Characteristics of Kiwi Potatoes

The main ingredient in many dishes, of course, is potatoes. A variety of varieties allows you to choose vegetables that are ideal for cooking, frying, stewing and other equally tasty dishes. In order to enjoy young potatoes, early vegetables are grown, and for winter storage they take varieties of a later ripening period. But there is a variety, the description of which is not even known to agronomists, it is Kiwi potatoes.It is rarely found in stores and especially in markets, but if gardeners managed to purchase and grow it, they give the most positive feedback to this vegetable.

  1. Description potato
  2. Advantages of the Kiwi variety
  3. Disadvantages of the Kiwi potato
  4. Description of the bush
  5. Description of the tubers
  6. Preparing the soil for planting
  7. Preparing the tubers
  8. Caring for the plants
  9. Harvesting and storage
  10. Diseases
  11. Conclusion

Characteristics of the potato

A variety was created using the usual selection method. And the fact that it is not damaged by pests only confirms that without the creation of GMOs, fantastic results can be achieved without violating the genome of plants and animals. The hereditary material contained in the cells remains the same and carries biological information regarding all the characteristics of organisms.

Kiwi variety is practically not demanding on the composition of the soil and is able to bear fruit on loams and sandy soils. A good yield of marketable products is obtained on turf plots.

The main difference from other varieties is the appearance of potatoes. The peel of the vegetable has a mesh structure similar to kiwi fruits. There are other interesting features.

See also  What fertilizer to feed the soil when planting potatoes
  1. Kiwi potato is a late-ripening species.
  2. It can be grown throughout the country.
  3. Tuber yield more than 95% .
  4. The variety is transportable.

At least 130 days elapse from seedling to full ripening. To harvest young potatoes, these terms can be reduced, but then from one hundredth the yield will be no more than 200kg.

With proper care, 1kg of planting material will produce more than 20kg of production. This is a very good result. But its result is affected by soil moisture. In dry weather, constant watering is required, at least 4 times during the growing season, as the description for plant care recommends.

The characteristic given by agronomists says that this variety is extremely rare and the price of planting tubers is high .

If it is possible to purchase seed potatoes, then it is suitable for planting almost throughout the country. But most often this potato is found in the gardens of residents of the middle lane and regions of the Kuban, in the Moscow Region and in the Krasnodar Territory.

Advantages of the Kiwi variety

Many different information was collected regarding the features this potato.

  1. Propagated only by tubers.
  2. It is immune to almost all viruses and diseases and pests.
  3. Fertilizing plots requires organics, phosphorus and potassium.
  4. It has an exceptional yield.
  5. It is unpretentious in leaving.
See also  How to deal with wireworms on potatoes

Heat treatment of tubers during cooking, preferably at least 40 minutes. During this time, the potatoes are completely boiled and a magnificent mashed potato is obtained.

Each person has his own concept of quality and on the basis of it the characteristic of fruits is formed. But most people agree that the Kiwi variety tastes good on the periphery of the tuber, but its middle has almost no taste.

The species characteristic of this vegetable allows only tuber growing. Never planted seeds to obtain high-grade varietal material. But this is not required. All tubers of this variety grow quite large fruits, weighing about 300g. Medium potatoes reach a weight of 200g, but small tubers do not exist at all.

Description of the positive qualities of the vegetable can be completed with the amazing ability of the plant to repel pests. Some inhabitants are inclined to assert that this property distinguishes only varieties of GMOs. But with respect to Kiwi potatoes, you can be completely sure that it is not a genetically modified organism.

Disadvantages of Qiwi potato

Недостатков у данного сорта очень мало

The disadvantages of this variety are very few

A small minus that can be easily fixed is that potatoes need to be cooked for a long time. Abundant watering, when it is necessary that moisture reaches a depth of 0.5 m, can also be considered a nuisance. But these are just the care features that every gardener should be ready for.

Description of the bush

The Kiwi potato variety is distinguished by high stems growing above 80cm. The bush carries up to 6 stems, ribbed, with a large number of branches of the second order. They have a green color, with an admixture of yellowness in the lower part.

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The stems are covered with leaves from the very base of the bush. The leaf plates are slightly dissected, they are of a potato type, with serrations along the edge. Emerald green leaves are rough, covered with hairs.

At the tops of stems simple inflorescences are formed. Flowers fused with petals in the area of ​​the corolla base reach 2 cm in diameter. Their color is bright lilac. Stamens are yellow, compactly arranged. The pistil protrudes by 0.5 cm.

The plant is pollinated naturally and sets a small number of berries. Seeds ripen poorly and berries, for the most part, fall off. They do not have any benefit because the seed propagation of the variety is not suitable for this plant.

Description of tubers

Description of tubers can be started by the fact that more than 15 fruits, elongated in shape with rounded poles, ripen in the fruit nest. The peel is thin, has a mesh structure, rough to the touch. The color of the tubers is light brown. The eyes are small, located in barely noticeable depressions.

The pulp is firm, white, with a hint of amber. Tuber starchiness is about 17%, sugar content is low 0.1%. The slice does not darken for a long time.

When mechanically harvested, the tubers are not damaged by impact or compression. Abrasions are quickly smoothed out by tightening the wound surface with a dry, starchy substance. The place of injury is not susceptible to decay. Ripe tubers are excellently stored for a long time. According to experienced gardeners, this period can reach 2 and 3 years. But would an ordinary vegetable lover want to test this out of practice? They grow potatoes for consumption, rather than long-term storage.

See also  Ways to grow potatoes

For salads, you need to cook vegetables a little less, then the fruits will retain their structure and will not crumble when sliced. In the first dishes, potatoes can be cooked as the hostess likes. If household people like thick soups, then they cook longer, if they prefer to keep the form, then they cook less time.

Some consumers say that this vegetable is tasteless, while others talk about sweet and taste good.

Biocellulose is a part of tubers; it is not absorbed by the digestive system of wireworm and golden cyst-forming nematode. Potato leaves are covered with hairs that impede the egg laying process by the Colorado potato beetle. And this hairiness does not allow adult insects to reach the leaves and feast on them.

Durability and resistance to damage make it possible to transport products over long distances, for sale. This means that exotic Kiwi potatoes will grow not only in potato growers collecting rare varieties, but also in other people’s plots.

Preparing the soil for planting

Почву необходимо подготовить

The soil needs to be prepared

A potato plot is prepared in the fall. Some potato growers add up to 45 buckets of rotted manure per 1 hundredth and dig to a depth of 20cm. Ammonium nitrate and potassium fertilizers can be added to the manure, 20 g of each substance.

See also  How to grow potatoes from sprouts

The second method is to sow green manure on a plot such as:

  • winter rye;
  • mustard;
  • bean;
  • alfalfa.

All plants are planted in the soil when digging, in the fall. Only winter crops are cut with a chopper in the spring, before the tubers are planted.

When the soil temperature reaches 10 ° C, at the depth of planting, you can prepare the site, marking it in rows.They are oriented parallel to the North South line. Between the rows leave at least 60cm, because the bushes of the plant are lush and sprawling. The distance between the holes is about 30 cm, and their depth is 12 cm.

Some experts recommend growing the Kiwi potatoes by the Dutch method: double ridges. Each ridge consists of 2 rows, the distance between which should be about 30 cm, as well as between tubers. Between the ridges leave at least 70 cm in order to be able to process the plantings with small garden equipment. If there is no such technique, then work is carried out with a hoe.

Preparation of tubers

A month before planting, it is necessary to remove the seed potatoes from the storage and warm them up at 20 ° C for about 2 days . Then put the tubers in boxes in 2 rows and leave for germination. The room temperature must not fall below 10 ° C. Boxes are exposed for landscaping, which will help the sprouts to be stronger.

See also  The principle of Dutch technology for growing potatoes

With an eye height of 3cm, potatoes can be planted in the ground if there is no threat of frost. It can be treated with growth stimulants such as Epin. No insecticide treatment is needed.

Plant Care

Every gardener, even a beginner, can provide the potato with everything necessary for good fruiting.

  1. Planting should be watered at least 3 times.
  2. Loosening of the soil is carried out after irrigation or rain.
  3. Weeding is carried out as the weeds grow.
  4. With a period of 10 days carry out top dressing: 3 times per season.

If it rains a lot, then you do not need to water Kiwi potatoes. Only when the soil dries at a depth of 25 cm, you can irrigate the area.

Loosen the soil carefully. The bulk of the crop is located at the surface. With the Dutch method of cultivation, hilling is not carried out. Just both sides of the ridges are covered with soil from the row-spacing to a height of up to 25 cm.

The description and characteristics of the plant say that fertilizers are applied to the middle of the ridges or near each bush in rainy summers. In the drier months, it is combined with watering. For top dressing, take complex mineral fertilizers, including urea, potassium salts and phosphates.

For organic top dressing, prepare solutions yourself. Manure and water are introduced into a large container 1: 1, leaving for 2 weeks, in a warm room, for fermentation. The fermented mixture is again diluted with 1:10 water and watered potatoes.

See also  Using a walk-behind tractor for growing potatoes

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting is most often carried out in late autumn, when the tubers are ripe. 2 weeks before this, the stems are cut to a height of 10 cm and the tops are removed. After collecting, the potatoes are dried and sorted. Immediately get rid of tubers on which there are visual signs of rot. Cuts are dried and stored separately or consumed.

The rest of the mass of products is sorted into seed potatoes and for storage. Both parts are brought into the cellars. In winter, occasionally inspect potatoes and remove rotten potatoes.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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