Characteristics of Picasso Potatoes

A wide variety of table potato varieties makes it possible to choose any one that you like. For early harvest, early and mid-early species are suitable. To harvest potatoes in the fall and lay them for storage, medium-late and late varieties are planted. Potato Picasso is a good choice, because it can be cultivated in private gardens, farmland and industrial fields.The popular names of this vegetable are sometimes affectionate, sometimes with humor, for example: Matryoshka, Lyska, Ryabukha and Drunkard.

  1. Characteristic of the Picasso variety
  2. Harvesting <
  3. Advantages of Picasso
  4. Deficiencies
  5. Description of the potato
  6. Preparing seed potatoes
  7. Preparing the soil
  8. Planting care
  9. Conclusion

Характеристика картофеля сорта Пикассо

Characteristics of the potato Picasso sorts

Characteristic of the Picasso sorts

This potato is popular and loved by consumers for the possibility of growing it throughout the country. There are some features of potatoes that need to be considered.

  1. Picasso is late in appearance.
  2. It differs from others in high yield.
  3. It does not lose shape during heat treatment.
  4. The variety is adapted for long-term storage.

In the Central and Central Black Earth regions during autumn harvesting you can get more than 300c / ha. On an industrial scale, it is easily cleaned by combines without damaging it.

The yield of commercial products of technical ripeness is more than 95%.This characteristic means that the variety is profitable for growing in vast territories, for sale.

See also  Ways to grow potatoes


Gustatory quality and content of tubers are affected by the sugar content (0.04%) and content starch in them (10%). These indicators make it possible to use potatoes for cooking various dishes.

Boiled potatoes do not boil, retain their color. When frying, the chunks do not break, but remain in the form of the original slices. On an industrial scale, it is suitable for the preparation of chips, dry powdered convenience foods and starch.

Advantages of the Picasso variety

By a five-point system, this potato received the highest taste rating. Let’s consider other advantages concerning this variety.

  1. With 1 m² you can collect more than 4 kg of product.
  2. The weight of one potato reaches 130 g.
  3. Has immunity to viruses type YN and A and potato cancer.
  4. Potatoes are resistant to nematodes and Colorado potato beetles.
  5. Plantings are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.
  6. Products can be transported over long distances.

If you collect unripe potatoes and eat, then of course the yield of potatoes will be about 3 kg per 1 m².

Good resistance to viruses, allows processing weave chemicals to spend less without fear of infection of plants.Golden cyst-forming nematodes do not damage tubers, but for preventive purposes, potatoes should not be grown in areas where solanaceous crops were cultivated before.

Растения не боятся перепадов температур

Plants are not afraid of temperature changes

Description of the advantages will not be complete, if not to say that if agricultural technology is followed, you can collect up to 600kg of products from 1 hundredth. Although usually the yield of potatoes is about 300 kg.

See also  What fertilizer to feed the soil when planting potatoes


The reasons that can create a problem when growing Picasso are:

  • bad soil fertility;
  • late blight on tops;
  • lack of immunity to viruses Y and NTN;
  • common scab on tubers.

It is possible to increase fertility by applying humus (40 buckets per 1 hundred parts), mineral fertilizers, planting on the siderata area (mustard, rye) and their subsequent incorporation into the soil.

Description of the potato

The plant has a sprawling, lush Article consisting of 8 10 straight stems. The stems are ribbed in light color. They are completely covered with potato leaves. Large, slightly corrugated leaf blades of dark green color.

On the tops of the stems brushes of simple flowers of white color are formed. Potato bloom is plentiful, but few berries are tied. For the output, this does not matter, but when creating new varieties, seeds are needed.

The fruit nest consists of a powerful root system that produces more than 20 tubers. They are oval rounded, beautifully painted. The peel is warm yellow, decorated with pink spots and stripes.

Eyes on the surface are weakly expressed and there are not many of them. When stored in basements, the eyes do not germinate. The cut tubers are starchy, with a delicate cream color. Slices do not darken and do not stain until dry.

Preparation of seed potatoes

Description and characterization of the culture confirms that the Picasso potato variety is a super elite which can be grown without the preliminary germination of tubers. On an industrial scale, carrying out such procedures is difficult or even impossible. But in private farms it is easy to take the seed material and put it in the boxes for germinating the eyes.

See also  Popular varieties of potatoes for the Moscow region

Tubers of the same size, but small, are selected. The rule of experienced gardeners states that small tubers will yield a large crop. The Picasso potato variety can be brought to light and allow the tubers to accumulate solanine. This substance is a poisonous glycoalkaloid capable of killing small insects such as the Colorado potato beetle, even in the soil. Before planting, tubers are often soaked for half an hour in a solution of Prestige.

Soil preparation

Почву перед посадкой необходимо удобрить

Soil before planting, it is necessary to fertilize

As mentioned earlier, chemical and organic substances are introduced into the soil. Minerals can be combined. Then for 1 hundredth you need:

  • about 10 liters of ash;
  • 2kg of superphosphate;
  • 1.5kg of potassium;
  • 1kg of ammonia saltpeter.

Usually there is enough potassium in the soil, but you can only determine its amount by doing a chemical analysis of the soil and compare this description with the norms. The presence of nitrogen is easily determined visually. If the vegetation on the plot was distinguished by the splendor of the bushes, and the foliage had a dark saturated color, then this element is not required to be added to the soil.

Experienced potato growers are advised to apply chemical fertilizers directly to the planting pits. For 1 m²:

  • 9 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 80 g of magnesium sulfate;
  • 20 g of dolomite flour.

The roots of the plant are located in the surface layer, almost without going beyond the wells. All dressings are applied directly during the planting of tubers.

See also  How to choose siderata for potatoes

Planted at home, marking the area in rows. The distance between them should be about 60cm. Between the landing pits the distance is up to 25cm. When forming ridges, on clay soils, the distance between the ridges will be about 75 cm.

In industrial cultivation, potato planters are used.Fertilize the area also with the help of mechanical units.

Planting care

Growing a late Picasso potato variety, gardeners carry out the usual work of weeding, fertilizing and controlling pests and diseases, a description of which can be seen below.

When sprouts appear, they need to be hilled if frost remains on the soil. But usually the first hilling is carried out at a height of sprouts of 25 cm. At this time, you can feed the planting again, scattering fertilizers in the area of ​​the stems. The second hilling coincides with the formation of buds on the plant.

Fertilizers can also be applied when watering the bushes, which is carried out once every 10 days. But if the summer is wet, then you should not water it, but only carry out loosening the soil.

It is better in this case to do the prevention of late blight on the stems. For this, Fitosporin and other drugs are used. Broad-spectrum insecticides such as Dantop, Aktara are suitable for controlling insects, but often there are no Colorado beetles on the bushes. They do not like Picasso Potato leaves. This feature is especially pleasing to gardeners who sometimes lose a lot of time protecting plants.

See also  Characteristics of Zorochka potatoes

I grow potatoes (Picasso variety)
Good notes 04/11/2017. Potato varieties. Country tips. Fertilizing seedlings
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To get a good harvest, you need to make maximum efforts to take care of the plantings. For quality and tasty potatoes, the price will be appropriate if it is grown for sale. And to cook various dishes, any hostess can do it. Salads, casseroles, potato zrazy, stuffed vegetables and many other potato products will delight you with their appearance, and aromas will make you sit down at the table and taste everything that is grown and cooked with love.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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