat the tubers with Gumi, Albit or Epin, and also do not forget about the treatment of the site, avoiding weeds, affected shoots and other things.

It is necessary to protect from the bear and the Colorado potato beetle o use insecticides.Medvetox is suitable for extermination from the first parasites, and Antizhuk, Corado and other similar means will be used to combat Colorado pests.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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