Description of Inara Potatoes

Inara potatoes are early ripe table varieties. The species was bred in Germany. It has high quality indicators and good external data. Suitable for preparing various dishes, preserves color and shape during heat treatment.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the fruit
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Growing
  5. Preparing the garden
  6. Preparing the seeds
  7. Planting <
  8. Leaving
  9. Fertilizing
  10. Hilling and loosening
  11. Diseases and pests
  12. Conclusion

Описание картофеля Инара

Description of Inara potato


Inara potato variety appeared not so long ago, literally in 2013 The species has been selected in Germany and has proven its worth in Europe. It has become widespread in the central regions and in the south of Russia. The species is not demanding in care. The variety is resistant to many potato diseases. Due to its early ripening, it is not exposed to late blight. Root crops are well preserved throughout the winter.

The early ripening variety has excellent quality indicators. From 1 bush you can collect 5-6 kg of excellent smooth tubers. Bushes erect, intermediate type, sprawling. Medium sized foliage.General characteristic:

  • the ripening period is 70 days;
  • the yield is 250-400 centners per 1 ha.

Description of the fruit

The flesh is yellow in the cut and it does not change color during mechanical damage and heat treatment. The root crop can be characterized as follows:

  • the tubers are elongated, oval;
  • the peel is yellow in color, thin, has a smooth structure;
  • the flesh on the cut is dark yellow;
  • weight of 1 potato 100-120 g;
  • the level of starch is 12-15%;
  • the tubers have a sweet taste when cooked.
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Advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantage is the inability to grow in open areas in the northern regions. The variety is not resistant to leaf curling virus and mosaic. Description of quality indicators attracts many farmers. The crop is not demanding regarding agricultural technology, drought-resistant.

The relatively low starch content in the tubers makes them resistant to mechanical damage and provides good keeping quality. It is possible to save up to 96% of the crop, which is a fairly high indicator for an early variety of potatoes. High palatability can not leave indifferent any connoisseur of potato crops. Inara variety is widely used for all kinds of culinary delights. Potato is resistant to late blight, potato cancer and nematodes.


За растениями нужно ухаживать

behind the plants you need to care

The main rule for growing this type of potato is to observe crop rotation. It is not worth taking seed potatoes for the first year of planting for propagation. The variety is not prone to degeneration. To get a good harvest, a number of agricultural activities should be performed:

  • choose the right site;
  • prepare the soil;
  • pick up planting material;
  • provide good care after planting.

Inara potatoes are a heat-loving plant, so it is better to choose areas well lit. It is not recommended to plant potatoes on the slopes. The best yield indicators are observed on fertile soils and sandy loam soils.

See also  Recommended soil temperature for planting potatoes

Landing is recommended from north to south. So each plant will receive a sufficient amount of light, and the bush will develop evenly. The larger the potatoes selected for seeds will be, the wider the step must be taken between the holes.

Preparation of the garden

When planting varietal types of potatoes, it is imperative to follow the rotation rules. You can not plant potatoes in the same place, as well as after tomatoes, eggplant and cabbage. During the autumn cultivation of the site, the introduction of herbicides is recommended.These drugs help to disinfect the soil, effectively remove the roots of weeds and destroy the larvae of all kinds of parasites. If possible, sand is added to too hard soils.

The soil is cultivated to a depth of about 30-40 cm. Fertilizers are applied. At this stage, you can use non-rotted compost or fresh manure.

Preparing the seeds

Potatoes of the first year of planting should not be taken for seeds. It is better to harvest 2-3 years. When harvesting root crops, the largest smooth tubers are immediately selected, without visible damage. The optimal size of seed potatoes is 5-10 cm.

For better preservation, the seed must be greened. To do this, he is kept in a warm, lit room for a week. Then lowered into the vegetable store. Seeds should be stored separately. To protect against rodents and improve keeping quality, they are also sprayed with a 2% solution of copper sulfate.

See also  How to deal with wireworms on potatoes

In spring, the seed material is removed from the cellar, sorted and germinated in any convenient way. Germination will take about 3 weeks. If you plan to propagate potatoes with seedlings, the sprouts are removed.


The standard planting dates for Inara potatoes are late March-early April in the southern regions. In the central regions, the deadlines are shifted by 2 weeks. In the north, it is advisable to grow potatoes in greenhouses or greenhouses. Depth of landing depends on the quality of the soil.On light sandy, fertile soils, potatoes should be buried by 12 cm.

On heavy soils, the planting depth should be 5 cm, no more. Planting can be carried out by several methods:

  • under the shovel;
  • in the trench;
  • seedlings.

Smooth method Landing is considered universal and is used universally. The trench method and seedling propagation help to improve the quality and increase the amount of yield. When propagating seedlings, after germination, sprouts from tubers should be removed and planted in a large container. A seed mixture for seedlings is prepared from peat, sand and garden soil. Sprouts need to be immersed in the ground half, poured and covered with polyethylene.

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Planting Method under the shovel the most common

When shoots appear, the covering material is removed and the shoots are planted in different containers. Before planting in open ground, seedlings need to be hardened. To do this, they put it in a more lighted room and gradually lower the air temperature. When planting in open ground, the conditions for all methods will be the same.

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Organic fertilizers should be applied to each well. Inara potatoes are planted with a step of 60 cm and a distance between rows of 70-80 cm. When planting under a shovel and in a trench, additional irrigation is not required. During transplanting, you need to moisten the soil a little, but do not turn it into a swamp.


Varietal varieties of potatoes require proper care, otherwise the yield will be much lower than stated in the description. Inara variety in central regions with moderate humidity can do without additional watering. To preserve moisture in the soil, mulching with grass or leaves is practiced. In an arid climate without additional moisture, the tubers will be small, therefore it is recommended to water once a month.

Inara is early ripening, it is planted relatively early, so it is necessary to carry out the hilling process several times a season. Another important stage of care is fertilizing and loosening. To get a good crop, you need to provide good aeration of the soil.

Fertilizer application

Standardly fertilizer is applied 4 times a season:

  • at the time plantings introduce organic matter or superphosphates;
  • a month after emergence, urea or mineral compounds are introduced;
  • during the formation of inflorescences, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied;
  • after flowering you can use organic or herbal infusions.

It is not recommended to use fresh manure as a top dressing, as well as apply concentrated astvor chicken manure, or the root system can burn. All kinds of infusions on herbs, for example, on nettle leaves or needles, have proven themselves quite well.They not only enrich the soil with vitamins, but also scare away some pests.

See also  Potato planting dates in the suburbs

Hilling and loosening

Formation of embankments near the bushes begins after the emergence of shoots 10 cm high. Hilling is necessary for protection plants from frost, the formation of beautiful, smooth bushes. The next time the earth is poured in 2-3 weeks.

Hilling is usually carried out in parallel with the loosening of the earth between the rows. Cultivation is carried out to a depth of about 10 cm. Weeding allows for aeration of the soil and prevents moisture stagnation. It is recommended to carry out the procedure after rain and watering.

Diseases and pests

Due to the fast ripening period, Inara potatoes are practically not affected by fungal diseases. The worst enemies of the variety are:

  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • wireworm;
  • potato scoop.

Prevention from pest attack is the thorough processing of seed before planting. In the autumn, the soil must be treated with insecticides and make herbicides. Throughout the entire period of plant growth, it is recommended to carry out preventive spraying 2 times. Well proven drugs Gulliver, Decis, Tsimbush, Hurricane, Aktara.

It is recommended to plant plants that repel pests near potatoes. The list of such plants includes beans, night violet. The Colorado potato beetle does not tolerate the smell of needles.By spreading the needles under the bushes, you can get rid of the pest and at the same time enrich the soil with vitamins.

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Farmers say that this potato variety has a good taste. Used for cooking all kinds of dishes and chips. One of the advantages of the species is its high resistance to most potato diseases.

Inara potatoes are perfectly stored, despite their early ripening. To increase productivity, you must follow the agricultural rules.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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