Description of Potatoes Red Lady

Potatoes with the exquisite name Red Lady is one of the most beloved among gardeners. The thing is in its rich taste and unusual appearance: the peel of root crops has a saturated color. High yield and excellent nutritional value make Red Lady’s potatoes really popular.

  1. Characteristics of the variety Red Lady
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of the variety Red Lady
  5. Secrets of planting the Red Lady variety
  6. Caring for the Red Lady variety
  7. Diseases and pests
  8. Conclusion

Описание картофеля Ред Леди

Description of Red Lady’s potato

Characteristics of the Red Lady’s variety

The appearance of the famous Red Lady gardeners owed to Germany, in which it was first floor such a variety of potatoes. Breeders through painstaking work managed to grow large root vegetables of light yellow color with a pink-brown peel. The variety belongs to the early ones, and the crop can be harvested after 3 months.

Description of the plant

The eyes of potatoes are small, and the plant itself is of medium height. From each bush receive at least 15 potatoes. This potato variety is not afraid of drought, because it is resistant to heat.

Description of the fruit

The average weight of each potato is 140-142 g. On the cut, it is clear that the flesh is enough juicy, low in starch. The taste of Red Lady potatoes is saturated and does not need additional dressings.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the Red Lady variety

The obvious advantage of the Red Lady variety is its long growing season. It is universal, so it is great for both amateur cultivation and wide sales. According to the description, there are a number of other positive characteristics:

  • high content of nutrients;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • immunity to tuberous diseases;
  • high storage quality;
  • good transportability;
  • high productivity.

The culture has several disadvantages. Firstly, the variety is unstable to late blight. Secondly, the Red Lady needs more nutritious and high-quality soil. Without fertilizers and land saturated with a large amount of nutrients, good yields cannot be achieved. Thirdly, the cultivar needs a long daylight hours.

Secrets of planting the variety Red Lady

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The tubers need to be prepared for planting

For planting, choose the most light soil with a sandy consistency. The plant cannot be left without sunlight, so a well-lit place is chosen.

Tubers are planted in holes dug from 25-30 cm deep in the soil excavated from autumn. The distance between them should be at least 40 cm, and between rows – 60 cm.

Before preparing the ground for planting, fertilize the ground. After this, tubers weighing 30 g are selected. In this case, the root system will appear earlier, and the plants will be able to feed on their own.

The seed planting option can be replaced with another. By description, larger tubers can be used to get an early harvest. For this, Red Lady’s potatoes are recommended to be soaked in water for 10-12 hours, after the tubers grow faster, and the yield increases.

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Care for the Red Lady variety

Many soils have scarce reserves of humus, and therefore care must be taken that the Red Lady potato tubers receive the necessary amount of nutrients. To enrich the soil, grassy infusions of slurry from manure, as well as bird droppings, are suitable. The compositions are used sparingly, since too much organic fertilizer leads to a build-up of green mass instead of tuber productivity.

Ash is an excellent option for spring. A handful of this material is thrown into each well. In addition, there are already ready-to-use complex fertilizers that can be applied to the soil and to which the guest from Germany responds positively.

It is permissible to use fertilizing based on ammonium nitrate, which also improves productivity. Among other things, ammonium sulfate and superphosphate are used.

According to the description, the variety is resistant to drought, so heavy irrigation does not affect the appearance of the crop.

Longer frosts can reduce the number and quality of tubers.

Diseases and pests

A description of the disease control will help the gardener take better care of his plants. The Red Lady potato variety has high immunity and is not susceptible to most diseases, but some ailments still affect it. First of all, this is late blight, which affects not only this variety, but also Claire, similar to it, as well as many others.

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In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to discard rotten and doubtful material in a timely manner, which is not suitable for planting, and be sure to monitor the condition of the soil and its drainage.

It is also important to take care of preventive measures. To do this, seedlings are treated with immunocytophate, which allows the culture to fight late blight. They spoil seedlings and reduce yield. Uninvited guests are often Colorado beetles. To protect themselves from parasites, they carefully harvest and select all tubers without exception. In addition, the soil is well loosened before each new planting and fertilizer is applied.

They are also treated with insecticides that prevent the development of parasites in the soil.


You don’t need to put too much effort into the crop to please. Caring for Potatoes Red Lady will provide tasty and healthy potatoes on the table.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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